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A latecomer to the [[Metelkova mesto Autonomous Cultural Centre]] cultural complex, [[Klub Menza pri koritu|Menza pri koritu]] [Canteen at the Trough] was established in [[established::2000]]. Formally a youth club, it is actually a multi-purpose creative space, sometimes open throughout the day and offering a wide range of activities, featuring workshops, concerts, poetry evenings, film screenings and theatre performances. It can also be used as either practice grounds for musicians or a place where one can actually get a cup of Turkish coffee.  
A latecomer to the [[Metelkova mesto Autonomous Cultural Centre|Metelkova mesto]] cultural complex, [[Klub Menza pri koritu|Menza pri koritu]] [Canteen at the Trough] was established in [[established::2000]]. Formally a youth club, it is actually a multi-purpose creative space, sometimes open throughout the day and offering a wide range of activities, featuring workshops, concerts, poetry evenings, film screenings and theatre performances. It can also be used as either practice grounds for musicians or a place where one can actually get a cup of Turkish coffee.  

Revision as of 17:23, 16 December 2011

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Klub Menza pri koritu
Masarykova 24, SI-1000 Ljubljana
Phone386 (0) 1 434 0345
Nataša Serec, Programme co-ordinator

A latecomer to the Metelkova mesto cultural complex, Menza pri koritu [Canteen at the Trough] was established in 2000. Formally a youth club, it is actually a multi-purpose creative space, sometimes open throughout the day and offering a wide range of activities, featuring workshops, concerts, poetry evenings, film screenings and theatre performances. It can also be used as either practice grounds for musicians or a place where one can actually get a cup of Turkish coffee.


The venue grounds were an empty space, mainly used by the skaters until September 2000, when KUD Mreža Arts and Culture Association and Society for the Protection of Atheistic Feelings (DZAČ) converted it into a club. The stage - and later the wooden upper gallery - was constructed by the volunteer craft group Axt und Kelle from Germany, Denmark and Switzerland. In the following decade, the managing collective took some time to form the clubs identity and find a coherent policy of its programme. Today, its contribution to the diversity of Metelkova makes Menza pri koritu one of its main social and cultural nodes.

Officialy managed by KUD Mreža, it is in fact led by an informal grouping that comes from various other associations like Kud Sizifova buča, Kud Kentaver and Cirkus pri koritu. This core team extensively works with a number of other cultural producers - [A]Infoshop Metelkova, DRMK, Kud Kentaver, Bangyourbrain, Panda Banda, Buba Booking and Promotion, Sploh Institute, Moonlee Records, Radio Študent (RŠ), City of Women, FV Music, Cirkus pri koritu, Peace Institute and Voluntariat.


As music is the primary focus of Menza pri koritu, concerts are going on an almost daily basis. In terms of genres, their repertoire is not bound by any of them. There are two regular serials called Džez pri koritu and Punk pri koritu - while the later is obviously hosting punk rock music, the former is more or less focused on the more adventurous and loud strains of jazz music. Besides these two, a sizeable part of the programme is dedicated to alternative rock acts, and also to metal music, various experimental electronics, noise, folk, hip hop, electronic dance music and to a number of other musical expressions that hover somewhere in-between. To name notable international acts would be useless, as the list would be far to long even if it would be kept very short.

Besides these one-evening music events, Menza pri koritu also hosts and co-organizes festivals and serials like the FV Festival, Moonleejada, Club Marathon, Noise festival, Rdeče Zore, Confine Aperto and also some others.

Besides music events and festivals, Menza pri koritu co-organizes regular poetry events, which are mainly happening under the name of the monthly serial Mlade rime [Young rhymes], where young poets either present their poems or even compete on an annual poetry slam. Another regular series of events is called Cirkus pri koritu [Circus at the trough], offering a diverse set of performative acts that range from juggling to a fashion show of bearded woman.

Other events are also film screenings (Menza pri koritu has a long history of documentary film screenings), theoretical lectures and also organizes workshops that offer free knowledge on screen printing, photography, website design, Photoshop and video animation. As mentioned before, a lot musicians, theatre performers and even jugglers use the place for practice.

See also

External links


... more about "Klub Menza pri koritu"
available for hire for workshops, rehearsals and performances +
46.056 +
Menza pri koritu +
14.517 +
concerts +, workshops +, poetry +, drama +, puppetry +, film +, panel discussions +  and seminars +
6m W x 4m D +
SI-1000 Ljubljana +
A latecomer to the Metelkova mesto cultural complex, Menza pri koritu ("Canteen at the Trough") was established in 2000. +
A latecomer to the Metelkova mesto cultural complex, Menza pri koritu ("Canteen at the Trough") was established in 2000. +
Klub Menza pri koritu je večnamenski ustvarjalni prostor, ki gostuje delavnice, koncerte, pesniške večere, filmske projekcije in gledališke predstave. +
Ljubljana +
SI-1000 +