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The [[Nova Gorica Arts Centre]] (Kulturni dom Nova Gorica) was opened as a regional cultural and community centre back in [[established::1978]]. Besides being a prominent concert and film theatre venue, it also became the most important concert producer for classical and old music in Western Slovenia. Besides using its own two event halls, the Arts Centre often sets up concerts at other venues, most regularly at the [[Dobrovo Castle]] and the Franciscan Monastery at Kostanjevica above Nova Gorica.
The [[Nova Gorica Arts Centre]] (Kulturni dom Nova Gorica) was opened as a regional cultural and community centre back in [[established::1978]]. Besides being a prominent concert and film theatre venue, it is nowadays also the most important concert producer for classical and old music in Western Slovenia. Besides using its own two event halls, the Arts Centre often sets up concerts at other venues, most regularly at the [[Dobrovo Castle]] and the Franciscan Monastery at Kostanjevica, a hill just above Nova Gorica.
Its visual arts branch, the [[Nova Gorica City Gallery]], is located within the [[Slovene National Theatre Nova Gorica|Nova Gorica theatre]] building complex. The Arts Centre organises a range of other programmes, including the [[Pixxelpoint International Festival of Computer Art]], the [[October Jazz]] festival and the [[International Saxophone Meeting]].
Its visual arts branch, the [[Nova Gorica City Gallery]], is located within the [[Slovene National Theatre Nova Gorica|Nova Gorica theatre]] building complex. The Arts Centre organises a range of other programmes, including the [[Pixxelpoint International Festival of Computer Art]], the [[October Jazz]] festival and the [[International Saxophone Meeting]].
Tako je Kulturni dom Nova
The Arts Centre collaborates with numerous producers and associations. Very notable and extensive is the work done with the Slovene branch of [[Jeunesses Musicales International (JMI), Slovenia|Jeunesses Musicales International]], dedicated to the promotion of music education in primary and secondary schools in the wider region.
Gorica v letu 2012 na glasbenem področju sodeloval z Glasbeno šolo Nova Gorica, z zvezo
Primorskih glasbenih šol, z Zvezo Glasbene mladine Slovenije, z Akademijo za glasbo v
Ljubljani, s Konservatorijem za glasbo in balet Ljubljana, s Slovensko filharmonijo, s
Koncertno produkcijo RTV Slovenije, Festivalom Ljubljana, z Glasbenim društvom
Saksofonija, Glasbeno matico Ljubljana, Glasbenim društvom Nova, s Prosvetnim društvom
Soča Kanal, Društvom slovenskih skladateljev, društvom Imago Sloveniae, s Kulturnim
domom iz Gorice, z društvi Controtempo, Progetto Musica in Dramsam iz Italije …
In the field of classical music, the centre regularly cooperates with the [[Academy of Music]], the [[Ljubljana Music and Ballet Conservatory]], [[Slovene Philharmonic Orchestra]], the [[Music Production Unit, RTV Slovenia|RTV Slovenia Music Production Unit]], [[Glasbena matica Ljubljana]], [[Society of Slovene Composers]], the [[Ljubljana Festival]], [[Imago Sloveniae]] and others.
==Music programme==
Its close regional partners are [[Prosvetno društvo Soča Kanal]] (responsible for contemporary music festival [[Kogoj’s Days]]), the [[Union of Primorska Music Schools]], the Italy based Cultural Centre Gorizia, the association Controtempo Cormons (IT), also responsible for the Festival of Jazz & Wine of Peace, Ensemble Dramsam. the association Progetto Musica (IT), Centro Giuliano di Musica Antica (IT) and Ensemble Dramsam (IT).
The longest running programme at the art centre is the Music abonma, which started back in 1980 and has brought more or less all of Slovene z vrhunsko orkestralno in zborovsko glasbo musicians as well as many foreign artists like xy, xy and xy. Glasbeni program bomo v letošnji jubilejni sezoni bogatili s pogovornimi večeri O glasbi ob kavi v Kavarni Gallus.
==Classical and old music programme==
