List of festivals


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 EstablishedFestival datesDuration weeksFrequencyWebsiteOrganised byTelephoneLocalnameStreetTown
Admission Free Festival1,99910.6.2015 - 12.6.2015, 24.6.2016, 23.5.2017 - 27.5.2017, 19.5.2018 - 22.5.2018, 18.6.2019 - 23.6.2019, 13.6.2020, 4.6.2021 - 5.6.2021, 16.5.2022 - 23.5.2022, 13.6.2023 - 17.6.2023, 11.6.2024 - 15.6.202425 (2012) 44 (2013) 24 (2014)annualArt Society of CeljeVstop prost, festival urbanih umetniških akcijDLUC, Trg celjskih knezov 9SI-3000 Celje
Ana Desetnica International Street Theatre Festival1,99826.6.2015 - 8.7.2015, 30.6.2016 - 3.7.2016, 5.7.2017 - 8.7.2017, 23.6.2018 - 7.7.2018, 3.7.2019 - 6.7.2019, 27.6.2020 - 4.7.2020, 16.9.2020 - 19.9.2020, 30.6.2021 - 3.7.2021, 28.6.2023 - 2.7.2023, 27.6.2024 - 7.7.202426,27 (2012) 26,27 (2013) 27 (2014)annual Monró Theatre+386 / 1 439 3890Ana Desetnica, mednarodni festival uličnih gledališčKersnikova 4SI-1000 Ljubljana
Ana's Festival Rogaška Slatina2,0151.8.2015 - 29.8.2015, 19.7.2016 - 3.9.2016, 22.7.2017 - 2.9.2017, 6.7.2018 - 31.8.2018, 5.7.2019 - 30.8.2019, 22.6.2023 - 2.9.2023, 28.6.2024 - 31.8.2024ška Slatina Public Institute for Tourism and Culture+386 /3 581 44 14Anin festival Rogaška SlatinaZdraviliški trg 1SI-3250 Rogaška Slatina
Animateka International Animated Film Festival2,0047.12.2015 - 13.12.2015, 5.12.2016 - 11.12.2016, 4.12.2017 - 10.12.2017, 3.12.2018 - 9.12.2018, 2.12.2019 - 8.12.2019, 30.11.2020 - 9.12.2020, 29.11.2021 - 5.12.2021, 28.11.2022 - 4.12.2022, 27.11.2023 - 3.12.2023, 2.12.2024 - 8.12.202449,50 (2012) 49,50 (2013) 50 (2014)Annual (2020 edition took place online) Reels - Association for Reanimation of Storytelling
Kinodvor Cinema
+386 / 5 997 1747Animateka - mednarodni festival animiranega filmaTugomerjeva 8SI-1000 Ljubljana
Arsana International Music Festival23.7.2015 - 31.7.2015, 22.7.2016 - 30.7.2016, 21.7.2017 - 29.7.2017, 20.7.2018 - 28.7.2018, 19.7.2019 - 27.7.2019, 24.7.2020 - 30.7.2020, 3.7.2021 - 29.7.2021, 21.7.2022 - 30.7.2022, 15.6.2023 - 29.6.2023, 18.6.2024 - 31.8.2024, 14.6.2025 - 29.8.202529,30,31 (2011) 30,31 (2012) 30,31 (2013) 30,31 (2014)annual Music Art Association+386 / 71 369 481Mednarodni glasbeni festival ArsanaJadranska 4SI-2250 Ptuj
Art Stays, International Festival of Contemporary Art2,00310.7.2015 - 1.9.2015, 8.7.2016 - 5.9.2016, 7.7.2017 - 15.7.2017, 6.7.2018 - 9.9.2018, 5.6.2019 - 13.9.2019, 16.7.2020 - 19.7.2020, 8.7.2021 - 18.9.2021, 7.7.2022 - 18.9.2022, 1.7.2023 - 31.7.2023, 4.7.2024 - 8.8.202429,30,31,32,33,34,35 (2012) 30,31,32,33,34,35 (2013) 30,31,32,33,34,35 (2014)Annualhttp://www.artstays.siArt Stays Cultural Association+386 / 40 467 459, 386 / 51 361 800Art Stays mednarodni festival sodobne umetnostiJadranska ulica 4SI-2250 Ptuj
Avsenik Festival2,00823.8.2013 - 25.8.2013, 21.8.2015 - 23.8.2015, 25.8.2017 - 27.8.2017, 23.8.2019 - 25.8.2019, 26.8.2022 - 28.8.2022, 23.8.2024 - 25.8.2024biennialhttp://festival.avsenik.comGostilna - restavracija AvsenikFestival AvsenikBegunje 21SI-4275 Begunje na Gorenjskem
BOFF Bovec Outdoor Film Festival2,00827.12.2015 - 30.12.2015, 27.12.2016 - 30.12.2016, 28.12.2017 - 30.12.2017, 28.12.2018 - 30.12.2018, 28.12.2019 - 30.12.2019, 28.12.2020 - 30.12.2020, 28.12.2021 - 30.12.2021, 27.12.2022 - 30.12.2022, 28.12.2023 - 30.12.2023, 27.12.2024 - 30.12.202452 (2011) 52 (2012) 52 (2013) 52 (2014)annual Association DrčaBOFF Bovec Outdoor Film FestivalTrg golobarskih žrtev 22/23SI-5230 Bovec
BUMfest International Percussion Festival2,00723.1.2015 - 25.1.2015, 22.1.2016 - 24.1.2016, 20.1.2017 - 22.1.2017, 26.1.2018 - 28.1.2018, 25.1.2019 - 27.1.2019, 24.1.2020 - 26.1.2020, 19.1.2023 - 22.1.2023, 19.1.2024 - 21.1.2024, 24.1.2025 - 26.1.20252 (2010) 2 (2011) 2 (2012) 3 (2013) 3 (2014) 4 (2015) 3 (2016)annual Slovene Percussion Project
ZKŠT, Zavod za kulturo šport in turizem Žalec
BUMfest mednarodni festival tolkalnih skupinZKŠT Žalec, Aškerčeva 9aSI-3310 Žalec
Beached Whale Festival2,00928.7.2012, 27.7.2013, 26.7.2014, 25.7.2015, 30.7.2016, 29.7.2017, 28.7.2018, 27.7.2019, 31.7.2021, 9.8.2022, 29.7.2023, 27.7.2024annual Association of Beached WhaleFestival nasedlega kitaSI-3504 Velenje
Beavers Festival of Culture and Art Education2,00927.1.2012 - 11.2.2012, 26.1.2013 - 9.2.2013, 25.1.2014 - 8.2.2014, 24.1.2015 - 8.2.2015, 23.1.2016 - 8.2.2016, 21.1.2017 - 8.2.2017, 20.1.2018 - 8.2.2018, 19.1.2019 - 8.2.2019, 18.1.2020 - 8.2.2020, 18.9.2021 - 2.10.2021, 26.3.2022 - 9.4.2022, 25.3.2023 - 15.4.2023, 16.3.2024 - 6.4.2024, 15.3.2025 - 29.3.2025annual of Ljubljana
Mladinsko Theatre
Kinodvor Cinema
BobriSI-1000 Ljubljana
Beer and Flower Festival1,96412.7.2012 - 15.7.2012, 11.7.2013 - 14.7.2013, 17.7.2014 - 20.7.2014, 16.7.2015 - 19.7.2015, 14.7.2016 - 17.7.2016, 13.7.2017 - 16.7.2017, 12.7.2018 - 15.7.2018, 11.7.2019 – 14.7.2019, 9.7.2021 - 12.7.2021, 15.7.2022 - 17.7.2022, 14.7.2023 - 16.7.2023, 11.7.2024 - 13.7.2024, 11.7.2025 - 13.7.2025annualhttp://www.pivo-cvetje.siSTIK Laško+386 / 3 733 8930Festival piva in cvetjaTrg svobode 6SI-3270 Laško
