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Informal European Theatre Meeting (IETM)
19 Place Sainctelette, B-1000 Brussels, Belgium, [[]]
Phone32 2 201 0915

IETM is a membership organisation which exists to stimulate the quality, development and contexts of contemporary performing arts in a global environment, by initiating and facilitating professional networking and communication, the dynamic exchange of information, know-how transfer and presentations of examples of good practice.

Slovene members of IETM include the Bunker Institute, DUM Association of Artists, En-Knap Dance Group, Exodos Institute, Emanat Institute, Glej Theatre, Dance Theatre Ljubljana, Maska Institute, Muzeum Institute, Mladinsko Theatre, Moment Arts and Culture Association and Pekinpah Association.

Created in 1981, IETM set up a small professional secretariat in 1989 to manage the network's increasing workload. It is now an international non-profit association constituted under Belgian law and based in Brussels. Funded by national bodies such as the Flemish Community of Belgium, the Dutch Cultural Ministry, the European Commission, the Council of Europe and the European Cultural Foundation (ECF), it receives occasional project support from the French Cultural Ministry. However, IETM’s main core income comes from members' subscriptions.

IETM comprises around 500 subscribing professional performing arts organisations from more than 50 different countries which are engaged in innovative, contemporary work. Its members comprise independent - ‘in statute or in spirit’ - festival directors, theatre, cultural or arts centre managers, producers, event organisers, cultural documentation centres, writers, thinkers or public institutions, official bodies and arts funding organisations, all committed to international performance exchange and networking as a means of generating synergies greater than individual input.

IETM's centre of gravity is the teeming daily activity and interaction of its individual member organisations. This is the given focus when its members come together within the framework of IETM’s annual series of meetings, held in different cities and hosted by the member organisations there.

IETM has developed an interactive website which is updated on a daily basis with IETM members' contributions and some information selected by the Secretariat. The general public can also find a lot of useful information regarding the professional theatre field, a calendar of European events, information about funding and opportunities for those searching for partners and a listing of workshops, conferences and seminars. IETM's general publication programme includes studies and policy documents of interest and value for the professional community and policy makers alike.

IETM is constantly represented at international conferences or seminars, especially those devoted to cultural networks and their development. Among its publications are: How Networking Works (2001), Theatre and Dance in the 1990s (2000), A Programme for Europe - Pilot Study on Future European Arts Policies (1991) and More Bread and Circuses - Who Does What for the Arts in Europe? The Definitive Guide to European Funding, prepared in collaboration with the Arts Council of England and the Zentrum für Kulturforschung, Bonn (1994/1995). IETM’s current projects include Artists in Palestine, BA (Balkan Express), and projects concerning Africa and Latin America. It also manages the On The Move website (see below).

See also

Informal European Theatre Meeting (IETM) +
Informal European Theatre Meeting (IETM) +
19 Place Sainctelette, B-1000 Brussels, Belgium +
IETM is a membership organisation which exIETM is a membership organisation which exists to stimulate the quality, development and contexts of contemporary performing arts in a global environment, by initiating and facilitating professional networking and communication, the dynamic exchange of information, know-how transfer and presentations of examples of good practice.resentations of examples of good practice. +
IETM is a membership organisation which exIETM is a membership organisation which exists to stimulate the quality, development and contexts of contemporary performing arts in a global environment, by initiating and facilitating professional networking and communication, the dynamic exchange of information, know-how transfer and presentations of examples of good practice.resentations of examples of good practice. +
+32 2 201 0915 +
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