Timeline of festivals

From Culture.si

The oldest serial manifestation in Slovenia is the May Salon with historical origins in the Slovene artists exhibition that took place in Ljubljana in June 1909. The modern times, however, are marked by the establishment of the International Youth Choir Festival (1946, Celje), the Ljubljana Festival (1952), the Biennial of Graphic Arts (Ljubljana, 1955), the Ljubljana Jazz Festival (1960), and the Slovenska popevka Festival (Bled, 1962). Unquestionably, there was a boom of festivals in the late 1990s and early 2000s.

Translation Pranger Festival2019
Grossmann Fantasy, Sci-Fi and Comics Festival2019
Bluesland Festival2019
ZIZ Festival2019
Trnovfest Festival2019
KAOS Festival of Contemporary Collage2018
Bi Flamenko International Flamenco Festival2018
Fantasy Literature Festival Fanfest2017
Flores Musicae Festival2017
Minoriti Summer Open Air Cinema2017
Winter Days of Metal Festival2017
FAK Festival of Alternative Culture2017
Topographies of Sound Festival2017
Vzkrik Festival2017
Shots International Short Film Festival2016
Indigo Festival2016
Kranjska Gora International Film Festival2016
City of Books Festival2016
Days of Slovenian popular music2016
Festival of Photography Maribor2016
Creative Jazz Clinic Velenje2016
Urbano Dejanje2015
House of Tolerance Festival2015
Eye on Film Festival2015
October Jazz2015
MENT Ljubljana2015
Flow Festival Ljubljana2015
Celje FOKUS Festival2015
FeKK Ljubljana Short Film Festival2015
Grounded Festival2015
Ana's Festival Rogaška Slatina2015
Bled Film Festival2014
Stiropor Festival2014
Film Mixer Independent Film Festival2014
Kurja polt Genre Film Festival2014
Floating Castle Festival2014
Zasavje Noisefest International2014
BaRock Festival2014
Drama Festival2014
Prulček Spring Festival2014
Festival Performa & Platforma2014
Deuje babe Festival2013
Strictly Analog Festival2013
Radio Študent Benefit Festival2013
Design Biotop2013
Tinta Festival2013
Festival IZIS2013
Sound Disobedience2012
Maribum Afriqui Festival2012
Music of the World Festival, Kromberk2012
Slovenian Music Week2012
DOKUDOC International Documentary Film Festival2012
24 Hour Party People2012
KOFF Koroška Outdoor Film Festival2012
Slovenian Caricature Festival2012
Brda Contemporary Music Festival2011
HISTeRIA Festival2011
Punk Rock Holiday2011
Stoptrik International Film Festival2011
European Piccolo Festival2011
Boben and Lajna Festival2011
Enimation, International Children and Youth Film Festival2011
Festival of European and Mediterranean Film2010
PLESkavica Festival2010
Personal–Collective Festival2010
Akord Festival Maribor2010
Choregie Festival2010
Spider Festival2010
Festival of Migrant Film2010
Blind Date Convention, Festival of the Artist’s Book2010
Crossings Festival2010
Beached Whale Festival2009
Poster Festival Ljubljana2009
Slovenia Press Photo Festival2009
Džjezz Festival2009
SubArt Festival2009
EarZoom Sonic Arts Festival2009
Sonica International Festival of Transitory Art2009
DokuBazaar, Ljubljana Independent Documentary Film Festival2009
Paranoid Open Air Festival2009
Beavers Festival of Culture and Art Education2009
International Ceramics Triennial Unicum2009
In Memoriam Prof. Peter Hafner Festival2009
Ljubljana International Short Film Festival2009
Godibodi Festival2008
Speculum Artium Festival2008
International Biennial of Contemporary Music Koper2008
Avsenik Festival2008
Lighting Guerrilla Festival2008
Love Festival2008
Big Architecture Festival2009
Ukrep - Festival of Dance Perspectives2008
BOFF Bovec Outdoor Film Festival2008
Panč Festival2008
Kramp Fest2008
Breka Fest2008
Video in Progress Festival2008
Klovnbuf Festival2008
Young Rhymes2008
Electric Rats Dream Video Dreams2007
Attacca Festival2007
(DA)(NE)S Festival of Microtonal Music2007
BUMfest International Percussion Festival2007
Days of Ethnographic Film2007
Independent Biennial2007
Mountain Film Festival2007
Contemporary dance Platform2007
Mladinsko Showcase2007
PreGlej na glas! Playwriting Festival2006
Front@ Contemporary Dance Festival2006
God Bless This Mess Festival2006
Krastival Open Air Festival2006
Mediafest, Festival of Contemporary Music and Digital Art, Celje2005
NagiB Contemporary Dance Festival2005
Archipelag-Archipelago Festival, Nova Gorica and Gorizia2005
Etnika International World Music Festival2005
Koperground Festival2005
Grossmann Fantastic Film and Wine Festival2005
GO Filmfest2005
Jazzagorje World Accordion Festival2005
OFF Oboe Bassoon Festival2005
Photonic Moments – Month of Photography2005
Gora Rocka2005
Mat kultra Zasavje Street Art Festival2004
International Festival of Creativity Golden Drum2004
Jazz Kamp Kranj2004
Biennial of Slovene Ceramics2004
Kino Otok - Isola Cinema Festival2004
Animateka International Animated Film Festival2004
Pranger Festival2004
Politically Incorrect Film Festival (PI-FF)2004
Carniola Festival, Summer in Kranj2003