Bi Flamenko International Flamenco Festival2,0189.2.2018 - 13.2.2018, 14.2.2020 - 18.2.2020, 22.2.2022 - 1.3.2022 / 1 241 7100Festival Bi FlamenkoPrešernova 10SI-1000 Ljubljana
Biennial Festival of the Contemporary Puppetry Art LUTKE1,9959.9.2016 - 13.9.2016, 12.9.2018 - 16.9.2018, 2.10.2020 - 8.10.2020, 23.9.2022 - 27.9.2022, 25.9.2024 - 28.9.202437 (2012) 37,38 (2014)biennial Puppet Theatre+386 / 1 300 0970Mednarodni festival sodobne lutkovne umetnosti LUTKEKrekov trg 2SI-1000 Ljubljana
Biennial of Design (BIO)1,96318.9.2014 - 7.12.2014, 25.5.2017 - 29.10.2017, 14.11.2019 - 31.12.2019, 1.1.2020 - 9.2.2020, 26.5.2022 - 29.9.2022, 21.11.2024 - 6.4.202539,40,41,42,43,44,45,46 (2012)biennial of Architecture and Design
BIO Secretariat
+386 / 1 548 4279Bienale oblikovanja (BIO)Rusjanov trg 7SI-1000 Ljubljana
Biennial of Graphic Arts1,95528.8.2015 - 3.12.2015, 16.6.2017 - 24.10.2017, 7.6.2019 - 29.9.2019, 10.9.2021 - 21.11.2021, 5.9.2023 - 14.1.2024, 6.6.2025 - 12.10.202538,39,40,41,42,43,44,45,46 (2011) 38,39,40,41,42,43,44,45,46,47,48 (2013)biennialhttps://bienale.siInternational Centre of Graphic Arts, Ljubljana+386 / 1 241 3800Grafični bienalePod turnom 3SI-1000 Ljubljana
Biennial of Slovene Book Illustration1,99321.12.2016 - 29.3.2017, 27.3.2019 - 19.5.2019, 6.11.2021 - 31.3.2022, 12.12.2024 - 9.3.202546,47,48,49,50,51,52 (2012) 1,2,3,4,5 (2013) 47,48,49,50,51,52 (2014) 1,2,3,4,5 (2015)biennial dom, Cultural and Congress Centre+386 / 1 241 7100Slovenski bienale ilustracije (SBI)Prešernova 10SI-1000 Ljubljana
Big Architecture Festival2,009
15.10.2020 - 16.10.2020, 7.4.2022 - 8.4.2022, 5.5.2022, 19.5.2023, 15.5.2024 - 16.5.2024biannual Big+386 / 1 431 2222Big ArhitekturaDunajska cesta 123SI-1000 Ljubljana
Bled Festival1,9962.7.2015 - 16.7.2015,30.6.2016 - 14.7.2016, 3.7.2017 - 16.7.2017, 2.7.2018 - 15.7.2018, 1.7.2019 - 17.7.2019, 1.7.2021 - 17.7.2021, 1.7.2022 - 19.7.2022, 1.7.2023 - 20.7.2023, 1.7.2024 - 14.7.202426,27,28,29 (2012) 27,28,29 (2013) 27,28,29 (2014)annualhttp://www.festivalbled.comBled Culture Institute
Društvo Kulturni hram
+386 / 30 745 154Festival BledAlpska 74SI-4248 Lesce
Blind Date Convention, Festival of the Artist’s Book2,01014.9.2010 - 20.10.2010, 3.11.2011 - 4.11.2011, 23.5.2014 - 24.5.2014, 19.5.2016 - 9.6.2016, 6.12.2018, 15.12.2020 - 29.12.2020, 2.12.2022 - 20.12.2022, 2.12.2024 - 13.12.2024biennial Centre and GalleryKonvencija Blind Date, festival knjige umetnikaCenter in galerija P74, Trg Prekomorskih brigad 1SI-1000 Ljubljana
Bohinj Summer Music Festival1,99619.6.2015 - 20.8.2015, 23.7.2016 - 18.8.2016, 1.7.2017, 20.7.2017 - 17.8.2017, 23.6.2018 - 16.8.2018, 29.6.2019 - 15.8.2019, 25.7.2020 - 13.8.2020, 24.7.2021 - 12.8.2021, 22.7.2022 - 18.8.2022, 27.7.2023 - 17.8.2023, 18.7.2024 - 22.8.2024annual Bohinj InstituteGlasbeno poletje v BohinjuVarious venues, St Martin Church, St Nicholas Church, Bohinjska BistricaSI-4267 Srednja vas v Bohinju
Brda Contemporary Music Festival2,01114.9.2012 - 15.9.2012, 13.9.2013 - 14.9.2013, 11.9.2014 - 13.9.2014, 10.9.2015 - 12.9.2015, 15.9.2016 - 17.9.2016, 14.9.2017 - 16.9.2017, 13.9.2018 - 15.9.2018, 12.9.2019 - 14.9.2019, 3.9.2020 - 5.9.2020, 9.9.2021 - 10.9.2021, 15.9.2022 - 17.9.2022, 15.9.2023 - 17.9.2023, 12.9.2024 - 14.9.2024annualKUD Zvočni izviriBrda Contemporary Music FestivalMedana 155212 Brda
Breka Fest2,00825.8.2012, 31.8.2013, 29.8.2014 – 30.8.2014, 28.8.2015 – 29.8.2015, 26.8.2016 – 27.8.2016, 11.3.2017, 25.8.2017 – 26.8.2017, 31.8.2018 - 1.9.2018, 30.8.2019 - 31.8.2019, 26.8.2022 - 27.8.2022, 25.8.2023 - 26.8.2023, 30.8.2024 - 1.9.2024annual Društvo alternativne mladine BistricaBreka FestSrednja Bistrica
Brumen Biennial of Slovenian Design2,00320.10.2015 - 22.11.2015, 3.10.2017 - 26.11.2017, 22.10.2019 - 24.11.2019, 14.4.2022 - 31.5.2022, 23.4.2024 – 6.5.202443,44,45,46,47 (2013)biennial Foundation+386 / 1 500 7360Brumen, bienale slovenskega oblikovanjaSlovenska cesta 11SI-1000 Ljubljana
Butik Festival13.07.2023 – 16.07.2023, 10.7.2024 - 14.7.2024, 9.7.2025 - 13.7.2025 ButikDijaška ulica 18SI-5220, Tolmin
Cankarjada Festival1,9961.9.2015 - 4.9.2015, 1.9.2016 - 4.9.2016, 6.9.2017 - 10.9.2017, 3.9.2018 - 8.9.2018, 3.9.2019 - 7.9.2019, 1.9.2020 - 5.9.2020, 1.9.2021 - 4.9.2021, 31.8.2022 - 3.9.2022, 30.8.2023 - 2.9.2023 , 5.9.2024 - 7.9.202435 (2011) 36 (2012) 36 (2013) 36 (2014)annual vrhniških študentov+386 / 7 41 898 188Festival CankarjadaTržaška 11SI-1360 Vrhnika
City of Books Festival2,01631.5.2016 - 3.6.2016, 20.12.2016 - 23.12.2016, 2.6.2017 - 9.6.2017, 22.12.2017, 1.6.2018 - 8.6.2018, 19.12.2018 - 20.12.2018, 31.5.2019 - 7.6.2019, 17.12.2019 - 20.12.2019, 11.9.2020 - 19.9.2020, 11.6.2021 - 18.6.2021, 20.12.2022 - 30.12.2022, 1.6.2023 - 2.6.2023, 4.9.2023 - 9.9.2023, 5.6.2024 - 9.6.2024annualhttp://mestoknjige.siGoriška Humanist AssociationKnjižni festival Mesto knjigeBevkov TrgSI-5000 Nova Gorica
City of Women International Festival of Contemporary Arts1,9955.10.2015 - 15.10.2015, 6.10.2016 - 16.10.2016, 6.10.2017 - 15.10.2017, 4.10.2018 - 8.10.2018, 1.10.2019 - 13.10.2019, 22.9.2020 - 12.10.2020, 2.10.2021 - 18.10.2021, 6.10.2022 - 15.10.2022, 3.10.2023 - 14.10.2023, 4.10.2024 - 13.10.202440,41 (2012) 40,41 (2013) 40,41 (2014)annualhttp://www.cityofwomen.orgCity of Women Association for Promotion of Women in Culture+386 / 1 438 1585Mesto žensk, Mednarodni festival sodobnih umetnostiKersnikova 4 (Office: Metelkova 6)SI-1000 Ljubljana
