Depot:Jože Babič Award

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Nagrada Jožeta Babiča
RTV Slovenija, Kolodvorska 2, SI-1000 Ljubljana
Phone386 (0) 1 475 2111
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The Jože Babič Award – named after one of the most important Slovene film and TV directors (1917–1996) – is bestowed annually by the Radio-Television Slovenia (RTV Slovenia). The award is meant for special achievements in RTV Slovenia's fiction and documentary production and is granted for best direction, best screenplay and best cinematography. A special award is also bestowed to the director of the best student film for television (from the AGRFT production). The three-member jury is nominated by the Council of RTV Slovenia.

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Nagrada Jožeta Babiča +
Nagrada Jožeta Babiča +
SI-1000 Ljubljana +
RTV Slovenija, Kolodvorska 2 +
The Jože Babič Award – named after one of the most important Slovene film and TV directors (1917–1996) – is bestowed annually by the Radio-Television Slovenia (RTV Slovenia). +
The Jože Babič Award – named after one of the most important Slovene film and TV directors (1917–1996) – is bestowed annually by the Radio-Television Slovenia (RTV Slovenia). +
+386 / 1 475 2111 +
Ljubljana +
SI-1000 +
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