The longest running programme at the centre has been presenting classical music since 1980. Simply called the Concert Season (''Glasbeni abonma''), it welcomed many internationally acclaimed musicians and featured almost all leading Slovene musicians. Among them were soloists such as [[Irena Grafenauer]], [[Marjana Lipovšek]],
Tatjana Blome (DE), Natalie Clein (UK) and Grigorij Žislin (RU), orchestras like the Moscow Philharmonic Orchestra (RU), the Kiev Chamber Orchestra (UA), the Camerata Frankonia Chamber Orchestra (DE), the Vienna Concert-Verein Orchestra (AT), and various ensembles like the String Quartet Tchaikovsky (RU), The Dominant Quartet (RU), [[Slowind]] and [[Carmina Slovenica]].
Nova Gorica Arts Centre has welcomed many internationally acclaimed musicians and featured all leading Slovene musicians
Of a similar nature but done on a smaller scale is the Castle harmonies (''Grajske harmonije'') cycle, taking place in the hall of the [[Kromberk Castle]] and co-produced with the [[Goriška Museum]]. These evenings with smaller chamber ensembles and soloists have been going on since 2012, and are a continuation of the 1990s and early 2000s series ''Goriška Muses'', held at [[Dobrovo Castle]]. Some of the guests include [[Duo Claripiano]], [[Jasna Corrado Merlak]], [[Sebastian Bertoncelj]], Ensemble Les Eléments (CH), Nadežda Tokareva  (RU), Elena Graf (DE),
Another spatially outsourced cycle called  ''Music from the Gardens of St. Francis'' is a series of concerts held in the beautiful surroundings of the Franciscan Monastery at Kostanjevica above Nova Gorica, designed primarily for young Slovene musicians.
Lovro Pogorelić
Državnega simfoničnega orkestra ruskega mesta Voronež z dirigentom Vladimirjem Verbitskyjem, Komornega godalnega orkestra Slovenske filharmonije s harfistko Jasno Corrado Merlak, madžarskega ansambla za baročno glasbo Capella Savaria
včasih v sodelovanju z kogojevi dnevi
In 2011 a new festival going by the name Day of Early Music was first set up in Nova Gorica. Organised in cooperation with well-established festivals Musica Cortese from Italy and Dvigrad from Croatian Istria, the festival is very broad in scope, presenting an geographically unbound  interpretations of early music. The festival takes place at the centre itself, yet also at the Hall of the Franciscan Monastery of Kostanjevica, the Villa Vipolže manor, the [[Kromberk Castle]] and some other venues of the Goriška region.
gostovanje priznanega Beograjskega
Apart from these international festivals, Nova Gorica Arts Centre also co-produced two cross-border music festivals with Italian partners – the Feel the Sound of the Places Festival and the Royal Court Music International Festival.
godalnega orkestra »Dušan Skovran« z našo solistko, harfistko Mojco Zlobko Vajgl.  
Of a similar genre is also Večeri komorne in solistične glasbe na Gradu Kromberk, called Grajske harmonije.
==Popular music programme==
lasbeni cikel nastaja v sodelovanju z Goriškim muzejem. The other cycle, takjing place at ''Music from the Gardens of St. Francis'' is a series of concerts held in the beautiful surroundings of the Franciscan Monastery at Kostanjevica above Nova Gorica, designed primarily for young Slovene musicians. . Throughout the 1990s the events at [[Dobrovo Castle]] (first-class chamber and solo events) took place under the title the ''Hit's Muses'', which in 2004 became known as the ''Goriška Muses''.
Grajske harmonije
Since 1996, in collaboration with the Nova Gorica Arts Centre, the Nova Gorica Music School organises the [[International Saxophone Meeting]], a summer school plus an accompanying festival held in and around the city.
Prizorišče: dvorana gradu Kromberk
Grajske harmonije so pomembna novost v glasbenem programu Kulturnega doma Nova
Gorica. Z njimi smo v letu 2012 začeli uresničevati željo po oblikovanju cikla komorne in
solistične glasbe, s katerim smo vsaj delno zapolnili vrzel, ki je nastala ob ukinitvi Goriških
muz pred leti.