Club Marathon2,00111.9.2015 - 6.11.2015, 9.9.2016 - 5.11.2016, 15.9.2017 - 4.11.2017, 13.9.2018 - 2.11.2018, 13.9.2019 - 1.11.2019, 21.8.2020 - 30.9.2020, 3.7.2021 - 28.8.2021, 1.7.2022 - 26.8.2022, 1.9.2023 - 3.11.2023, 7.9.2024 - 8.11.202439,40,41,42,43,44 (2012) 38,39,40,41,42,43,44,45 (2013) 38,39,40,41,42,43,44,45 (2014)annual Študent (RŠ)+386 / 1 242 8800Klubski maraton Radia ŠtudentCesta 27. aprila 31SI-1000 Ljubljana
Cmakajne Festival of Young Creativity1,9994.9.2015 - 26.9.2015, 9.9.2016 - 24.9.2016, 2.9.2017 - 24.9.2017, 17.9.2018 - 25.9.2018, 23.8.2019 - 24.8.2019, 28.8.2020 - 29.8.2020, 17.9.2021 - 18.9.2021, 16.9.2022 - 17.9.2022, 15.9.2023 - 16.9.202337,38 (2011) 38,39 (2012) 38,39 (2013) 37,38,39 (2014)annual Cerkno+386 / 51 828 028Festival ustvarjalnosti CmakajneBevkova 11SI-5282 Cerkno
CoFestival2,01218.10.2014, 26.11.2015 - 7.12.2015, 25.11.2016 - 4.12.2016, 16.9.2017 - 24.9.2017, 22.11.2018 - 28.11.2018, 22.11.2019 - 27.11.2019, 20.11.2020 - 25.11.2020, 28.5.2021 - 31.5.2021, 25.11.2021 - 2.12.2021, 25.11.2022 - 1.12.2022, 24.11.2023 - 1.12.2023, 22.11.2024 - 29.11.202421,22,23 (2012) 25,39 (2013)annual (2020 edition only took place online) Šiška Centre for Urban CultureCoFestivalSI-1000 Ljubljana
Contemporary dance Platform2,0071.9.2020 – 6.9.2020, 31.8.2021 - 5.9.2021, 28.8.2024 - 31.8.202421 (2013) 40 (2014)annual slPlesna izba - Maribor Dance Room+386 / 2 250 1316Platforma sodobnega plesaPobreška cesta 20SI-2000 Maribor
Creative Jazz Clinic Velenje2,01624.2.2016 - 28.2.2016, 21.2.2017 - 26.2.2017, 26.2.2018 - 3.3.2018, 18.2.2019 - 23.2.2019, 24.2.2020 - 29.2.2020, 16.8.2021 - 21.8.2021, 31.10.2022 - 5.11.2022, 26.6.2023 - 1.7.2023, 26.2.2024 - 2.3.2024, 17.2.2025 - 22.2.2025 Velenje Cultural AssociationKreativna jazz klinika VelenjeCesta II/27SI-3320 Velenje
Crossings Festival2,01027.8.2010 - 29.8.2010, 28.8.2011 - 3.9.2011, 11.5.2012 - 20.5.2012, 11.5.2019 - 18.5.2019, 29.5.2021 - 9.7.2021, 27.8.2021 - 28.8.2021, 3.9.2021 - 4.9.2021, 12.5.2023 - 20.5.2023, 16.5.2025 - 23.5.2025, festival neodvisnega gledališčaKamniška ulica 34SI-2000 Maribor
DOKUDOC International Documentary Film Festival2,01220.9.2012 - 23.9.2012, 30.8.2013 - 1.9.2013, 29.8.2014 - 31.8.2014, 2.9.2015 - 6.9.2015, 7.9.2016 - 11.9.2016, 5.9.2017 - 10.9.2017, 29.8.2018 - 2.9.2018, 5.9.2019 - 8.9.2019, 4.9.2020 - 6.9.2020, 13.9.2021 - 19.9.2021, 15.9.2022 - 18.9.2022, 14.9.2023 - 17.9.2023, 19.9.2024 - 22.9.2024, 18.9.2025 - 21.9.2025annualhttps://dokudoc.siMitra, assocation for development of audiovisual culture and intercultural dialogueDOKUDOC mednarodni festival dokumentarnega filmaGregorčičeva 26SI-2000 Maribor
Days of Comedy1,99226.2.2015 - 14.3.2015, 3.3.2016 - 19.3.2016, 2.3.2017 - 18.3.2017, 1.3.2018 - 17.3.2018, 6.3.2019 - 17.3.2019, 22.6.2021 - 30.6.2021, 15.2.2022 - 26.3.2022, 27.2.2023 - 12.3.2023, 9.2.2024 - 25.2.2024, 3.2.2025 - 17.2.20259,10,11,12 (2012) 10,11,12 (2013) 9,10,11 (2014)annual People’s Theatre (SLG) Celje+386 / 3 426 4200Dnevi komedijeGledališki trg 5SI-3000 Celje
Days of Ethnographic Film2,00710.3.2015 - 13.3.2015, 1.3.2017 - 4.3.2017, 6.3.2018 - 7.3.2018, 6.3.2019 - 9.3.2019, 3.3.2021 - 6.3.2021, 8.3.2022, 23.2.2023 - 25.2.2023, 29.3.2024 - 30.3.2024, 27.2.2025 - 1.3.202510 (2011) 11 (2012) 11 (2013) 11 (2014)biennialhttp://www.def.siSlovene Ethnological Society
Institute of Slovenian Ethnology at the Scientific Research Centre of the Slovene Academy of Science and Arts, Department of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology
+386 / 1 470 6346Dnevi etnografskega filmaNovi trg 2SI-1000 Ljubljana
Days of Poetry and Wine Festival1,99526.8.2015 - 29.8.2015, 23.8.2016 - 27.8.2016, 23.8.2017 - 26.8.2017, 21.8.2018 - 25.8.2018, 21.8.2019 - 24.8.2019, 27.8.2020 - 29.8.2020, 24.8.2021 - 28.8.2021, 22.8.2022 - 27.8.2022, 21.8.2023 - 26.8.2023, 19.8.2024 - 24.8.202434 (2012) 34 (2013) 35 (2014)annual Publishing InstituteFestival Dnevi poezije in vinaVrazov trg 1SI-2250 Ptuj
Design Biotop2,01321.11.2013, 29.5.2014, 18.11.2015 - 20.11.2015, 26.10.2016 - 28.10.2016, 21.9.2017 - 25.9.2017, 23.5.2019 - 25.5.2019, 1.9.2020 - 4.9.2020, 21.6.2021 - 25.6.2021annual AssociationDesign Biotop127 Celovška cestaSI-1000 Ljubljana
Deuje babe Festival2,0137.3.2013 - 8.3.2013, 7.3.2014 - 8.3.2014, 6.3.2015 - 8.3.2015, 4.3.2016 - 13.3.2016, 8.3.2017 - 25.3.2017, 4.3.2018 - 17.3.2018, 1.3.2019 - 23.3.2019, 6.3.2020 - 20.3.2020, 4.3.2022 - 12.3.2022, 3.3.2023 - 8.3.2023, 31.5.2024 - 2.6.2024annualhttps://deujebabe.wordpress.comC.M.A.K. CerknoDeuje babeMočnikova 1SI-5282 Cerkno
DokuBazaar, Ljubljana Independent Documentary Film Festival2,0091.10.2012 - 3.10.2012, 30.9.2013 - 2.10.2013, 27.10.2014 - 29.10.2014, 21.9.2015 - 23.9.2015, 20.11.2017 - 22.11.2017, 7.6.2021 - 11.6.2021, 1.6.2022 - 31.10.2022, 1.10.2023 - 10.10.2023, 6.10.2024 - 12.10.2024annual, neodvisni ljubljanski festival dokumentarnega filmaŠkrabčeva ulica 2SI-1000 Ljubljana
