Slovene National Theatre Maribor

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Slovensko narodno gledališče Maribor (SNG Maribor)
Slovenska 27, SI-2000 Maribor
Phone386 (0) 2 250 6112
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One of three state-owned theatres in Slovenia, the Slovene National Theatre Maribor was established as a professional theatre in 1919. It is organised into five units: Drama, Opera, Ballet, Symphony orchestra, and the annual festival of Slovene theatre, the Maribor Theatre Festival.

SNG Maribor is a member of PERSPECTIV - Association of Historic Theatres in Europe and is included in the European Route of Historic Theatres.

Maribor Festival 2010 Richard Galliano Photo Dejan Bulut.JPGAccordion player Richard Galliano performing Gallianissimo in the Slovene National Theatre Maribor at the Maribor Festival, 2010


In its 100 year-long history, SNG Maribor has presented more than 900 premières of dramatic works, 450 operas and 100 ballets – a comprehensive programme realised by over 700 authors and collaborators.

In 1978, a series of renovations of the SNG Maribor building began, which were realised in several stages over a period of 25 years. In 1994 the Grand Hall was added to the existing building and in 2003 the Old Hall was renovated.


Theatre activity in Maribor began in 1785, when the first theatre hall was organised, which mainly presented works by travelling theatre groups. The building was enlarged in 1864 and has remained practically the same since then. Until 1919, the building was the home of the German professional drama and opera theatre, when the Dramatic Society, established in 1909, moved to the existing theatre building and formed the first Slovene professional theatre with a permanent drama ensemble. The opening première was Josip Jurčič's Tugomer directed by the first director of SNG Maribor Hinko Nučič.

In the period before World War II, the theatre focused on Slovene playwriting, but also staged some world classics, mainly expressionist. After WWII and simultaneous with the city's industrialisation, the programme took on a more socially-critical emphasis, staging mainly Russian socialist realist plays. During the following decades the programme consisted of contemporary authors (Osborne, Camus, Brecht) and a number of new Slovene playwrights. In 1989 Tomaž Pandur, who brought the name of SNG Maribor Drama to the theatre world, became director and created a number of visually distinctive performances (La Divina Commedia, Carmen, Faust, Hamlet). Widely praised for his poetics, Pandur's performances have toured extensively across the world (Vienna, Dresden, Saint Petersburg, Brussels, Cuidad de Mexico, Caracas, etc.).

In 1966, the Week of Slovenian Theatre festival was organised for the first time and in 1971 was renamed to Borštnik Meeting, the central Slovene theatre festival in which all the Slovene drama theatres compete for different awards. Each year, the highest award for acting achievement, the Borštnik Ring, is awarded.


The history of the SNG Maribor Opera Company goes back to 1919 when a small company staged mostly operettas. The operas were regularly given from the season 1922/23 onwards but gradually ceased because of the lowered subventions. Operas were staged again after World War II (1947). The small ensemble consists of soloists (including renowned singers such as Janez Lotrič, Sabina Cvilak, and Petya Ivanova), a chorus, and a symphonic orchestra.


The first ballet staging, Možiček, took place in 1926. However, the first evening-length ballet performance premièred as late as in 1949, when Leo Delibes's Coppelia was choreographed by Maks Kirbos. The ensemble included around 20 dancers. The programme included new ballet works by foreign as well as Slovene choreographers.



The programme of the SNG Maribor Drama presents both classical and contemporary dramatic texts, including works by Slovene dramatists (Ivan Cankar, Slavko Grum, Anton Tomaž Linhart, Dominik Smole, Tone Partljič, Drago Jančar, Rudi Šeligo) as well as international playwrights. Many original Slovene texts staged at SNG Maribor are national premières. The theatre annually presents around 7 new productions, while the repertory commonly consists of around 12 performances. The ensemble comprises 25 around permanent members. The theatre regularly collaborates with established as well as upcoming Slovene directors, such as Janusz Kica, Jernej Lorenci, Mateja Koležnik, Ivana Djilas, Sebastijan Horvat, Ajda Valcl, Nina Rajić Kranjac, etc.

Maribor Theatre Festival 2009 A Respectable Wedding Photo Ivan Vinovrski.jpgBrecht's A Respectable Wedding, directed by Mateja Koležnik, Maribor Theatre Festival, 2010.

