
From Culture.si

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Showing 20 pages using this property.
The European Music Schools Union (EMU) is a non-governmental and non-profit organisation.  +
EUnetART stimulates exchange, connection and collaboration among art professionals, bringing the arts alive for children and young people in Europe.  +
ENCATC is the European network of institutions and professionals involved in training and education in the broad field of cultural management.  +
ENCC is an international network of arts and cultural centres, founded in Turnhout, Belgium in June 1994.  +
The first European Piccolo Festival was held in the picturesque village of Jezersko in 2011.  +
The European Theatre Convention (ETC) is an association which represents 37 theatre companies and their artists in 23 European countries.  +
The last European Triennial of Small Sculpture took place in 2010.  +
In the European Union House the European Commission Representation in Slovenia and the information office of the European Parliament in Slovenia are located, in Ljubljana old town.  +
The European Union of Music Competitions for Youth (EMCY) was founded in 1970 as a non-profit organisation in order to develop and revive the musical education and promotion of musical talents in the pre-professional arena at a European level.  +
The European University Association (EUA) represents and supports higher education institutions in 46 countries, providing them with a unique forum to cooperate and keep abreast of the latest trends in higher education and research policies.  +
The European Writers' Congress (EWC) is a federation of 55 writers' associations in 29 countries of Europe, representing some 54.000 individual authors and literary translators.  +
Throughout 2018, that was declared a European Year of Cultural Heritage (EYCH), diverse cultural heritage across Europe was celebrated at the European, national, regional and local level.  +
Established in 1989, the European Young Organists Competition takes place every three years within the framework of the European Union of Music Competitions for Youth (EMCY) and up to 2004 had featured 95 musicians from 20 European countries.  +
This complimentary database to Evroterm contains a bilingual parallel corpora of translations of EU legal documents, the English-Slovene corpus totaling about 34 million words.  +
Evrokultura.org (Euroculture.org) was a web tool for arts managers in Slovenia dedicated to the European Union funding programmes relevant for the cultural field, established in 2005 by SCCA-Ljubljana Centre for Contemporary Arts and active for about a decade.  +
Evroterm is an EU terminology database with examples available online since 2000.  +
The Ex-garage contemporary arts venue was active in the period 2007–2012.  +
Snježana Premuš: Stories of the Body III: YOU, dance performance.  +
The Exodos International Festival of Contemporary Performing Arts last edition was organised in 2017.  +
Primož Jesenko provides a brief sketch of the developments of experimental theatre in Slovenia of the 1950s and 1960s.  +
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