
From Culture.si
Revision as of 13:02, 13 July 2010 by Jwilcoxen (talk | contribs) (note about RTV)

note for editors

How do we handle general RTV links? Now that it was split, I don't understand what goes where. (Had this question on another article recently...ah yeah, SEVIQC Brežice Festival... wasn't sure which channel did the recordings. Unclear.) Maybe there's still a need for a general link? just a thought. See also Association of Slovene Film Workers. --Jana Wilcoxen 14:02, 13 July 2010 (CEST)

frequency terms

was answering a question for živa and noticed your conversation about biennially and biannually. twice per year and three times per year (to answer her question about triennially = every 3 years) are maybe less likely to cause confusion. We could also say 2x/year or 3x/year ... maybe even better for mixed-(English)ability readers. What do you think? --Jana Wilcoxen 12:49, 24 June 2010 (CEST)


kako komuniciramo?--Dare Pejić 18:24, 1 June 2010 (CEST)

Gnezdo in SNG Maribor Opera

Zdravo, Helena. Long time no.... Na mojem spisku geslo Golden Nest Award, ki sem ga po pomoti enkrat ustvarila - a naj ga vseeno spišem? Pa še glede Sng Maribor bi opozorila, da ga nisem izvzela iz writing, ker še mora bit dopolnjen s programom Opere (Zadnikar). lepo lepo bodi Katja Kosi 22:39, 16 May 2010 (CEST)

Model articles

Hi Helena, can't remember if you already started a spot for model articles ... I will paste them here just for now, so I don't forget.

--Jana Wilcoxen 18:28, 30 April 2010 (CEST)

Podnapisi za fotke

Helena, prosim, odgovori SPP: Admin --Admin 21:15, 28 April 2010 (CEST)


hello, here's the beginning of the texts for contributors. Jwilcoxen --Jana Wilcoxen 17:54, 30 March 2010 (CEST)

New questions

Let's discuss capitalising generic words like forum, council, board, archives, library, theatre, festival, etc. I prefer that they remain lowercase if they are not used with the specific name, but at the same time, having them in capitals somehow makes it easier to read them on the net. In some articles, however, to capitalise all the time would get really strange, or sometimes it is hard to tell when the word should be capitalised, therefore, having the rule to use lowercase helps to streamline editing. (For example see, Regional Archives of Koper, Piran Branch contrast with Forum of Slavic Culture International Foundation.

Jana Wilcoxen 23:30, 12 February 2010 (CET)

Jana, answered in you Talk as wiki labyrinth requires :) --Editor 12:13, 13 February 2010 (CET)


Festivals and Awards should be capitalized but not italicized. Sorry for my lapsus. Jana Wilcoxen 18:42, 11 February 2010 (CET)

One more thing, the names of the exhibitions or themes of festivals should be italicized, however. For instance, I have left Days of Oris without, but Ljubljana Days of Oris and Portugal Days of Oris in italics, since they are themed events, so to speak.

Another example: the 52nd Venice Biennial and its theme: Think with the Senses – Feel with the Mind. Art in the Present Tense. Jana Wilcoxen 18:58, 11 February 2010 (CET)

Suggestions for new articles

Is there already a place to put these?

Created new page for our suggestions. Please, take a look. --Admin 00:18, 9 February 2010 (CET)

Hello, Night Owl!

Nice work you've been doing. Checked a few of your changes ... whooo, whooo ... Jana Wilcoxen 00:19, 8 February 2010 (CET)

got addicted, definitely! --Editor 00:22, 8 February 2010 (CET)

I posted the Questions from a Virtual Visitor and sent mail to writers for Tuesday meeting ... whooo, whooo ... Jana Wilcoxen 00:21, 8 February 2010 (CET)

whoooo's whoooo :) --Editor 00:22, 8 February 2010 (CET)

Editor's Question Corner

re. new articles ok - torej sem očitno enkrat prej že sama naredila geslo. Mogoče se je podobno zgodilo pri festivalu Mladinskega?, ki ima trenutno geslo Mladinsko Festival. Toporišič me opozoril, da festivalu ime Prelet. (ravno sem vnesla njegove popravke, v večini popravki imen predstav + omembna Stare pošte kot prizorišča. lp Katja Kosi 09:41, 21 March 2010 (CET)


Zdravo, Helena. Opozorila bi na geslo o Žlahtnem peresu na Dnevih komedije - pero se kot pisalo prevaja v QUILL. Jaz sem obdržala prvotni prevod, opozori me, če boš spreminjala, da popravim. lp Katja Kosi 20:02, 22 February 2010 (CET)

Grum Award Helena, lahko pogledaš geslo o tej nagradi?

  • Šeligovo nagrado podeljujejo na Tednu slo drame za najboljšo uprizoritev festivala - naj bo link na to ob geslu za Grumovo?
  • napačno geslo: pravilno je Grün-Filipič award - link je na Grum-Filipič.

SNG Drama Ljubljana Zadnjič na sestanku si omenila eno osebo, ki bi znala bit v pomoč pri dobivanju info o njihovih koprodukcijah. Imaš kak kontakt pri roki?

tenx Katja Kosi 10:49, 3 February 2010 (CET)

SNG Drama Ljubljana - odzivna oseba glede arhiva (ki ga ima zelo urejenega) torej zgodovine (katalogi produkcij) je Mojca Krajnc, sicer pa je za mednarodno sodelovanje Valerija Cokan - kontakti pa na sajtu - predlagam kar obema vprašanja naenkrat.
Grum-Filipič - hvala za opozorilo! - popravki narejeni! Editor 12:33, 4 February 2010 (CET)

Style Hja, vseeno me je pomatralo in sem sel cekirat, kako kolegi/ce pisejo o vladnih - antikulturnih - telesih in sem v bistvu prav zadovoljen, vsi so zadrzani, malo vljudni, in dostojno kratki... Skratka, wikiopisi vladnih organov so lahko orientacijska tocka za stopnjevitost, gradualnost gesel in za jezikovna, stilska odstopanja; samo se muzeji in balet, pa kaksna slovenska pesniska zalozba se lahko kosajo z njimi z njimi. houk ico

d'accord, gremo naprej! poglej geslo Ampak Magazine -tam izbrana slika pove vse.

National Museum of Slovenia - ali lahko uvedenm nov link za Catalogs and Monographs Series zbirka 39 občasnih publikacij od arheološkega oddelka NMS http://www.narmuz-lj.si/slovensko/11_publikacije/katalogi_monografije/katalogi_monografije.html Ivan Pirnat 22:11, 12 January 2010 (UTC)

hvala za opozorilo in link. bom prediskutirala se z Jano, kako pravilno poimenovati in ti javim, ko in ce odpremo nov clanek Editor 10:04, 19 January 2010 (UTC)
evo - odgovor - na Cobiss smo preverile in gre za knjižno zbirko, tako ne bomo ustvarili novega članka, zadevo pa dodaj v Publishing poglavje NMS

Infobox - dates and duration - Kako pisati vsakoletni dogodek? Katere letnice naj se pojavijo, če sploh - mogoče so pomembne za "Events"?

primer vsakoletne prireditve: Magdalena International Festival of Creative Communication / Annual, May , how many days?

primer bienalne prireditve : Biennial of Slovene Visual Communications / Biennial, October, x days (v tekstu piše, katera leta so aktualna)

Halo, Tea, podpis:) = 4x~
Annual, September, 3 days
(Slovenian Film Festival) Annual, September or October, length varies according to annual film production

Editor 14:02, 20 January 2010 (UTC)

Ping Pong with Language Editor

Articles to be read and commented by editors before final proofreading

Logs of Writers