SNG Maribor Drama is regularly included in the programmes of major Slovene theatre festivals, such as the Maribor Theatre Festival or Slovene Drama Week, where its performances as well as individual members of the ensemble are often awarded the highest recognition from the expert as well as the wider audience. Several former actors of the SNG Maribor Drama are the recipients of the highest award for lifetime achievement in acting, the Borštnik Ring Award. The theatre presents its productions also abroad and is invited to major international theatre festivals.


The SNG Maribor Opera ensemble stages a mostly standard operatic programme, centred around Italian 19th-century opera (especially Verdi and composers form the verismo period). Operettas and musicals comprise a standard part of the repertoire as well as operas by Slovene composers (Pavle Merku, Tomaž Svete, Viktor Parma). In the last years standard concepts of productions have often been replaced by the productions of the younger generation of Slovene stage directors (Diego de Brea, Vito Taufer, Ivica Buljan). Opera in SNG Maribor enjoys a reputation of being the first opera company in the state whose expertise can be confirmed by regular appearances by visiting international guest performers and the regular touring of its productions (to Croatia, Austria, Italy, Luxemburg, Taiwan, etc.) – see also SNG Maribor Symphony Orchestra.

Marij Kogoj's opera Black Masks (written in 1924–1927) was directed by Janez Burger and performed by the joint ensembles of the SNG Maribor and Slovene National Theatre Opera and Ballet Ljubljana as an opening performance of the Maribor, European Capital of Culture 2012 programme.


The SNG Maribor Ballet ensemble cooperates with the Opera and Drama ensembles in its productions and produces around 2 ballet performances per year. The ensemble, led by the Romanian dancer and choreographer Edward Clug, the recipient of the 2005 Prešeren Foundation Award and the 2008 Glazer Award, hosts many guest dancers and choreographers from other countries. During the last decade, Edward Clug and Valentina Turcu, also recipient of the 2017 Prešeren Foundation Award, have put SNG Maribor Ballet on the international map of ballet companies with their stagings of innovative and highly expressive ballet performances, which are nevertheless firmly rooted in ballet tradition. SNG Maribor Ballet occasionally also enters co-productions with other Slovenian institutions and international co-producers.

SNG Maribor Ballet productions have been presented world-wide, for example, in Austria, Brasil, Columbia, Croatia, Luxembourg, Hungary, Finland, Israel, Portugal, France, Germany, Italy, Singapore, the USA, and so on.

Prvi prizor educational programme

Prvi prizor (The First Scene) is a 5-year programme (2016-2021), co-financed by the European Social Fund and led by the Slovene National Theatre Maribor in collaboration with several educational and performing arts organisations, e.g. Slovenian Theatre Institute, Koper Theatre, Slovene People’s Theatre (SLG) Celje, Moment Arts and Culture Association, Teatro matita, Academy of Theatre, Radio, Film and Television (AGRFT), Faculty of Arts, University of Maribor.

The project aims to develop and implement innovative and flexible learning models for general education through the inclusion of principles and methodologies adopted from the sphere of art, especially theatre and performing arts. Bringing together educational and art institutions, i.e. teachers/tutors and artists/theatre workers, the project strives to develop permanent models of cooperation between the sectors to promote education in/for art and creativity at large. The project includes 22 elementary and secondary schools from across Slovenia.

In autumn 2017 the project was presented and put into context of other arts educational projects at the regional Cultural Bazaar.


The Slovene National Theatre Maribor has five venues: Grand Hall, Old Stage, Small Stage, Chamber Stage and Casino Hall.

See also

Slovene National Theatres

External links


Slovensko narodno gledališče Maribor (SNG Maribor) +
46.56 +
Slovensko narodno gledališče Maribor (SNG Maribor) +
15.644 +
SI-2000 Maribor +
Slovenska 27 +
One of three state-owned theatres in Slovenia, the Slovene National Theatre Maribor was established as a professional theatre in 1919. +
One of three state-owned theatres in Slovenia, the Slovene National Theatre Maribor was established as a professional theatre in 1919. +
SNG Maribor je največji javni kulturni zavod v Sloveniji. Razdeljena je v pet enot: Drama, Opera, Balet, Simfonični orkester in letni festival slovenskega gledališča. +
+386 / 2 250 6112 +
Maribor +
SI-2000 +
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