Since 1996, in collaboration with the Nova Gorica Arts Centre, the Nova Gorica Music School organises the [[International Saxophone Meeting]], summer school, plus an accompanying festival held in and around the city. In 2013, The Arts Centre first organsied the Jesenski trio, which in 2015 became the October Jazz festival and hosted some zveneča names like Evan parker, Oliver Lake.
Since the early 2000s the centre has also been setting up a festival for jazz, blues, gospel and ethno music. In 2015, this was re-established as the [[October Jazz]] festival. Some the staged artists were Oliver Lake, Evan Parker, Bob Brozman (US), Katie Graham (US), Eric Sardinas & Big Motor (US), The Fonda/Stevens Group (US), Ken Vandermark (US), [[Zlatko Kaučič]], [[Vasko Atanasovski Trio]], [[Mia Žnidaršič]], etc. Alongside all of this, there are many standalone concerts that range from rock and pop to world music, folk, etc
==Film, multimedia and other programmes==
==Film, multimedia and other programmes==
The Film theatre programme is more or les focused on artz film, and the centre is a apt fo the Art Kino mreža Slovenije.
The Film Theatre programme is more or less focused on art film, and the centre is a part of the [[Art Cinema Network]].  
It also sets zup the cionema vrtiljak for kids. Part of the Centre's activity is dedicated to the promotion of music education in primary and secondary schools (in cooperation with the Slovene branch of [[Jeunesses Musicales International (JMI), Slovenia|Jeunesses Musicales International]]).
Caffe Gallus Bar Prirejamo koncerte, študentske in tematske večere ter manjše performanse.
Možnost brezplačnega najema prostora za predstavitve, potopisna predavanja,
literarna srečanja, predstavitve knjig, okrogle mize, fotografske razstave,…
ačeli smo z novo serijo pogovornih srečanj, v katerih o svojih doživetjih spregovorijo popotniki, publicisti, raziskovalci tujih kultur, ekstremni športniki, inovativni podjetniki, raznovrstne zanimive osebnosti, ki ubirajo samosvoje življenjske poti ter tako opogumljajo in navdihujejo naš vsakdanjik. Projekcije fotografij in filmov spremljajo pogovori z avtorji, uredniki, režiserji in njihovimi gosti. From alpjjnist to msiisnnaories, from film screenings to pjhoto exhibtions.
A curious series of the past was Art sredica, which featred smalle events, from msuci, to photgraphy, poeztry, contemporary dabxce
dnevi stare glasbe
Nekajdnevni festival, ki si je v petletnem delovanju že dobro utrdil svoje mesto med goriškimi poslušalci, bo letos segel po zapuščini izven meja Evrope. Glasbene tradicije oddaljenih kultur in živa povezanost stare glasbe s sodobno vedno bolj oblikujejo identiteto tega dobro obiskanega koncertnega dogajanja, ki se na različnih prizoriščih odvija pod okriljem Kulturnega doma Nova Gorica.
Letošnja tema, ki jo je umetniški vodja Bor Zuljan, lutnjist in vsestranski glasbenik, poklicno razpet med Švico in domačimi kraji, poimenoval Potovanja, se bo začela v starodavni glasbi Indije, se na različne načine prepletla z evropsko tradicijo, segla na Balkan in se zaključila v Mehiki 16. stoletja.
Novost letošnje edicije so USTVARJALNE DELAVNICE pod vodstvom skladatelja in čembalista Milka Lazarja, ki ga stik starodavnih izročil in sodobnih načinov komponiranja privlači v vseh obdobjih njegovega ustvarjanja. Prijavijo se lahko inštrumentalisti in komponisti, pa tudi muzikologi in vsi ostali, ki v stari glasbi iščejo navdih za nova zvočenja. Na srečanjih z razgibano ponudbo bodo imeli udeleženci priložnost podrobno pogledati v izzive  in pasti igranja starih inštrumentov in njihovega vključevanja v sodobne kompozicije. Ob predavanjih in koncertih, individualnih in skupinskih urah, med začrtanimi okviri in improvizacijio, se bo njihovo druženje zakjučilo z javnim nastopom. Festival, ki je v preteklosti sicer napolnjeval tudi slikovita kraška prizorišča, bo letos prvič gost prenovljene renesančne Vile Vipolže v Goriških Brdih, ki poleg slikovitega okolja ponuja še odlične prostore za nastope in delavnice.
Več o delavnicah      Prijavnica      Možnost ugodne namestitve