Druga godba Festival1,98428.5.2015 - 30.5.2015, 26.5.2016 - 28.5.2016, 25.5.2017 - 27.5.2017, 24.5.2018 - 26.5.2018, 21.5.2019 - 25.5.2019, 11.9.2020 - 12.9.2020, 4.12.2020, 2.7.2021 - 10.7.2021, 29.5.2022, 22.5.2023 - 30.5.2023, 23.5.2024 – 26.5.2024, 29.5.2025 - 31.5.202519,20,21,22,23 (2012) 19 (2013) 22 (2014)annual godba Ljubljana+386 / 59 366 166, 386 / 40 222 207Mednarodni festival Druga godbaTrg prekomorskih brigad 1SI-1000 Ljubljana
Drugajanje Festival2,00227.11.2012 - 29.11.2012, 26.11.2013 - 28.11.2013, 24.11.2014 - 4.12.2014, 23.11.2015 - 25.11.2015, 21.11.2016 - 24.11.2016, 27.11.2017 - 30.11.2017, 27.11.2018 - 29.11.2018, 26.11.2019 - 28.11.2019, 24.12.2020 - 26.12.2020, 22.11.2021 - 25.11.2021, 28.11.2022 - 30.11.2022, 13.11.2023 - 17.11.2023, 23.1. 2024 - 24.1.2024, 11.11. 2024 - 15.11.2024annual InstituteFestival DrugajanjeSlomškova 11SI-1000 Ljubljana
Enimation, International Children and Youth Film Festival2,01126.11.2012 - 30.11.2012, 26.11.2013 - 30.11.2013, 24.11.2014 - 26.11.2014, 20.11.2015 - 25.11.2015, 26.11.2016 - 30.11.2016, 7.11.2017 - 14.11.2017, 27.11.2018 - 1.12.2018, 26.11.2019 - 30.11.2019, 10.11.2020 - 14.11.2020, 9.11.2021 - 13.11.2021, 22.10.2022 - 13.11.2022, 7.11.2023 - 11.11.2023, 12.11.2024 - 16.11.2024annual (2020 edition took place online)https://www.enimation.siAssociation for Film Culture Development, MariborEnimation, mednarodni festival otroškega in mladinskega filmaGlavni trg 22SI-2000 Maribor
EtnoRock Festival1,99628.8.2015, 26.8.2016 - 27.8.2016, 25.8.2017 - 26.8.2017, 24.8.2018 - 25.8.2018, 23.8.2019 - 24.8.2019, 23.8.2020 - 24.8.2020, 27.8.2021 - 28.8.2021, 26.8.2022 - 27.8.2022, 25.8.2023, 30.8.2024 - 31.8.2024annual KontrabantEtnoRock festivalVarious venuesSI-1230 Domžale
Ex-tempore Piran - International Painting and Ceramics1,96429.8.2015 - 5.9.2015, 27.8.2016 - 3.9.2016, 2.9.2017 - 30.9.2017, 1.9.2018 - 8.9.2018, 31.8.2019 - 7.9.2019, 29.8.2020 - 4.9.2020, 28.8.2021 - 4.9.2021, 27.8.2022 - 3.9.2022, 26.8.2023 - 2.9.2023, 31.8.2024 - 7.9.202435,36 (2012) 35,36 (2013) 36,37,38,39,40 (2014)annual galerije - Coastal Galleries+386 / 5 671 2080Mednarodni slikarski ex-tempore PiranTartinijev trg 3SI-6330 Piran-Pirano
Eye of the Word Festival1,99526.9.2013 - 28.9.2013, 9.10.2014, 24.9.2015 - 26.9.2015, 23.9.2016 - 25.9.2016, 21.9.2017 - 23.9.2017, 27.9.2018, 19.9.2019, 24.9.2020 - 26.9.2020, 23.9.2021 - 25.9.2021, 22.9.2022 - 24.9.2022, 14.9.2023 - 16.9.2023, 12.9.2024 – 14.9.202438 (2012)annual besedeSI-9000 Murska Sobota
FKK - Festival of Culture Kostanjevica6.7.2018 - 7.7.2018, 4.7.2019 - 6.7.2019, 2.9.2020 - 5.9.2020, 25.8.2021 - 29.8.2021, 2.7.2022 - 7.7.2022, 1.7.2023 - 8.7.2023, 1.7.2024 - 6.7.2024annual društvo/Youth Organisation Kostanjevica na KrkiFestival kulture Kostanjevica (FKK)Grajska cesta 27SI-8311 Kostanjevica na Krki
Fantasy Literature Festival Fanfest2,01722.9.2018 - 23.9.2018, 21.9.2019 - 22.9.2019, 26.9.2020, 25.9.2021 - 26.9.2021, 23.9.2022 - 25.9.2022, 21.10.2023 - 22.10.2023, 18.10.2024 - 20.10.2024annual’s Literary SocietySlovenski festival fantazijske književnosti FanfestGledališki trg 4SI-3000 Celje
FeKK Ljubljana Short Film Festival2,01524.8.2015 - 28.8.2015, 22.8.2016 - 27.8.2016, 28.8.2017 - 2.9.2017, 20.8.2018 - 25.8.2018, 19.8.2019 - 24.8.2019, 17.8.2020 - 22.8.2020, 16.8.2021 - 21.8.2021, 15.8.2022 - 20.8.2022, 14.8.2023 - 19.8.2023, 19.8.2024 - 24.8.2024annualhttp://www.fekk.siKraken Film SocietyFestival kratkih Kraken (FeKK)Cesta na Brdo 67SI-1000 Ljubljana
Festival IZIS2,01328.12.2013, 26.12.2014 - 27.12.2014, 25.12.2015 - 26.12.2015, 30.12.2016, 29.12.2017, 29.12.2018, 5.7.2019 - 23.8.2019, 2.9.2020 - 30.9.2020, 24.9.2021 - 15.10.2021, 23.9.2022 - 16.10.2022, 9.10.2023 - 22.10.2023, 6.10.2024 - 22.10.2024annualhttps://festival-izis.orgKID PiNAFestival IZIS
Festival Maribor1,9648.9.2015 - 18.9.2015, 6.9.2016 - 17.9.2016, 3.9.2017 - 21.9.2017, 20.9.2018 - 28.9.2018, 10.9.2019 - 19.9.2019, 17.9.2020 - 26.9.2020, 16.9.2021 - 25.9.2021, 15.9.2022 - 24.9.2022, 14.9.2023 - 1.10.2023, 11.9.2024 - 22.9.202436,37 (2012) 36,37 (2013) 36,37 (2014)annualhttp://www.festivalmaribor.siNarodni dom Maribor+386 / 2 229 4001Festival MariborUlica kneza Koclja 9SI-2000 Maribor
Festival of Independent Film1,99626.11.2015 - 28.11.2015, 24.11.2016 - 26.11.2016, 25.11.2017 - 26.11.2017, 29.11.2018 - 1.12.2018, 6.12.2019 - 7.12.2019, 28.5.2022 - 29.5.2022, 4.6.2022 - 23.6.2022, 19.4.2024 - 21.4.2024, 14.4.2023 - 16.4.2023, 20.6.2024 - 23.6.2024, 27.3.2025 - 30.3.202548 (2012), 48 (2013), 48 (2014)annual film/fnf 2024Film Programme, Public Fund for Cultural Activities
Slovenian Cinematheque
Festival neodvisnega filmaŠtefanova ulica 51000 Ljubljana
Festival of Migrant Film2,01016.6.2015 - 19.6.2015, 15.6.2016 - 20.6.2016, 15.6.2017 - 20.6.2017, 18.6.2018 - 22.6.2018, 17.6.2019 - 20.6.2019, 17.6.2020, 7.9.2020 - 10.9.2020, 14.6.2021 - 17.6.2021, 4.6.2022 - 23.6.2022, 14.6.2023 - 22.6.2023, 23.9.2024 - 26.9.202425 (2012) 24,25 (2013) 24,25 (2014), 25 (2015)annualhttp://www.fmf-slovenija.siSlovenska filantropija+386 / 1 430 1288, 386 / 51 654 726Festival migrantskega filma (FMF)Slovenska filantropija, Cesta Dolomitskega odreda 11SI-1000 Ljubljana
