Revision as of 18:58, 26 February 2013 by Editor (talk | contribs) (hels edit)


A perfect example of a grassroots local studies website, conceived and maintained by a community of enthusiasts, the Stareslike ("Old photos") website features old photos from Cerknica, Loška dolina, and Bloke in the Notranjska-Karst region. The stories are published mostly in Slovene and are based on the old photos, provided from various private sources. Each day a new insight into the past everyday life (weather, crafts, industry, celebrations, important local events etc) is provided. It all started back in 2010 with the Vinko's suitcase from the cellar, full of well-preserved negatives and photos.

See also

External links

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A perfect example of a grassroots local stA perfect example of a grassroots local studies website, conceived and maintained by a community of enthusiasts, the Stareslike ("Old photos") website features old photos from Cerknica, Loška dolina, and Bloke in the Notranjska-Karst region. and Bloke in the Notranjska-Karst region. +
A perfect example of a grassroots local studies website, conceived and maintained by a community of enthusiasts, the Stareslike ("Old photos") website features old photos from Cerknica, Loška dolina, and Bloke in the Notranjska-Karst region. +
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