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{{Featured article column|AirBeletrina.si}}
{{Featured article column|Literatura Magazine}}

Revision as of 01:10, 28 April 2021


AirBeletrina.si is an on-line literary magazine in Slovenian language run by Beletrina Publishing Institute (formerly called Študentska založba) since 2007. It features news about current festivals, presentations, and other literary events, profiles of individual authors' presentations, book reviews and info about newly published books, international news, literary theory (including translations of selected authors), a photo/sound gallery, and E-readings (literary excerpts to read on-line).

NOT ROBOT, WRITING DONE, INFOBOX DONE, PROOFREAD DONE, FERTIK, NOVERIFY, NODEPO, Article, HAS LOGO, Media, Online media, NO PHOTO, Articles maintained by Simon Smole, Literature, Updated 2019, Literature media, Literature online media

AirBeletrina.si (website).png

Literatura Magazine

Originally launched as a section of the journal Problemi called Problemi-Literatura, Literatura journal became autonomous in 1989 with the establishment of the literary artistic association LUD Literatura. Since 1993, it has appeared monthly. Its editorial emphasis is on the presentation and commentary of new developments in contemporary Slovene as well as world literature. Almost three hundred issues in nearly two hundred volumes of the magazine have been published in almost 25 years. In recent years, it has been published in eight volumes, each with four single and double issues per year.

NOT ROBOT, WRITING DONE, PROOFREAD DONE, NEEDSUPDATE, NOVERIFY, NODEPO, Article, NO LOGO, NIFERTIK, INFOBOX, Media, Periodicals, Magazines, Online media, NO PHOTO, Updated 2020, Articles maintained by Simon Smole, Literature, Literature periodicals, Literature media, Literature online media

Literatura Magazine (website).png