prof. dr. Marija Bergamo, Mantuani Award winner, 2010
The Mantuani Award, named after one of the first Slovene musicologists, Josip Mantuani (1860–1933), has been bestowed by the Slovene Musicological Society since 2004 for exceptional contributions in the field of musicology and can be given to any musicologist active in Slovenia. The award is bestowed every second year.
The award consists of two documents: the Mantuani Award is given for the life achievements in the field of musicology and the Mantuani Recognition is given for exceptional achievements. The executive board names the expert commission which selects the winners among the written proposals.
Till now the Mantuani Award has been given to Andrej Rijavec (2004), Primož Kuret (2006), Jože Sivec (2008), and Marija Bergamo (2010), and the Mantuani Recognition has been given to Gregor Pompe (2006).
NOT ROBOT, WRITING DONE, INFOBOX DONE, PROOFREAD DONE, FERTIK, NOVERIFY, NODEPO, PHOTO, FEATURED, Article, Music, HAS LOGO, Awards and competitions, Awards, Music awards, Music awards and competitions, Articles maintained by Gregor Pompe
Established in 1999, the Centre for Slovenian Literature is a non-governmental organisation dedicated to literary and publishing activities, primarily the international promotion of Slovenian literature. The centre supplies information on contemporary Slovenian literature to its foreign partners and stimulates translations of Slovenian authors into foreign languages. It organises translators' visits to literary events and residencies, supplying them with books and literary magazines.
Since 2011, the Centre for Slovenian Literature annually publishes 10 Books from Slovenia with authors' presentations and excerpts of books in English (available also online).
From left to right: Suzana Tratnik, Anna T. Szabó, Mirela Sula, Ioana Ieronim, Monica Pavani and Thórunn Valdimarsdóttir - at Centre for Slovenian Literature workshop in Dane in 2007
NOT ROBOT, WRITING DONE, PROOFREAD DONE, NEEDSUPDATE, NOVERIFY, NODEPO, Article, NIFERTIK, INFOBOX, HAS LOGO, NO PHOTO, EU funding of Slovene organisations (Culture and MEDIA Programmes), EU Culture funding recipient, Updated 2020, Funding, professional and support services, Support services, Publishers, Event organisers, Articles maintained by Simon Smole, Literature, Literature publishers, Literature workshop organisers, Literature event organisers, Literature festival and event organisers, Literature course and workshop organisers, Residencies, Literature residencies, Literature courses, workshops and residencies, Literature support services, Literature funding, professional and support services