imetniki Glasbenega abonmaja, dijaki, študentje, upokojenci, brezposelni 25 €.
Nakup na blagajni Kulturnega doma Nova Gorica v času uradnih ur.
Na otvoritvenem koncertu bosta nastopila mlada virtuoza na sitarju, Rohan Dasgupta in Deepshankar Bhattacharjee, s katerima se potovanje začenja v Indiji. Iz te dežele črpa navdih italijanski glasbeni projekt Musa Indiana, v katerem z nenavadno kombinacijo inštrumentov zaigrajo čembalistka Paola Erdas, lutnjist Fabio Accurso in tablist Shyamal Maitra. Preizkušanje nenavadnih kombinacij starih in sodobnih inštrumentov ter stare glasbe za sodobni čas se nadaljuje v triu Juhart-Lazar-Drevenšek. Izjemna srbska vokalista in poznavalca balkanskega ljudskega izročila, brata Teofilović, bosta v triu z Borom Zuljanom predstavila nov program, s katerim nas povabita na potovanje po Balkanu 17. stoletja. Festival se zaključuje v sončni Mehiki preteklih stoletij, kamor nas na končno postajo odpelje mlada skupina Son Garnacha.
MARJETA CERAR, glas (Francija)
BOR ZULJAN, lutnja (Slovenija)
Ko se čas ustavi – Glasba angleškega »Orfeja« Johna Dowlanda (1563–1626)
Intimen in intenziven program, osnovan okrog presenetljivih Dowlandovih kromatičnih fantazij
Istampitta – virtuozna instrumentalna glasba 14. stoletja.
Petek, 13. september 2013, Grad Kromberk
THE UNICORN ENSEMBLE (Avstrija, Nemčija)
Minnesäng – viteške pesmi nemških dežel.
Sobota, 14. september 2013
Sveto pri Komnu – cerkev sv. Tilna
LES SACQUEBOUTIERS (Francija, Argentina)
Renesančna glasba iberskega polotoka v izvedbi legendarne trobilno-pihalne zasedbe.
Dnevi stare glasbe 2012 bodo obogatili nekaj takšnih prizorišč v zahodnem delu Slovenije na območju gradov Štanjel in Rihemberk, letos pa tudi na Ljubljanskem gradu, ki se vse bolj uveljavlja kot kulturno in turistično središče Slovenije. Šest koncertov po izboru lutnjista Bora Zuljana, asistenta na Glasbenem konservatoriju v Ženevi, bo obogatilo mnoge prijetne ambiente s pestro kulturno zgodovino, spremljevalni dogodki pa bodo obiskovalcem ponudili še dodatne izobraževalne vsebine. Organizator je Kulturni dom Nova Gorica, tudi letos pa prispevata svoje koncerte partnerska festivala Musica Cortese iz Italije in Dvigrad festival iz Istre.
stampitta - inštrumentalna praksa med 14. in 15. stoletjem
Fabio Tricomi - viela, tolkala, piščal z bobnom, drumlja
Marco Ferrari - kljunaste flavte, šalmaj, bombarda
Peppe Frana - lutnje
Fabio Accurso - lutnje
Dnevi stare glasbe 2012 so nadaljevanje lanskega mednarodnega dogajanja v zgodovinskih
ambientih Braniške doline in Komenskega Krasa, katerega organizacijo je v letu 2012 sprejel
naš zavod. O
==International collaboratuions===
Apart from these international festivals Nova Gorica Arts Centre also co-produces two cross-border music festivals with Italian partners – the Feel the Sound of the Places Festival and the Royal Court Music International Festival).
The bar, operated by the centre, is also the place for various lectures, round tables, photographic exhibitions, smaller concerts, etc. A vurious part of the programme is a series of live interviews with remarkable people, from mountaineers to missionaries, from film authors (who accopany their film screenings) to photoraphers.
omenjenih festivalih sodelujemo z italijanskima društvoma Progetto Musica in Dramsam
Centro Giuliano di Musica Antica.
Koncerti festivala Med zvoki krajev so nastali v sodelovanju z Mestno občino Nova Gorica, Občino Brda in italijanskim društvom Progetto Musica. Vila Vipolže, Goriška Brda,Vila Toppo Florio, Buttrio, Grad Kromberk
Since 2015 the centre also organises the October Jazz festival together wotjh Contempto, whoa re responsible for the Jazz Wine of peace ofestival.  
==See also==
==See also==
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==External links==
==External links==
* [http://www.kulturnidom-ng.si/eng/koledarprireditev.html Nova Gorica Arts Centre website] (in English)
* [http://www.kulturnidom-ng.si/eng/koledarprireditev.html Nova Gorica Arts Centre website] (in English)