Festival of Photography Maribor2,01624.9.2016 - 11.10.2016, 23.9.2017 - 30.9.2017, 10.9.2018 - 30.9.2018, 10.9.2019 - 30.9.2019, 12.9.2020 - 30.9.2020, 18.9.2021 - 5.10.2021, 17.9.2022 - 1.10.2022, 16.9.2023 - 1.10.2023, 14.9.2024 - 30.9.2024annual MariborFestival fotografije MariborŽidovska ulica 6SI-2001 Maribor
Festival of Slovenian Film1,99115.9.2015 - 20.9.2015, 13.9.2016 - 18.9.2016, 8.9.2017 - 13.9.2017, 10.9.2018 - 15.9.2018, 9.9.2019 - 14.9.2019, 6.10.2020 - 11.10.2020, 12.10.2021 - 17.10.2021, 25.10.2022 - 30.10.2022, 3.10.2023 - 8.10.2023, 22.10.2024 - 27.10.202439 (2012) 37 (2013) 37 (2014)annualhttp://www.fsf.siSlovenian Film Centre+386 / 1 234 3200Festival slovenskega filmaMiklošičeva 38SI-1000 Ljubljana
Festival of Slovenian Jazz2,00317.10.2013 - 19.10.2013, 16.10.2014 - 18.10.2014, 15.10.2015 - 17.10.2015, 13.10.2016 - 15.10.2016, 16.10.2017 - 21.10.2017, 2.10.2018 - 6.10.2018, 17.9.2019 - 21.9.2019, 29.4.2021 - 30.4.2021, 5.6.2021, 10.9.2021 - 18.9.2021, 18.8.2022 - 17.9.2022, 5.9.2023 - 9.9.2023annual listing category/festival-slovenskega-jazza/Jazz Society
KD Drugi zvoki
Carinthia Jazz
+386 / 31 629 914Festival slovenskega jazzaNa Šancah 13SI-2390 Ravne na Koroškem
Floating Castle Festival2,0145.9.2014 - 7.9.2014, 23.8.2015 - 30.8.2015, 10.7.2016 - 16.7.2016, 3.8.2017 - 5.8.2017, 26.7.2018 - 28.7.2018, 26.8.2019 - 31.8.2019, 1.8.2020 - 2.8.2020, 22.7.2021 - 25.7.2021, 4.8.2022 - 7.8.2022, 27.7.2023 - 30.7.2023, 13.7.2024, 21.7.2024annual matitaFestival Plavajoči grad
Flores Musicae Festival2,0175.10.2017 - 8.10.2017, 27.9.2018 - 30.9.2018, 19.9.2019 - 22.9.2019, 17.9.2020 – 20.9.2020, 30.9.2021 – 3.10.2021, 22.9.2022 - 25.9.2022, 21.9.2023 - 24.9.2023, 26.9.2024 - 29.9.2024annual Gorica Arts Centre+386 / 5 335 4013Festival Flores MusicaeBevkov trg 4SI-5000 Nova Gorica
Folkest Festival1,97916.7.2015 - 20.7.2015, 23.6.2016 - 10.7.2016, 22.6.2017 - 27.7.2017, 21.6.2018 - 9.7.2018, 20.6.2019 - 8.7.2019, 17.9.2020 - 4.10.2020, 5.8.2021 - 23.8.2021, 16.6.2022 - 26.8.2022, 15.6.2023 - 3.7.2023, 13.6.2024 - 7.7.202430 (2012) 27,28 (2013) 27,28,29,30 (2014)annualhttp://www.folkest.comFolkgiornale Cultural Association
Kulturno društvo AIAS Koper
+386 / 5 627 9130Festival FolkestŽupančičeva 39SI-6000 Koper-Capodistria
Front@ Contemporary Dance Festival2,0062.9.2015 - 5.9.2015, 1.9.2016 - 3.9.2016, 31.8.2017 - 2.9.2017, 29.8.2018 - 1.9.2018, 28.8.2019 - 31.8.2019, 28.8.2020 - 1.9.2020, 21.8.2021 - 27.8.2021, 25.8.2022 - 28.8.2022, 30.8.2023 - 2.9.2023, 28.8.2024 - 31.8.202434,35 (2012) 35 (2013) 35 (2014)annual InstituteFront@ mednarodnega plesa - festivalVarious venuesSI-9000 Murska Sobota
Gibanica (Moving Cake) Biennial of Slovenian Contemporary Dance Art2,00321.2.2013 - 23.2.2013, 18.2.2015 - 21.2.2015, 8.3.2017 - 11.3.2017, 27.2.2019 - 2.3.2019, 15.9.2021 - 18.9.2021, 22.2.2023 - 25.2.2023, 6.5.2025 - 10.5.20258,9 (2011)biennialhttps://gibanica.infoContemporary Dance Association Slovenia+386 / 1 432 2390Gibanica, bienale slovenske sodobne umetnostiMetelkova 6SI-1000 Ljubljana
Godibodi Festival2,0082.6.2015 - 21.6.2015, 1.6.2016 - 4.6.2016, 7.6.2017 - 10.6.2017, 7.6.2018 - 9.6.2018, 30.5.2019 - 1.6.2019, 29.5.2020 - 30.5.2020, 26.5.2021 - 29.5.2021, 2.6.2022 - 4.6.2022, 1.6.2023 - 3.6.202314 (2011) 16 (2012) 22,26 (2013) 23 (2014)annual Agency
Ljubljanski grad Public Institute
Festival GodibodiSneberska cesta 33SI-1260 Ljubljana Polje
Gora Rocka2,00522.6.2012 - 24.6.2012, 21.6.2013 - 23.6.2013, 27.6.2014 - 29.6.2014, 26.6.2015 – 28.6.2015, 23.6.2016 – 26.6.2016, 29.6.2017 - 2.7.2017, 22.6.2018 - 25.6.2018, 27.6.2019 - 30.6.2019, 8.7.2021 - 11.7.2021, 23.6.2022 - 26.6.2022, 22.6.2023 - 26.6.2023, 27.6.2024 – 30.6.2024, 26.6.2025 - 29.6.2025annualŠD Šentviška GoraGora RockaPrapetno Brdo 17CSI-5383 Slap ob Idrijci
Grossmann Fantastic Film and Wine Festival2,00515.7.2014 - 19.7.2014, 14.7.2015 - 18.7.2015, 12.7.2016 - 16.7.2016, 11.7.2017 - 15.7.2017, 10.7.2018 - 14.7.2018, 16.7.2019 - 20.7.2019, 10.7.2020 - 18.7.2020, 16.7.2021 - 24.7.2021, 9.7.2022 - 10.7.2022, 19.6.2023 - 24.6.2023, 11.6.2024 - 15.6.202429 (2012) 29 (2013)annual Festival Ljutomer
Filmska praksa PLAN 9
Municipality of Ljutomer
+386 / 41 380 517Grossmannov festival fantastičnega filma in vinaPrešernova 17SI-9240 Ljutomer
Grossmann Fantasy, Sci-Fi and Comics Festival2,01918.10.2019 - 20.10.2019, 28.10.2022 - 30.10.2022, 13.10.2023 - 15.10.2023annual of Ljutomer
Grossmann Fantastic Film and Wine Festival
GPS Society, Unterhund Club
+386 / 41 380 517Grossmannov festival fantastike in stripaPrešernova 17SI-9240 Ljutomer
Grounded Festival2,0153.12.2015 - 4.12.2015, 21.11.2018 - 24.11.2018, 14.11.2019 - 16.11.2019, 20.8.2020 - 22.8.2020, 18.8.2021 - 20.8.2021, 11.8.2022 - 13.8.2022, 24.8.2023 - 26.8.2023, 22.8.2024 - 24.8.2024annualčje+386 /Festival GroundedMestni trg 2SI-1000 Ljubljana
House of Tolerance Festival2,0154.2.2015 - 8.2.2015, 17.1.2016 - 21.1.2016, 26.3.2017 - 1.4.2017, 18.3.2018 - 23.3.2018, 21.3.2019 - 28.3.2019, 1.3.2020 - 6.3.2020, 8.9.2021 - 14.9.2021, 5.9.2022 - 21.9.2022, 13.11.2023 - 21.11.2023, 4.11.2024 - 11.11.2024 / 1 425 60 60, 386 / 41 314 414Festival Hiša strpnostiKriževniška 3SI-1000 Ljubljana
