The journalSRP (LiVeS Journal – Liberty, Verity, and Spirit) was first published in 1993, and features articles, essays, and discussions on a variety of areas as well as literary translations and fiction. The journal is notable for using a modified version of the Bohorič alphabet – an orthography that was introduced by Adam Bohorič in 1584 and was used for the Slovenian language between the 16th and 19th centuries. The rationale for reviving it, elucidated in Zbornik 2001, Bohorichica I, II, III (also available online), is that the first computers did not, and the Internet still does not, support the Slovenian non-standard Latin characters, which the editorial board of the journal considers to be a blatant disregard for Slovene identity. It is published in print and online, with the online version also providing English translations of the contributions.