EsAsi Award

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Veleposlaništvo Kraljevine Španije
Trnovski pristan 24, SI-1000 Ljubljana
Phone386 (0) 1 420 2330

Since 2008, the Embassy of the Kingdom of Spain in Slovenia has given out the biennial esAsi Award for the best Slovenian language translation from Spanish language. Apart from the EsAsi award for professional translators, there is also an EsAsi Award for young translators.


The seven-member jury has conferred the award in 2011 to Marjeta Drobnič for her translation of Fever and Spear" by Javier Marias, and to Miklavž Komelj for his translation of Trilce (1922), an avant-garde masterpiece by Peruvian writer Cesar Vallejo. In 2014 the award was givn to Vesna Velkovrh Bukilica for her translation of Bartleby y compañía by the Spanish author Enrique Vila Matas, while in 2016 Ferdinand Miklavc got the award for the translation of the novel Galíndez (1990) by Spanish writer and poet Manuela Vázqueza Montalbána (1939–2003).

See also

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Annual +
Veleposlaništvo Kraljevine Španije +
SI-1000 Ljubljana +
Since 2008, the Embassy of the Kingdom of Spain in Slovenia has given out the biennial esAsi Award for the best Slovenian language translation from Spanish language. +
Since 2008, the Embassy of the Kingdom of Spain in Slovenia has given out the biennial esAsi Award for the best Slovenian language translation from Spanish language. +
Ljubljana +
SI-1000 +