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Institute for the Protection of Cultural Heritage of Slovenia Celje 2009 Exterior Photo Urska Kerbavec.jpg

Razvezani jezik - The Unleashed Tongue

Launched in December 2004 by the Domestic Research Society, Razvezani jezik [The Unleashed Tongue] is the first user-generated online dictionary of spoken Slovenian language. It has remained open to contributions for 15 years. A web project created with Wiki technology, it permitted easy editing of articles in the dictionary and allowed every visitor to add new entries freely. It quickly gained popularity and was labelled "the most entertaining Slovenian dictionary" by the media. The anonymous users contributed slang, neologisms and similar words and phrases from all Slovene regions and belonged to different generations and subcultures.

NOT ROBOT, WRITING DONE, INFOBOX DONE, PROOFREAD DONE, FERTIK, NOVERIFY, NODEPO, PHOTO, FEATURED, Article, HAS LOGO, Articles maintained by Admin, Web resources, Slovenian language

Razvezani jezik - The Unleashed Tongue (website).png