Maja Škerbot
Maja, pravkar sem skrajšala Koroška Gallery of Fine Arts, Slovenj Gradec. Prosim, poglej in dopolni še par stavkov pri zbirki Borčićevih del. Splošen nasvet: piši krajše, bolj sežeto, pri galerijskem programu predlagam, da izpostaviš določene projekte (highlights), vendar v veznem tekstu. Izogibaj se naštevanju umetnikov in programa po letnicah. Toliko zaenkrat, več pa, ko s Heleno narediva končno redakcijo večih člankov. Super je Saatchi link! --Admin 15:41, 2 February 2010 (CET)
Prioritetni seznam člankov: napiši do 1. februarja! + takrat tudi SESTANEK
Februarja moramo na Ministrstvu za kulturo predstaviti naš napredek ministrici in vsem svetovalcem na Direktoratu za umetnost. Prosim, pospeši pisanje člankov, saj sta za tabo v vrsti še lektorica in končna redakcija.
Urednici sta ti pripravili prioritetni seznam 20 člankov, ki jih moraš dokončati do ponedeljka, 1. februarja.
V ponedeljek, 1. februarja ob 17. uri se na Ljudmili dobimo na sestanku vsi pisci in uredniki. Ti poročamo & skajpamo! --Admin 13:33, 18 January 2010 (UTC)
Pozdravljeni, vzela na znanje, LP Maja --Maja Škerbot
Nastavitev pravilnega časa je popravljena - a vsak si jo mora zdaj nastaviti sam, ko je logiran. Tako: My preferences (desni kot zgoraj, ob log-in) - Date and time - Use Server Default (Europe-Ljubljana) - Save Editor 21:55, 15 January 2010 (UTC)
stari materiali, Tea Pristolič
predlagam prenos nekaterih podatkov k Starck with Riko oz po dogovoru povezano s tem clankom
Riko Group engages in civil engineering (wooden house production), industrial engineering and power engineering. Through its activities in the art world (donations, sponsorship etc) it assists creators, either indirectly or directly, through the purchase of works of art. In so doing it invigorates the art market, and through financial support it helps to present artists' creativity. Riko acts as a kind of a mediator between creators, their works and an interested public. Today the Riko Art Collection numbers nearly 200 works (paintings and sculptures as well as drawings and graphic art), including works by all of the most prominent Slovene artists of the 20th century. As a result, the collection displays the dynamism, diversity and high-quality aesthetic expression of Slovene modern and contemporary visual arts. Of course, the collection is not complete; it is still growing from day to day. Riko has also purchased an apartment with a studio in Paris, where young artists - mostly graduates of the Academy of Fine Arts and Design - can live and create without paying the rent, donating the art works created there to the Riko Art Collection. The company strives for artistic flavour of their houses as well. After a very successful partnership in the Lakes by Yoo project, where Riko supplied houses for a luxury development near Oxford, UK, the new line of design houses Starck with Riko will be presented in 2010.
Editor's comments
Maja, prosim poglej Koroško galerijo - Discussion Editor 13:21, 7 January 2010 (UTC)
Maja, Upam, da se ti zasveti Message - če vtipkam v tvoj User talk:
National Gallery of Slovenia Library že ima geslo (je v See also ob NG)! Geslo Library prosim izbriši (puščica levo od searchbox). Nove clanek - na predlog piscev v Discussion - kreirava le medve z Alenko, saj moramo pazit, da je naslov v skladu s pravili in drugimi clanki, tako da nato ni prevec redirectinga Editor 21:17, 24 January 2010 (UTC)
Comments from language editor
Hi Maja, I've read a few of your articles tonight. I haven't finished them yet so they are still not marked as PROOFREAD DONE, but I thought I'd give you a few general comments about your articles in the meantime. Style and formatting issues, mostly:
- Remember to use – to create the character "en-dash" – instead of a normal dash - in the middle of a sentence.
More markup for special characters can be found at Help:Wiki markup Special Characters. - watch that you are using straight ' and " not curly/curved ones (you get them if you are writing in WORD and then copy/paste into Wiki)
- avoid the phrase "in the nineties of the last century", etc. just simply say "in the 1990s"
- write 20th century, not 20. Century
- please make sure that you have the British English Dictionary installed on your browser and do check for spelling errors – red underlines – (including names!) before you change status to writing done.
- try not to repeat information in the article. If you mention something in the teaser, then it's best to avoid repeating it later on. Hard, I know. Sometimes it can work by mentioning just a little bit in the teaser, then expanding on the idea in the article.
I'll try to post some more specific comments for the articles after I do a second reading of them. I wanted to read a few and see what the standard topics are on your field (always takes a few articles to get a sense). More soon! lp, Jana Wilcoxen 02:39, 27 January 2010 (CET)
the British English Dictionary and my browser -?
Hi Jana et co. Jana thx for your comments.
Need urgently: how can I install the British English Dictionary on my browser. I do remember to read this instruction somewhere, do not know where? THX My best Maja --Maja Škerbot