EnaBanda Association

From Culture.si
(Redirected from Smehomat Association)

Društvo za kulturne in raziskovalne dejavnosti
Trg Prekomorskih brigad 1, SI-1000 Ljubljana
Phone386 (0) 40 513 395
Past events

Established in 2010 in Ljubljana, the EnaBanda Association (formerly known as Smehomat) is a non-profit organisation that engages mainly in film, video and social sphere research.

EnaBanda is a flexible platform consisting mostly of a younger generation of artists, activists and media freelancers with diverse professional backgrounds and experience.

Film production

EnaBanda produces documentary and fiction films and also regularly enters co-productions. Their documentary work tends to reflect important issues of the current social reality through stories of often marginalised individuals. EnaBanda's films tour international festivals.

EnaBanda contributes to the art of film-making and its community through several activities, most notably as the founder and leader of the screenwriting workshop "Short Scene" (Slo: Kratka scena) in partnership with the Kraken Film Society.


EnaBanda integrates cultural practices and social activism into artivism, i.e., engaged and critical art practices that open up or create a new space for interactions with people and environments. It produces public installations, ecology art projects and carries out research projects. The projects are well documented on the association's website.

The association was a co-producer of Maribor, European Capital of Culture 2012.

Stand-up comedy documentation

EnaBanda Association has produced two documentaries about the stand-up comedy: Leto (A Year), an experimental work by Perica Jerković whose video diary outlines a brief history of stand-up comedy; while Romanian tempo documents the stand-up comedian's Balkan journey.

See also

Kraken Film Society

External links

... more about "EnaBanda Association"
Društvo za kulturne in raziskovalne dejavnosti +
Društvo za kulturne in raziskovalne dejavnosti +
SI-1000 Ljubljana +
Trg Prekomorskih brigad 1 +
Established in 2010 in Ljubljana, the EnaBanda Association (formerly known as Smehomat) is a non-profit organisation that engages mainly in film, video and social sphere research. +
Established in 2010 in Ljubljana, the EnaBanda Association (formerly known as Smehomat) is a non-profit organisation that engages mainly in film, video and social sphere research. +
+386 / 40 513 395 +
Ljubljana +
SI-1000 +
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