SNG Maribor Symphony Orchestra

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Simfonični orkester SNG Maribor
Slovensko narodno gledališce Maribor (SNG Maribor), Slovenska 27, SI-2000 Maribor, Slovenia,
Phone386 (0) 2 250 6100
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SNG Maribor Symphony Orchestra consists of musicians of the Slovene National Theatre (SNG) Maribor. Established in 1949 on the initiative of composer and conductor Demetrij Žebret, the Orchestra has worked with respected conductors such as Israel Yinon (Israel), Simone Fermani (Italy) and George Pehlivanian (USA) and with young soloists such as (Karmen Pečar ('cello), Mate Bekavac (clarinet), Andreja Zakonjšek (soprano) and Anja Bukovec (violin). In 2004 the orchestra worked in co-production with Narodni dom Maribor on a series of concerts called Mariborska filharmonija. Since 2005 the Orchestra has organised its own subscription series of concerts that also includes concerts by the Slovene Philharmonic Orchestra.

Simfonični orkester SNG Maribor +
SI-2000 Maribor +
The SNG Maribor Symphony Orchestra consists of musicians from the Slovene National Theatre Maribor. +
Maribor +
SI-2000 +