Gong Fest2003
Mediterranean International Folklore Festival (MIFF)2003
Rdeči revirji! - Red Beats! Festival2003
Art Stays, International Festival of Contemporary Art2003
Brumen Biennial of Slovenian Design2003
PUF Festival2003
Festival of Medieval and Renaissance Music2003
Gibanica (Moving Cake) Biennial of Slovenian Contemporary Dance Art2003
Luksuz Cheap Film Festival2003
International Conference2003
Sound Explicit Festival2003
KantFest International2003
Rock Batuje2003
Festival of Slovenian Jazz2003
Jazz Ethno Funky Festival2003
LUPA Slovene Non-Governmental Organisations’ Festival2002
Memefest - International Festival of Radical Communication and Art2002
KIBLIX Festival of Arts and Technology2002
Naked Stage International Improvisational Theatre Festival2002
Drugajanje Festival2002
Live After Death Festival2002
Sanje ('Dreams') Festival2002
Videofestival Natures2002
O•zvočenje Festival2002
La Vie en Rose Festival of Chanson2001
Slovene Puppetry Biennial2001
Club Marathon2001
Spring Festival2001
Karbiduka Youth Festival, Zasavje2001
Spectrum Festival2001
Slovene Festival of Chamber Theatre (SKUP)2001
Noise Festival2001
Tartini Festival2001
Emona Promenade Festival2001
Izzven Jazz Festival, Maribor2000
Pixxelpoint International Festival of Contemporary Art Practices2000
Izolanima - Slovene Animation Festival2000
International Feminist and Queer Festival Red Dawns2000
Fotopub Festival of Documentary Photography2000
Stična Festival2000
FV Music Festival2000
Summer Stage Festival Ruše2000
Magdalena International Festival of Creative Communication1999
Muzifest International Festival of New Music1999
Cmakajne Festival of Young Creativity1999
Orto Fest1999
Admission Free Festival1999
Škofja Loka Passion Play1999
Mini Summer - International Festival for Children1999
Rad bi bil normalen Festival1999
Open Flatusss Festival, Ljutomer1999
Street Explosion1999
Tribute to a Vision Film Festival1999
Festival of Monodrama, Ptuj1998
Ana Desetnica International Street Theatre Festival1998
Festival at the Border1998
Ljubljana Documentary Film Festival1998
Mediterranean Festival, Izola1998
Unicum Contemporary Music Festival1998
Kluže Ambient Festival1998
Sajeta Creative Camp1998
Trnje Festival1998
Stories Today Festival1998
Medieval Days, Kamnik1997
SAXGO International Saxophone Meeting1997
Zmaj 'ma mlade Festival1997
Slovene Book Days1996
Kontrada Festival1996
Bled Festival1996
Festival of Independent Film and Video1996
Jazz Cerkno Festival1996
Pomurje Summer Festival1996
Festival of Independent Film1996
Cankarjada Festival1996
Bohinj Summer Music Festival1996
EtnoRock Festival1996
Biennial Festival of the Contemporary Puppetry Art LUTKE1995
City of Women International Festival of Contemporary Arts1995
DrrMrrr OrtoPunk Festival1995
Days of Poetry and Wine Festival1995
Exodos International Festival of Contemporary Performing Arts1995
International Festival of Computer Arts (IFCA)1995
Eye of the Word Festival1995
Slovenian Polka and Waltz Festival1995
Living Literature Festival1994
U3 Triennial of Contemporary Slovene Arts1994
Trnovo Tercets1994
Emzin Magazine Photography of the Year Competition1993
Biennial of Slovene Book Illustration1993
Ex Ponto International Festival1993
Performa Festival1993
Primorska Summer Festival1993
No Border Jam Festival1992
Trnfest Festival1992
Days of Comedy1992
International Choral Competition Gallus1992
Vurberk Folk Pop Festival1992
Festival of Slovenian Film1991
Okarina Festival Bled1991
Slovenian Advertising Festival (SOF)1991
Ljubljana International Film Festival (LIFFe)1990
Pika's Festival1990
Summer Puppet Pier Festival1990
Naša pesem Choir Competition1989
Nights in Old Ljubljana Town1988
Film Video Monitor Festival, Gorizia-Gorica1986
Vilenica International Literary Festival1986
International Music Festival Imago Slovenia1986
Golden Stick Festival1985
Slovene Music Days1985
Druga godba Festival1984
LGBT Film Festival1984
Transgenerations Festival of Youth Creativity1984
Summer in Velenje Festival1984
Piran Days of Architecture1983
Radovljica Festival1982
Idrija Lace Festival1982
Kogoj’s Days1980
International Triennial Ecology and Art1980
Folkest Festival1979
Melodies of the Sea and Sun1978
Piran Musical Evenings1978
Rock Otočec1976
Mardi Gras at Cerknica1975
European Triennial of Small Sculpture1973
Week of Slovenian Drama1971
International Folkore Festival, Beltinci1971
Slovene Choirs Meeting in Šentvid, Stična1971
Števerjan Festival1971
Ptuj Festival1969
International PEN Writers' Meeting, Bled1967
Maribor Theatre Festival1966
Ex-tempore Piran - International Painting and Ceramics1964
Festival Maribor1964
Jurjevanje in Bela krajina1964
Beer and Flower Festival1964
Biennial of Design (BIO)1963
Linhart Encounter1962
Slovenska popevka Festival1962
Ljubljana Jazz Festival1960
Biennial of Graphic Arts1955
Ljubljana Festival1952
May Salon1909