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Double bass player Tomaž Grom of Sploh Institute has contributed greatly to the improvised music scene.
Sploh Institute is a non-for-profit arts organisation, established in 1999, which engages in music and performing arts production, publishing and education. With its wide variety of activities, the institute has become an important internationally minded node for research, networking, collaborations, education, and creativity not only in the field of music but also in dance, poetry, theatre, and multimedia arts. It supports not only the development of young artists but also of different audiences, with the latter apparent in the institute's focus on children and marginal groups.
Throughout the years the institute has cooperated with numerous producers from Slovenia, from Glej Theatre and Šerpa Literary Art Association to En-Knap Productions, Via Negativa, Bunker Institute, Sonica International Festival of Transitory Art and others. Its main centre of activities is Španski borci Culture Centre, though many of its productions take place elsewhere, most often in Klub Menza pri koritu. The founder and director of this platform is the improvising musician and composer Tomaž Grom, whose exploits earned him the Golden Bird Award in 2007.
NOT ROBOT, WRITING DONE, INFOBOX DONE, PROOFREAD DONE, NOVERIFY, NODEPO, PHOTO, Article, Theatre & Dance, Theatre, Theatre producers, NIFERTIK, Articles maintained by Anže Zorman, Music, Education, Education and research, HAS LOGO, Workshop organisers, COVER, Jazz, Music workshop organisers, Music course and workshop organisers
In 1997, Matija Bevk and Vasa J. Perović founded the Ljubljana-based award-winning architecture office Bevk Perović Arhitekti, which has since become widely known throughout Slovenia for its large-scale public housing projects and visionary private residence designs. The office has also garnered international recognition by taking awards and winning several competitions and commissions abroad. Works by Bevk Perović often sport a slightly reserved feel, though paradoxically this does not preclude their designs from being rather outspoken.
Notable recent projects include their plan for the upcoming National and University Library building, the Islamic Centre in Ljubljana (2017), and the Situla Building, a striking mixed-use block built near the main railway station in Ljubljana. Besides designing buildings, they occasionally collaborate with the lighting manufacturer Vertigo Bird. This collaboration has also brought them numerous awards and accolades.
The Ljubljana stationed House SB, designed by Bevk Perović Arhitekti and built in 2004.
NOT ROBOT, WRITING DONE, INFOBOX DONE, PROOFREAD DONE, NOVERIFY, NODEPO, PHOTO, Article, NIFERTIK, Updated 2017, Articles maintained by Michael Jumic, Architecture, Architecture & Design, Design, Architecture studios, Upated 2020
Prepovedano mlajšim od 15let [Prohibited under the age of 15], a series of short animated films, Bugbrain Studio, 2003
Established in 2006 by Dušan Kastelic, Bugbrain Studio is an independent multimedia and animation studio based in Zagorje. It is well known for its animated short films that won several international awards, but the studio is also working on animation in computer games and in commercials and it is producing comics and illustrations.
NOT ROBOT, WRITING DONE, INFOBOX DONE, PROOFREAD DONE, FERTIK, NOVERIFY, NODEPO, PHOTO, FEATURED, Article, Producers, HAS LOGO, Articles maintained by Ziga Brdnik, Film, Film producers, Film studios, COVER, Animation
Two sculptures that Fritz Lang created in Ljutomer in 1915 were presented in 2000 in Ljubljana and Venice, also in Berlin and Madrid.
A catalogue for the Venice exhibition that presented also Fritz Lang's sculptures from the year 1915.
The Slovenian Cinematheque Museum Department is one of the four departments of the Slovenian Cinematheque and its roots go back to 1973 when the Film Museum was established by the Association of Slovenian Filmmakers (in 1979 it merged with the Theatre Museum into the Slovene Theatre and Film Museum) and was integrated in the Slovenian Cinematheque in 1996. Its main tasks are to systematically collect and assess exhibits of importance for the history of Slovene cinema and to document Slovene film production. The department initiated the Ita Rina Museum at Škratelj Homestead in Divača. In collaboration with the Municipality of Divača the Museum Department renovated the homestead in 2011 and expanded it to the Museum of Slovenian Film Actors.
Four sculptures – two flower pots and two busts of Bacchus – created in 1915 by the world-renown film-maker Fritz Lang (1890–1976), discovered in Eastern Slovenia no earlier than in the 80s, undoubtedly represent the highlights of the collection. The sculptures were presented in Berlin, Venice (2000) and La Coruña (2008), revealing the importance of sculpture in Lang's films.
NOT ROBOT, WRITING DONE, INFOBOX DONE, PROOFREAD DONE, FERTIK, NOVERIFY, NODEPO, Article, HAS LOGO, Film, NO PHOTO, Museums, Articles maintained by Denis Valič, Film museums
NOT ROBOT, WRITING DONE, INFOBOX DONE, PROOFREAD DONE, FERTIK, NEEDSUPDATE, NOVERIFY, NODEPO, Article, Articles maintained by Anže Zorman, HAS LOGO, NO PHOTO, HAS MAP, Pages using duplicate arguments in template calls
Semantic query №4
01 Odprtje 25. FDF Foto Darja Štravs Tisu
1 Exterior of Pivka House of Culture, 2023 small
1 Fabula - Literature of the World 2023 Opening of the Fabula 2023 with Oksana Zabužko
1 The venue, Slovene cinematheque, 1.3.2017, Žiga Gorišek
10 Board game Let’s Switch on the Lights in the House, 2023
160819 Mladi levi otvoritev 039foto.nada.zgank
190208-bobri sklepna-prireditev-077foto.nada.zgank-4
2 Entrance to Pivka House of Culture, 2023
2 Fabula - Literature of the World 2023 Fabula Hub - Bernardine Evaristo
2 The opening, 23.2.2023, Manca Filak.
200610 TRANS-Plant 023 1foto.nada.zgank
220823 Neja Tomsic Krog 016nzgank
230818 Mladi levi Obmocje cloveka 085by.nada.zgank
230819 Mladi levi DUETI 035by.nada.zgank
230825 Mladi levi Neskoncna ljubezen by.nada.zgank (5)
24 Hour Party People 2014 Blaz + Simon Photo Hrupmag
24 Hour Party People 2014 Photo Hrupmag
24 Hour Party People Festival 2012 poster (2)
24 Hour Party People Festival 2012 poster
24 Hour Party People Festival 2014 Poster (2)
24 Hour Party People Festival 2014 poster
3 Certificates for the authors, 2.3.2017, Žiga Gorišek
3 Fabula - Literature of the World 2022 Fabula Fotelj
4 Exhibition space and the game Let's Build the World Anew in Every Hue, 2023
4 Fabula - Literature of the World 2022 Mieko Kawakami
4 The audience, 1.3.2027, Žiga Gorišek
5 Fabula - Literature of the World 2021 Young Fabula
5 Workshop at the exhibition, 2023
6 Fabula - Literature of the World 2021 Brglesita exhibition
7 Q&A, Manca Filak and Gregory Gan, 8.3.2019, Žiga Gorišek
7 Workshop in graphic studio, 2023
8 Permanent collection of graphic works, 2023
9 Lecture, Sarah Lunaček, 8.3.2022, Žiga Gorišek
9 Permanent collection of art publications, 2023
A+A Gallery 2009 Venice Biennial Miha Štrukelj
AQ Gallery 2014 Katja Goljat exhibition
AQ Gallery 2014 Katja Goljat
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Semantic query №2
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{{#sub| The Academy of Music Library is very small; within its 40 square-metre space it has 16 seats for students or other visitors. The collection specialises in literature on notation, music history and music theory. |0|100}}