Revision as of 14:33, 3 November 2016


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Kulturni dom Nova Gorica
Bevkov trg 4, SI-5000 Nova Gorica
Phone386 (0) 5 335 4010

The Nova Gorica Arts Centre (Kulturni dom Nova Gorica) was opened as a regional cultural and community centre back in 1978. Besides being a prominent concert and film theatre venue, it is nowadays also the most important concert producer for classical and old music in Western Slovenia. Besides using its own two event halls, the Arts Centre often sets up concerts at other venues, most regularly at the Dobrovo Castle and the Franciscan Monastery at Kostanjevica, a hill just above Nova Gorica.

Its visual arts branch, the Nova Gorica City Gallery, is located within the Nova Gorica theatre building complex. The Arts Centre organises a range of other programmes, including the Pixxelpoint International Festival of Computer Art, the October Jazz festival and the International Saxophone Meeting.


The Arts Centre collaborates with numerous producers and associations. Very notable and extensive is the work done with the Slovene branch of Jeunesses Musicales International, dedicated to the promotion of music education in primary and secondary schools in the wider region.

In the field of classical music, the centre regularly cooperates with the Academy of Music, the Ljubljana Music and Ballet Conservatory, Slovene Philharmonic Orchestra, the RTV Slovenia Music Production Unit, Glasbena matica Ljubljana, Society of Slovene Composers, the Ljubljana Festival, Imago Sloveniae and others.

Its close regional partners are Prosvetno društvo Soča Kanal (responsible for contemporary music festival Kogoj’s Days), the Union of Primorska Music Schools, the Italy based Cultural Centre Gorizia, the association Controtempo Cormons (IT), also responsible for the Festival of Jazz & Wine of Peace, Ensemble Dramsam. the association Progetto Musica (IT), Centro Giuliano di Musica Antica (IT) and Ensemble Dramsam (IT).