Idrija Lace Festival1,98219.6.2015 - 21.6.2015, 17.6.2016 - 19.6.2016, 16.6.2017 - 18.6.2017, 15.6.2018 - 17.6.2018, 14.6.2019 - 16.6.2019, 19.6.2020 - 21.6.2020, 17.6.2022 - 19.6.2022, 16.6.2023 - 18.6.2023, 14.06.2024 - 16.06.202424 (2012) 24 (2013) 25 (2014)annual Idrija Heritage Centre+386 / 5 374 3916Festival idrijske čipkeMestni trg 2SI-5280 Idrija
In Memoriam Prof. Peter Hafner Festival2,00919.10.2012 - 20.10.2012, 27.9.2013 - 4.10.2013, 19.9.2014 - 26.9.2014, 25.9.2015 - 2.10.2015, 5.5.2016 - 13.5.2016, 4.5.2017 - 12.5.2017, 2.5.2018 - 11.5.2018, 8.7.2019 - 14.7.2019, 14.10.2020 - 18.10.2020, 24.7.2021 - 1.8.2021, 15.7.2022 - 23.7.2022, 27.7.2023 - 4.8.2023, 19.7.2024 - 27.7.2024annual O, zavod škofjeloške mladineFestival In Memoriam prof. Peter HafnerMestni trg 20SI-4220 Škofja Loka
Independent Biennial2,0079.11.2015 - 26.11.2015, 16.10.2017 - 20.11.2017, 5.9.2019 - 8.11.2019, 19.5.2021 - 20.6.2021, 23.10.2023 - 17.11.202342,43 (2011) 43,44,45,46,47 (2013) 46,47,48 (2015)biennialhttp://www.bienaleneodvisneilustracije.com3rdHand AssociationBienale neodvisnih127 Celovška cestaSI-1000 Ljubljana
Indigo Festival2,0167.9.2017 - 10.9.2017, 6.9.2017 - 8.9.2017, 5.9.2018 - 7.9.2018, 11.9.2019 - 13.9.2019, 8.9.2020 - 11.9.2020, 13.10.2021 - 21.10.2021, 4.10.2022 - 7.10.2022, 4.10.2023 - 6.10.2023, 2.10.2024 - 4.10.2024annualhttps://indigo.oooMuseum and Galleries of Ljubljana+386 / 1 241 2500, 386 / 1 241 2506Festival IndigoGosposka 15SI-1000 Ljubljana
International Biennial of Contemporary Music Koper2,0086.4.2010 - 10.4.2010, 10.4.2012 - 14.4.2012, 8.4.2014 - 12.4.2014, 8.4.2016 - 12.4.2016, 3.12.2018 - 7.12.2018, 30.11.2020 - 4.12.2020, 10.7.2021 - 12.7.2021, 11.9.2021, 16.11.2022 - 18.11.2022, 29.11.2022 - 3.12.2022, 17.10.2024 - 4.12.2024biennialhttps://www.bienalekoper.comKoper Music School
Music Friends Association, Koper
+386 / 5 666 3600, 386 / 40 631035Mednarodni bienale sodobne glasbe KoperGallusova 2SI-6000 Koper-Capodistria
International Ceramics Triennial Unicum2,00915.5.2015 – 30.9.2015, 17.5.2018 – 30.9.2018, 15.5.2023 - 30.9.202320,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39 (2012)triennial Association of Fine Arts Societies (ZDSLU)
European Cultural and Technological Centre (EKTC) Maribor
+386 / 40 896 785Mednarodni trienale keramike UnicumKomenskega 8SI-1000 Ljubljana
International Choral Competition Gallus1,99219.4.2013 - 21.4.2013, 10.4.2015 - 12.4.2015, 21.4.2017 - 23.4.2017, 12.4.2019 - 14.4.2019, 21.4.2023 - 23.4.2023, 17.10.2025 - 19.10.2025biennial Fund for Cultural Activities of the Republic of Slovenia
Maribor Branch
Mednarodno zborovsko tekmovanje MariborSI-2000 Maribor
International Conference2,00320.10.2015, 3.10.2017, 1.10.201943,44,45,46,47 (2013)biennial (2021) Foundation+386 / 1 500 7360Mednarodna konferencaSlovenska cesta 11SI-1000 Ljubljana
International Feminist and Queer Festival Red Dawns2,0005.3.2015 - 8.3.2015, 4.3.2016 - 8.3.2016, 7.3.2017 - 11.3.2017, 7.3.2018 - 11.3.2018, 6.3.2019 - 10.3.2019, 5.3.2020 - 8.3.2020, 5.3.2021 - 11.3.2021, 4.3.2022 - 13.3.2022, 2.3.2023 - 12.3.2023, 2.3.2024 - 10.3.2024, 3.3.2025 - 9.3.202510 (2012) 10 (2013) 10 (2014)annualhttp://www.rdecezore.orgKUD Mreža Arts and Culture AssociationRdeče zore, mednarodni feministični in queer festivalMasarykova 24SI-1000 Ljubljana
International Festival of Computer Arts (IFCA)1,9957.10.2015 - 9.10.2015, 9.11.2016 - 15.11.2016, 6.10.2017 - 18.10.2017, 12.10.2018 - 19.10.2018, 11.10.2019 - 18.10.2019, 14.10.2020 - 15.12.2020, 8.10.2021 - 15.10.2021, 7.10.2022 - 14.10.2022, 8.10.2023 - 15.10.2023, 18.10.2024 - 27.10.202440,41 (2012) 45 (2013) 39 (2014)annualhttp://www.mfru.orgMKC Maribor Youth Culture Centre+386 / 2 300 2995Mednarodni festival računalniške umetnosti (MFRU)Vetrinjska ulica 30SI-2000 Maribor
International Festival of Creativity Golden Drum2,00413.10.2015 - 16.10.2015, 18.10.2016 - 21.10.2016, 18.10.2017 - 20.10.2017, 17.10.2018 - 19.10.2018, 16.10.2019 - 18.10.2019, 13.10.2021 - 15.10.2021, 23.9.2022, 9.10.2023 - 10.10.2023, 9.10.2024 – 10.10.202440 (2012) 41 (2013) 41 (2014)annual Advertising Chamber+386 / 1 439 60 50Mednarodni festival kreativnosti Zlati bobenLetališka cesta 35SI-1000 Ljubljana
International Folkore Festival, Beltinci1,97123.7.2015 - 24.7.2015, 21.7.2016 - 24.7.2016, 20.7.2017 - 23.7.2017, 19.7.2018 - 22.7.2018, 18.7.2019 - 21.7.2019, 23.7.2021 - 25.7.2021, 20.7.2023 - 23.7.2023, 18.7.2024 - 21.7.202430 (2012), 30 (2013), 30 (2014)annual Beltinci+386 / 41 554 836Mednarodni folklorni festival, BeltinciMladinska ulica 2SI-9231 Beltinci
International Music Festival Imago Slovenia1,98613.6.2015 - 24.8.2015, 16.6.2016 - 31.8.2016, 14.6.2017 - 9.8.2017, 13.6.2018 - 22.8.2018, 18.6.2019 - 31.8.2019, 1.7.2020 - 24.8.2020, 18.6.2021 - 13.9.2021, 17.6.2022 - 26.8.2022, 28.6.2023 - 22.9.2023, 31.7.2024 - 5.8.202422,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35 (2011) 22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35 (2012) 25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35 (2013) 15,17,18,25,26,29,30 (2014)annualhttp://www.imagosloveniae.netImago Sloveniae+386 / 1 241 6600Mednarodni glasbeni festival Imago SloveniaeGornji trg 16SI-1000 Ljubljana
