[[Celje Regional Museum]] was founded in 1882 at the premises of the present-day [[Celje Music School]], but already in the 1920s the city council discussed the option of moving the museum to the Old Counts' Mansion, a late Renaissance building. +
[[Celje Tourist Association]] was established in 1871 with around 500 members, and for over 130 years it has taken care of Celje's parks, castles and other precious Celje heritage sites. +
The [[Center for Architecture Slovenia]], an Institute for the Development of Spatial Culture, founded in 2013 in Ljubljana, works in the field of architectural education and design, underlining the importance of the quality of the built space. +
[[Image:Sinagoga Maribor.jpg|1280px]]<small class="imgdesc">The north view of the Maribor synagogue originating from the end of the 13th century, remodelled several times. +
Formed as a punk rock trio in 1984 in Maribor, [[Center za dehumanizacijo (CZD)]] (Centre for Dehumanisation) has since then developed its own variation of punk rock music, characterised by a strong inclination towards experimentation. +
The Central European Initiative (CEI) is the oldest and largest of the sub-regional co-operation initiatives that emerged in Central and Eastern Europe after the collapse of the communist system. +
[[Centralna postaja]] (Eng.: Central Station) is a small Maribor-based venue and creative studio that deals with various facets of contemporary artistic production. +
Located on one of the landmarks of Ljubljana's social life, Trubarjeva Street, [[Centralna postaja Ljubljana|Centralna postaja]] (meaning the ''Central Station'', though not really being close to any train or bus station) is a wittily decorated mixture of a club, restaurant, bar and occasionally also exhibition venue. +
The [[Central Technological Library, University of Ljubljana|Central Technological Library]] (CTK) is a higher education library of the [[University of Ljubljana]]. +
The [[Centre for Creativity]] or CzK (Center za kreativnost) was established in 2017 as an interdisciplinary platform to support Slovenia's cultural and creative sector (CCS). +
Part of the [[Peace Institute - Institute for Contemporary Social and Political Studies]], the [[Centre for Cultural Policy Research, Peace Institute|Centre for Cultural Policy Research]] focuses on the study of the roles, development trends, and material conditions of cultural institutions, as well as the effects of their operations (including the production, circulation, and consumption of cultural products). +
The Centre for Distance Education Development (CDED) at the [[University of Maribor]] was established in February 1999 by the three faculties working in the field of open and distance learning (ODL). +
The Centre for European Perspective (CEP) is an independent and non-profit organisation working on issues of peace, security, and socio-economic development and prosperity. +
Founded in 2001 by 27 Slovene non-governmental organisations, [[Centre for Information Service, Co-operation and Development of NGOs (CNVOS)|CNVOS]] and under the initiative of the [[Government Office for European Affairs (GOEA)]], offers a variety of administrative and technical support services to NGOs, including conference and meeting rooms, technical equipment, event organisation and co-ordination between NGOs, central government and local authorities. +
Located in the picturesque medieval settlement of Štanjel, the [[Centre for Karst Architecture]] (CKA) is dedicated to the research and dissemination of knowledge on the unique spatial, architectural and cultural heritage of the Karst. +