Classical and old music programme

The longest running programme at the centre has been presenting classical music since 1980. Simply called the Concert Season (Glasbeni abonma), it welcomed many internationally acclaimed musicians and featured almost all leading Slovene musicians. Among them were soloists such as Irena Grafenauer, Marjana Lipovšek, Tatjana Blome (DE), Natalie Clein (UK) and Grigorij Žislin (RU), orchestras like the Moscow Philharmonic Orchestra (RU), the Kiev Chamber Orchestra (UA), the Camerata Frankonia Chamber Orchestra (DE), the Vienna Concert-Verein Orchestra (AT), and various ensembles like the String Quartet Tchaikovsky (RU), The Dominant Quartet (RU), Slowind and Carmina Slovenica.

Of a similar nature but done on a smaller scale is the Castle harmonies (Grajske harmonije) cycle, taking place in the hall of the Kromberk Castle and co-produced with the Goriška Museum. These evenings with smaller chamber ensembles and soloists have been going on since 2012, and are a continuation of the 1990s and early 2000s series Goriška Muses, held at Dobrovo Castle. Some of the guests include Duo Claripiano, Jasna Corrado Merlak, Sebastian Bertoncelj, Ensemble Les Eléments (CH), Nadežda Tokareva (RU), Elena Graf (DE),

Another spatially outsourced cycle called Music from the Gardens of St. Francis is a series of concerts held in the beautiful surroundings of the Franciscan Monastery at Kostanjevica above Nova Gorica, designed primarily for young Slovene musicians.

In 2011 a new festival going by the name Day of Early Music was first set up in Nova Gorica. Organised in cooperation with well-established festivals Musica Cortese from Italy and Dvigrad from Croatian Istria, the festival is very broad in scope, presenting an geographically unbound interpretations of early music. The festival takes place at the centre itself, yet also at the Hall of the Franciscan Monastery of Kostanjevica, the Villa Vipolže manor, the Kromberk Castle and some other venues of the Goriška region.

Apart from these international festivals, Nova Gorica Arts Centre also co-produced two cross-border music festivals with Italian partners – the Feel the Sound of the Places Festival and the Royal Court Music International Festival.

Popular music programme

Since 1996, in collaboration with the Nova Gorica Arts Centre, the Nova Gorica Music School organises the International Saxophone Meeting, a summer school plus an accompanying festival held in and around the city.

Since the early 2000s the centre has also been setting up a festival for jazz, blues, gospel and ethno music. In 2015, this was re-established as the October Jazz festival. Some the staged artists were Oliver Lake, Evan Parker, Bob Brozman (US), Katie Graham (US), Eric Sardinas & Big Motor (US), The Fonda/Stevens Group (US), Ken Vandermark (US), Zlatko Kaučič, Vasko Atanasovski Trio, Mia Žnidaršič, etc. Alongside all of this, there are many standalone concerts that range from rock and pop to world music, folk, etc

Film, multimedia and other programmes

The Film Theatre programme is more or less focused on art film, and the centre is a part of the Art Cinema Network.

The bar, operated by the centre, is also the place for various lectures, round tables, photographic exhibitions, smaller concerts, etc. A vurious part of the programme is a series of live interviews with remarkable people, from mountaineers to missionaries, from film authors (who accopany their film screenings) to photoraphers.

See also

External links

... more about "Nova Gorica Arts Centre"
Kulturni dom Nova Gorica +
45.958 +
Kulturni dom Nova Gorica +
13.647 +
SI-5000 Nova Gorica +
Bevkov trg 4 +
The Nova Gorica Arts Centre (Kulturni dom Nova Gorica) was opened as a regional cultural and community centre back in 1980. +
The Nova Gorica Arts Centre (Kulturni dom Nova Gorica) was opened as a regional cultural and community centre back in 1980. +
Kulturni dom Nova Gorica je pomembno kulturno središče tako v lokalnem kot tudi širšem slovenskem prostoru in organizira širok spekter glasbenih, gledaliških, filmskih in drugih prireditev. +
+386 / 5 335 4010 +
Nova Gorica +
SI-5000 +
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