International PEN Writers' Meeting, Bled1,96716.5.2012 - 20.5.2012, 8.5.2013 - 12.5.2013, 7.5.2014 - 10.5.2014, 6.5.2015 - 9.5.2015, 11.5.2016 - 14.5.2016, 10.5.2017 - 14.5.2017, 17.4.2018 - 22.4.2018, 3.4.2019 - 6.4.2019, 23.9.2020 - 26.9.2020, 9.6.2021 - 11.6.2021, 11.5.2022 - 13.5.2022, 15.5.2023 - 18.5.2023, 16.4.2024 - 18.4.2024annual PEN CentreMednarodno srečanje pisateljev na BleduVarious venuesSI-4260 Bled
International Triennial Ecology and Art1,98021.05.2021 – 18.07.2021, 17.5.2024 - 27.7.2024triennialhttp://www.ugm.siMaribor Art Gallery+386 / 2 229 5860Mednarodni trienale umetnost in okoljeStrossmayerjeva 6SI-2000 Maribor
Jazz Cerkno Festival1,99621.5.2015 - 23.5.2015, 19.5.2016 - 21.5.2016, 18.5.2017 - 20.5.2017, 17.5.2018 - 19.5.2018, 16.5.2019 - 18.5.2019, 17.9.2020 – 19.9.2020, 15.7.2021 – 17.7.2021, 19.5.2022 - 21.5.2022, 18.5.2023 - 20.5.2023, 16.5.2024 - 18.5.202420 (2012) 21 (2013) 21 (2014)annual Cerkno Institute+386 / 5 374 5334Jazz CerknoTrg prekomorskih brigad 1SI-5282 Cerkno
Jazz Kamp Kranj2,00417.8.2012 - 26.8.2012, 16.8.2013 - 25.8.2013, 15.8.2014 - 24.8.2014, 14.8.2015 - 23.8.2015, 19.8.2016 - 28.8.2016, 18.8.2017 - 27.8.2017, 17.8.2018 - 26.8.2018, 16.8.2019 - 25.8.2019, 15.8.2020 - 23.8.2020, 19.8.2021 - 28.8.2021, 18.8.2022 - 28.8.2022, 18.8.2023 - 27.8.2023, 14.8.2024 - 27.8.2024annualhttp://www.gramus.siGramus d.o.o.+386 / 4 201 1229,386 / 41 762 811Jazz Kamp KranjCankarjeva ulica 14SI-4000 Kranj
Jazzinty2,00017.8.2015 - 22.8.2015, 15.8.2016 - 20.8.2016, 14.8.2017 - 19.8.2017, 13.8.2018 - 18.8.2018, 12.8.2019 - 17.8.2019, 16.8.2021 - 21.8.2021, 15.8.2022 - 20.8.2022, 14.8.2023 - 19.8.2023, 12.8.2024 - 17.8.202433 (2012) 34 (2013) 34 (2014)annual za kulturo, šport, turizem in mladino Novo mesto (Novo mesto Institute for Culture, Sport, Tourism and Youth)+386 /7 3930 390, 386 /.3. 838 1030Jazzinty, mednarodne glasbene delavnice in festivalNovi trg 5SI-8000 Novo mesto
Jurjevanje in Bela krajina1,96420.6.2012 - 24.6.2012, 21.6.2013 - 23.6.2013, 18.6.2014 - 22.6.2014, 23.6.2015 - 28.6.2015, 22.6.2016 - 26.6.2016, 21.6.2017 - 25.6.2017, 20.6.2018 - 24.6.2018, 19.6.2019 - 23.6.2019, 23.6.2021 - 27.6.2021, 23.6.2022 - 26.6.2022, 21.6.2023 - 25.6.2023, 19.6.2024 - 23.6.2024annualhttp://www.jurjevanje.siDevelopment and information center Bela krajina (RIC Bela krajina)+386 / 7 305 6530Jurjevanje v Beli krajiniRIC Bela krajina, Ulica na Utrdbah 18SI-8340 Črnomelj
KAMERAT Labour Film Festival1.7.2021 - 3.7.2021, 30.6.2022 - 2.7.2022, 29.6.2023 - 2.7.2023, 27.6.2024 - 30.6.2024annual - festival delavskega filma HrastnikSI-1430 Hrastnik
KAOS Festival of Contemporary Collage2,01829.6.2018 - 14.8.2018, 28.6.2019 - 13.8.2019, 9.7.2020 - 9.8.2020, 10.6.2022 - 13.8.2022, 31.5.2024 - 10.8.2024annual / 31 279 331KAOS Festival sodobnega kolažaTomšičeva 32SI-4000 Kranj
KIBLIX Festival of Arts and Technology2,0027.10.2015 - 9.10.2015, 10.11.2016 - 11.11.2016, 9.11.2017 - 16.11.2017, 14.11.2018 - 18.11.2018, 4.12.2019 - 6.12.2019, 2.12.2020 - 18.12.2020, 19.1.2021 - 31.1.2021, 9.3.2021 - 12.3.2021, 7.7.2021 - 30.11.2021, 16.11.2022 - 30.12.2022, 26.10.2023 - 29.12.202345,46 (2012) 45 (2013) 41 (2014)annual Multimedia Centre+386 / 2 229 4012, 386 / 2 299 4022KIBLIX Linux IT FestivalKneza Koclja 9SI-2000 Maribor
KOFF Koroška Outdoor Film Festival2,01217.2.2012, 15.2.2013, 14.2.2014, 21.2.2015, 22.1.2016, 20.1.2017, 19.1.2018, 18.1.2019, 17.1.2020, 18.2.2022, 17.2.2023, 16.2.2024, 7.2.2025annualSteber Team
Sports Association Drča
Koroški Outdoor Film Festival - KOFFTrg 4. aprila 4SI-2392 Mežica
Kamfest2,0037.8.2015 - 16.8.2015, 12.8.2016 - 22.8.2016, 12.8.2017 - 20.8.2017, 10.8.2018 - 18.8.2018, 9.8.2019 - 17.8.2019, 7.8.2020 - 15.8.2020, 6.8.2021 - 14.8.2021, 5.8.2022 - 13.8.2022, 4.8.2023 - 12.8.2023, 9.8.2024 - 17.8.202431,32,33 (2011) 32,33 (2012) 32,33 (2013) 32,33 (2014)annualhttp://www.kamfest.orgPriden Možic Cultural Association+386 / 1 839 7606Festival KamfestPodlimbarskega pot 4SI-1241 Kamnik
KantFest International2,00314.8.2015 - 17.8.2015, 22.10.2016, 3.11.2017 - 4.11.2017, 9.11.2018 - 10.11.2018, 16.8.2019 - 21.8.2019, 18.8.2021 - 22.8.2021, 5.8.2022 - 13.8.2022, 11.8.2023 - 17.8.202323 (2012) 34 (2013) 34 (2014)annualhttp://kantfest.siCezam, center za mlade Ruše+386 / 2 668 8446KantfestTrg vstaje 3SI-2342 Ruše
Kino Otok - Isola Cinema Festival2,0043.6.2015 - 7.6.2015, 1.6.2016 - 5.6.2016, 31.5.2017 - 4.6.2017, 6.6.2018 - 10.6.2018, 5.6.2019 - 9.6.2019, 26.8.2020 - 30.8.2020, 25.8.2021 - 29.8.2021, 1.6.2022 - 5.6.2022, 7.6.2023 - 11.6.2023, 5.6.2024 - 9.6.202422 (2012) 23 (2013) 23 (2014)annualhttp://www.isolacinema.orgOtok Cultural InstituteFestival Kino OtokTrg prekomorskih brigad 8SI-6310 Izola-Isola
Kinotrip2,01624.3.2016 - 27.3.2016, 29.3.2017 - 1.4.2017, 28.3.2018 - 31.3.2018, 28.3.2019 - 30.3.2019, 15.10.2020, 14.10.2021 - 16.10.2021, 20.10.2022 - 22.10.2022, 19.10.2023 - 21.10.2023, 17.10.2024 - 19.10.2024annual CinemaKinotripKolodvorska 13SI-1000 Ljubljana
