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== External links ==
== External links ==
*[http://www.kgbl.si/ Ljubljana Music and Ballet Conservatory website] (in Slovenian)
*[http://www.kgbl.si/?lang=en Ljubljana Music and Ballet Conservatory website]  

Revision as of 00:25, 23 October 2018


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Konservatorij za glasbo in balet Ljubljana
Ižanska cesta 12, SI-1000 Ljubljana
Phone386 (0) 5 907 4300
Polona Češarek, Acting Director
Past Events
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The Ljubljana Music and Ballet Conservatory was established in 1953, when it separated from the Academy of Music and launched the Secondary Music and Ballet programme. Today the conservatory offers specialised education in music (composition, voice, instrument playing, solfeggio) and ballet. Students of the conservatory achieve high standards of musical education, which they exhibit each year in premiere performances of compositions by established composers and performances of their own original works. Each year a special Škerjanec Award and various diplomas are handed to the best students, with the final performances taking place at the Cankarjev dom Culture and Congress Centre.


The Ljubljana Music and Ballet Conservatory consists of a few educational organisations: a primary music school, a secondary music school, and a secondary school of ballet. The conservatory primarily offers art grammar school education that includes general subjects such as math, biology, physics and the English language. The programme is geared towards the Baccalaureate and further university education. It strives to systematically develop, enhance and broaden the musical, dance, and general education.


The Music School has active string, wind and guitar orchestras at the primary educational level. At the secondary level pupils take part in the symphony orchestra, different chamber and jazz ensembles, as well as in mixed and chamber choirs. Musical education focuses mostly on the classical repertoire, although jazz and popular music departments were established in 1992. Primary school musical subjects encompass music theory and the basics in playing of a chosen instrument. At the secondary level the Music School offers theoretical courses with subjects such as music history, theory and solfeggio as well as classes for a chosen instrument. The education in jazz music is given practically in singing and instrument playing classes, where students learn jazz improvisation techniques. Theoretical knowledge of jazz is also enhanced with jazz arrangement classes.


Ballet education in Slovenia dates back to the training programmes offered by the ensemble of the Ljubljana Opera and Ballet House, and then from 1947 by the Academy of Music. However, it has developed considerably since then, with the involvement of international choreographers and teachers and the introduction of new ballet techniques. The conservatory's ballet school collaborates with Maribor Music and Ballet Secondary Conservatory and with other schools in Gorizia, Udine, and Monfalcone in Italy.

See also

External links

Konservatorij za glasbo in balet Ljubljana +
SI-1000 Ljubljana +
The Ljubljana Music and Ballet Conservatory was established in 1953, when it separated from the Academy of Music and launched the secondary music programme, and later also ballet programme. +
The Ljubljana Music and Ballet Conservatory was established in 1953, when it separated from the Academy of Music and launched the secondary music programme, and later also ballet programme. +
Ljubljana +
SI-1000 +