Depot:Little Prince Award

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Nagrada Mali princ
Krekov trg 2, SI-1000 Ljubljana
Phone386 (0) 1 300 0974

This award as such is not bestowed anymore.

Archival article

The Little Prince Award is bestowed at the biennial Lutke International Puppet Festival, organised by the Ljubljana Puppet Theatre, for best performance of the festival. The award is presented by an international three-member jury, which also grants the Originality Award and the Acting – Animation Creativity Award.

Recently the award was bestowed to the performance The Ward of our Lady of Mercy by Silvan Omerzu (co-production of Konj Puppet Theatre and Mladinsko Theatre) (2008), Duda Paiva from the Netherlands for his performance The Angel (2006) and Divadlo Drak from the Czech Republic for the performance Hamlet (2004).

See also

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Nagrada Mali princ +
biennially +
Nagrada Mali princ +
SI-1000 Ljubljana +
Krekov trg 2 +
The Little Prince Award is bestowed at the biennial Lutke International Puppet Festival, organised by the Ljubljana Puppet Theatre, for best performance of the festival. +
The Little Prince Award is bestowed at the biennial Lutke International Puppet Festival, organised by the Ljubljana Puppet Theatre, for best performance of the festival. +
+386 / 1 300 0974 +
Ljubljana +
SI-1000 +
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