Difference between revisions of "Template:Featured/Cover"

From Culture.si
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{{Billboard Culture.si intro}}{{Billboard image
{{Billboard Culture.si intro}}{{Billboard image
  |img=File:Predjama Castle - 06.JPG
  |img=File:Spanski borci Culture Centre - 01.JPG
  |link=Predjama Castle}}
  |link=Španski borci Culture Centre}}
{{Billboard image
{{Billboard image
  |img=File:Mladi levi Festival - 04.JPG
  |img=File:Mladinsko Theatre 2002 Sumi Photo Ziga Koritnik.jpg
  |link=Bunker Institute}}
  |link=Mladinsko Theatre}}
{{Billboard image
{{Billboard image
  |img=File:Velenje Museum - 11.JPG
  |img=File:National Gallery of Slovenia - 2009 - 11.jpg
  |link=Velenje Museum}}
  |link=National Gallery of Slovenia}}
{{Billboard image
{{Billboard image
  |img=File:Beli sladoled 2010 Piramidko.jpg
  |img=File:Jazzinty Festival - 02.jpg
  |link=Beli sladoled}}
  |link=Jazzinty International Music Workshop and Festival}}
{{Billboard image
{{Billboard image
  |img=File:Glej Theatre - 06.jpg
  |img=File:All Shades of Green - Studiobotas - 04.jpg
  |link=Glej Theatre}}
{{Billboard image
|img=File:Pichet Klunchun - Nijinsky Siam - Mladi levi Festival 2010.JPG
|link=Mladi levi Festival}}
{{Billboard image
{{Billboard image
  |img=File:Narodni dom Maribor 03.jpg
  |img=File:Equrna Gallery - 02.jpg
  |link=Narodni dom Maribor}}
  |link=Equrna Gallery}}
{{Billboard image
{{Billboard image
  |img=File:All Shades of Green - Studiobotas - 04.jpg
  |img=File:Maribor Puppet Theatre - 05.JPG
  |link=Maribor Puppet Theatre}}
{{Billboard image
{{Billboard image
  |img=File:Emanat - Sad sam almost - 04.jpg
  |img=File:Arboretum Volcji Potok 01 - Photo SI Ziga.JPG
  |link=Emanat Institute}}
  |link=Arboretum Volčji Potok}}
{{Billboard image
{{Billboard image
  |img=File:Glej Theatre - 01.jpg
  |img=File:Sreca na vrvici - Slovene Film Archives - Photo Janez Verovsek.jpg
  |link=Glej Theatre}}
  |link=Slovene Film Archives}}
{{Billboard image
{{Billboard image
  |img=File:Apiculture Museum Krapje - 03.jpg
  |img=File:Apiculture Museum Krapje - 03.jpg
  |link=Apiculture Museum Krapje}}
  |link=Apiculture Museum Krapje}}
{{Billboard image
{{Billboard image
  |img=File:Mladinsko Theatre 2002 Sumi Photo Ziga Koritnik.jpg
  |img=File:Druga godba Ljubljana - 2008 - 09.jpg
  |link=Mladinsko Theatre}}
  |link=Druga Godba Festival}}
{{Billboard image
|img=File:Kiblix 08.jpg
|link=KIBLIX Linux IT Festival}}
{{Two columns
{{Two columns
|1={{Featured article column|Sploh Institute}}
|1={{Featured article column|Institute for Sonic Arts Research}}
|2={{Featured article column|Baza 20 Memorial Site, Kočevski Rog}}
|2={{Featured article column|Baza 20 Memorial Site, Kočevski Rog}}

Revision as of 03:22, 11 January 2012


is designed to help professionals explore possibilities for collaboration with Slovene cultural organisations. Here you can find information on cultural producers, venues, festivals and support services in Slovenia, and download images, Logos or contacts.

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Institute for Sonic Arts Research

Institute for Sonic Arts Research 2010 Ultrasound Haptics Project Photo Nika Autor (2).jpgA prototype ultrasound instrument used to create and perform the improvisational composition Sonic beams / Acoustic shadows, for Ultrasound Haptics Project, by Miha Ciglar, Institute for Sonic Arts Research (IRZU) in 2010

The Institute for Sonic Arts Research (IRZU) was established in 2008 by Miha Ciglar, an audio engineer and sound artist working at the intersection of art and technology. IRZU is based on an interdisciplinary concept and produces works in the field of electro-acoustic music/inter-media performances and installations and conducts audio technology research and educational activities. Since 2009 it also organises the annual EarZoom Sonic Arts Festival.

NOT ROBOT, WRITING DONE, INFOBOX DONE, PROOFREAD DONE, FERTIK, NOVERIFY, NODEPO, PHOTO, FEATURED, Article, Music, HAS LOGO, New media art, EU funding of Slovene organisations (Culture and MEDIA Programmes), EU Culture funding recipient, Film producers, New media art producers, New media art workshop organisers, New media art course and workshop organisers, Research, Festival organisers, Education and Research, Music festival and event organisers, Workshop organisers, New media art research, Articles maintained by Ičo Vidmar, COVER, Music festival organisers, Music workshop organisers, Music course and workshop organisers

Institute for Sonic Arts Research 2010 Ultrasound Haptics Project Photo Nika Autor (2).jpg

Baza 20 Memorial Site, Kočevski Rog

Baza 20 Memorial Site Kocevski Rog 2005 Photo Marko Prsina.jpg

Baza 20 was one of the numerous camps in the woods of Kočevski Rog which were once the commanding structures of the National Liberation Movement of Slovenia in the Second World War. Numerous secretively built partisan structures and settlements scattered in the Kočevski Rog forest had the code name Baza plus number: 15, 15a, 21, 80, etc. Only Baza 20 and the field hospitals Jelendol and Zgornji Hrastnik have been preserved as monuments of national and cultural heritage and have also undergone extensive restoration work.

This former base camp (baza), which was granted the status of a cultural and historical monument of national importance in 1952, has been managed by the Dolenjska Museum in Novo mesto since 1994.

NOT ROBOT, WRITING DONE, INFOBOX DONE, PROOFREAD DONE, FERTIK, NOVERIFY, NODEPO, PHOTO, FEATURED, Article, HAS LOGO, HAS MAP, Venues, Museums, Monuments and sites, Articles maintained by Ivan Pirnat, COVER, World War II, War memorials

Baza 20 Memorial Site Kocevski Rog 2005 Photo Marko Prsina.jpg