GAMA meeting at SCCA Library, 2009
Established in 2000, SCCA-Ljubljana Centre for Contemporary Arts (a successor to the Soros Centre for Contemporary Arts – Ljubljana, 1993–1999) is a generator of innovative programmes and services that facilitate artistic and interpretative practices. Its diverse activities address artists, curators, theorists, and critics in the fields of visual and new media arts. They trigger discursive and social practices and are rooted in the interdisciplinary approach and intense international cooperation. SCCA-Ljubljana divides its programme into four complementary areas: projects, video/archive, school and services.
NOT ROBOT, WRITING DONE, INFOBOX DONE, PROOFREAD DONE, FERTIK, NOVERIFY, NODEPO, PHOTO, FEATURED, Article, Course organisers, Courses and workshops, HAS LOGO, Articles maintained by Editor, Funding, professional and support services, Visual arts, Support services, Visual arts producers, Visual arts exhibition organisers, Exhibition organisers, Visual arts support services, Research, Education and Research, Visual arts workshop organisers, Visual arts archives, New media art archives, New media art archives and libraries, Visual arts archives and libraries, Visual arts course organisers
World of Art anthologies
Run by the SCCA-Ljubljana Centre for Contemporary Arts since 1997, the annual World of Art: School for Contemporary Arts [Svet umetnosti] is the sole programme in Slovenia and a pioneering one in the broader region of Central, Eastern and Southern Europe which offers practical and theoretical education in the field of contemporary art.
The annual programme comprises two semesters, the first one is more theory oriented, the second one is practical and is dedicated to the conceptualisation and realisation of a student-curated exhibition of contemporary art under the guidance of the programme tutors. The exhibition is also accompanied by a catalogue including texts written by the students.
NOT ROBOT, WRITING DONE, INFOBOX DONE, PROOFREAD DONE, NOVERIFY, NODEPO, PHOTO, Article, NIFERTIK, Education, Courses and workshops, Education and research, HAS LOGO, New media art, Articles maintained by Editor, Courses, Visual arts, New media art education and research, Visual arts education, New media art education, Visual arts courses