Municipality of Ljubljana


PHOTOS Add images of public sculptures/monuments such as Faces by Jakov Brdar, Ključavničarska street. [1] - the James Joyce monument by Jakov Brdar!


  • ("mestna občina") - ?? Add the link to the municipal structure of Slovenia (in case of all "urban municipalities" - as the term might sound strange for a foreigner

Municipality of Ljubljana Municipality of Brežice

  • check with Jana the names: Župančič Award...? , Kino Šiška Center for Urban Culture, Španski borci Cultural Centre ?!
  • external links - where to put Festival Ljubljana (venue - cult.centre)
  • links related to Joyce, Mahler?


  • 2 addresses (MOL & Oddelek za kulturo), though only one is visible!


  • 2 addresses (MOL & Oddelek za kulturo), though only one is visible! (and telephone numbres)

--Ziva 17:08, 16 May 2010 (CEST)

  • Živa, tole z dvema naslovoma je ostalo "lingering" - če gre za drugi naslov, naj bi se reševal skozi Contact (kjer je lahko še en naslov ... v takih primerih to ni okay, bom poskusila rešit. Bom govorila z Zockyjem jutri oz. v torek! thx, --Editor 19:28, 16 May 2010 (CEST)