Klovnbuf Festival2,00816.6.2015 - 21.6.2015, 14.6.2016 - 30.6.2016, 19.6.2017 - 29.6.2017, 18.6.2018 - 30.6.2018, 15.6.2019 - 25.6.2019, 3.8.2020 - 9.8.2020, 12.6.2021 - 19.6.2021, 25.7.2021 - 1.8.2021, 7.6.2022 - 1.7.2022, 12.6.2023 - 25.6.2023, 9.6.2024 - 29.6.202422,23,24 (2011) 21,22 (2012) 26,27 (2013) 25,26,27,28 (2014)Annual Institute+386 / 31 403 525Klovnbuf FestivalBrodarjev trg 12SI-1000 Ljubljana
Kogoj’s Days1,9808.5.2015 - 9.5.2015, 4.9.2016 - 21.10.2016, 1.9.2017 - 25.10.2017, 7.9.2018 - 26.10.2018, 6.9.2019 - 21.10.2019, 4.9.2020 - 16.10.2020, 3.9.2021 - 10.10.2021, 20.9.2022 - 10.10.2022, 1.9.2023 - 8.10.202337, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42 (2012) 36 (2013) 40,41,42 (2014)annual dneviProsvetno društvo Soča Kanal+386 / 5 305 1775Kogojevi dneviPionirska ulica 8SI-5213 Kanal ob Soči
Kontrada Festival1,9968.7.2023 - 29.7.2023, 27.6.2024 - 29.6.202426,27,28 (2011)annual kontradaTIC Kanal+386 / 5 39 81 213Festival KontradaTIC KanalSI-5213 Kanal ob Soči
Kramp Fest2,0081.6.2012 - 2.6.2012, 7.6.2013 - 8.6.2013, 20.6.2014 - 21.6.2014, 29.5.2015 – 30.5.2015, 27.5.2016 – 28.5.2016, 26.5.2017 - 28.5.2017, 25.5.2018 - 27.5.2018, 24.5.2019 - 26.5.2019, 17.6.2022 - 18.6.2022, 26.5.2023 - 28.5.2023annual bandKramp Fest
Kranjska Gora International Film Festival2,01628.7.2016 - 6.8.2016, 27.7.2017 - 5.8.2017, 26.7.2018 – 4.8.2018, 25.7.2019 – 3.8.2019, 29.7.2021 – 31.7.2021annualZavod Javšnik & Klapa+386 / 41 350482Mednarodni filmski festival Kranjska GoraSI-1230 Kranjska Gora
Kunigunda Festival of Young Cultures21.8.2015 - 29.8.2015, 19.8.2016 - 27.8.2016, 25.8.2017 - 2.9.2017, 24.8.2018 - 1.9.2018, 23.8.2019 - 31.8.2019, 21.8.2020 - 30.8.2020, 13.8.2021 - 28.8.2021, 19.8.2022 - 27.8.2022, 21.7.2023 - 2.9.2023, 23.8.2024 - 31.8.202434,35 (2012) 34,35 (2013) 34,35 (2014)annual Youth Centre (MC Velenje)+386 / 3 898 1922, 386 / 3 898 1920Kunigunda, Festival mladih kultur, VelenjeŠaleška cesta 3SI-3320 Velenje
Kurentovanje1,9602.2.2015 - 17.2.2015, 2.2.2016 - 9.2.2016, 17.2.2017 - 28.2.2017, 2.2.2018 - 13.2.2018, 23.2.2019 – 5.3.2019, 15.2.2020 – 25.2.2020, 15.2.2020 – 25.2.2020, 2.2.2021 – 16.2.2021, 19.2.2022 - 1.3.2022, 11.2.2023 - 21.2.2023, 3.2.2024 - 13.2.2024, 22.2.2025 - 4.3.20256,7,8 (2012) 5,6 (2013) 6,7,8,9,10 (2014)annualhttp://www.kurentovanje.netPtuj Public Institute+386 / 2 779 60 11KurentovanjeMestni trg 4SI-2250 Ptuj
LGBT Film Festival1,98428.11.2015 - 6.12.2015, 26.11.2016 - 4.12.2016, 25.11.2017 - 3.12.2017, 24.11.2018 - 2.12.2018, 23.11.2019 - 1.12.2019, 12.12.2020 – 20.12.2020, 11.12.2021 – 19.12.2021, 11.12.2022 – 17.12.2022, 9.12.2023 – 16.12.2023, 9.12.2024 - 16.12.202447,48 (2012) 48,49 (2013) 48,49 (2014)annualŠKUC Association+386 / 1 4303 530Festival LGBT filmaMetelkova 6SI-1000 Ljubljana
LUPA Slovene Non-Governmental Organisations’ Festival2,00224.9.2015, 22.9.2016, 13.9.2017,13.9.2018, 11.9.2019, 10.9.2020, 15.9.2021, 8.9.2022, 14.9.2023, 12.9.2024annual for Information Service, Co-operation and Development of NGOs (CNVOS)+386 / 1 542 1422LUPA, Slovenski festival nevladnih organizacijPovšetova 37SI-1000 Ljubljana
Lent Festival26.6.2015 - 11.7.2015, 24.6.2016 - 9.7.2016, 23.6.2017 - 1.7.2017, 22.6.2018 - 30.6.2018, 21.6.2019 - 29.6.2019, 21.8.2020 - 29.8.2020, 25.6.2021 - 3.7.2021, 21.6.2022 - 8.7.2022, 23.6.2023 - 1.7.2023, 21.6.2024 - 29.6.2024, 20.6.2025 - 28.6.202525,26,27 (2012) 25,26,27 (2013) 25,26,27 (2014)annualhttp://www.festival-lent.siNarodni dom Maribor+386 / 2 229 4011Festival LentKneza Koclja 9SI-2000 Maribor
Lighting Guerrilla Festival2,00827.5.2015 - 16.6.2015, 16.5.2016 - 18.6.2016, 17.5.2017 - 17.6.2017, 11.5.2018 - 16.6.2018, 16.5.2019 - 16.6.2019, 15.6.2020 - 11.7.2020, 24.5.2021 - 19.6.2021, 23.5.2022 - 18.6.2022, 22.5.2023 - 17.6.2023, 24.5.2024 – 25.6.202420,21,22,23,24 (2012) 22 (2013) 36,37,38,39,40,41 (2014)annual Core
Forum Ljubljana
+386 / 31 401 556Svetlobna gverilaMetelkova 6SI-1000 Ljubljana
Linhart Encounter1,96224.9.2015 - 26.9.2015, 29.9.2016 - 1.10.2016, 28.9.2017 - 30.9.2017, 27.9.2018 - 29.9.2018, 26.9.2019 - 28.9.2019, 23.9.2021 - 25.9.2021, 22.9.2022 - 24.9.2022, 21.9.2023 - 23.9.2023, 19.9.2024 - 21.9.2024, 18.9.2025 - 20.9.202539 (2012) 39 (2013) 39,40 (2014)annual gledalisce/uvod festivali gledalisce.htmPublic Fund for Cultural Activities of the Republic of Slovenia+386 / 1 241 0500Linhartovo srečanjeŠtefanova 5SI-1000 Ljubljana
Lirikonfest9.9.2015 - 11.9.2015, 7.9.2016 - 9.9.2016, 7.6.2017 - 9.6.2017, 30.5.2018 - 1.6.2018, 29.5.2019 - 31.5.2019, 17.6.2020 - 18.6.2020, 13.9.2021 - 16.9.2021, 7.6.2022 - 9.6.2022, 6.6.2023 - 9.6.2023, 11.6.2024 - 13.6.202412,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25 (2012) 12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25 (2013) 37 (2014)annual Literary Foundation+386 / 3 587 0920LirikonfestStari trg 26SI-3320 Velenje
Living Literature Festival1,99429.5.2015 - 5.6.2015, 3.6.2016 - 10.6.2016, 2.6.2017 - 9.6.2017, 8.6.2018 - 15.6.2018, 7.6.2019 - 14.6.2019, 30.8.2020 - 5.9.2020, 29.8.2021 - 5.9.2021, 10.6.2022 - 17.6.2022, 9.6.2023 - 19.6.2023, 7.6.2024 - 14.6.202423,24 (2012) 24,25 (2013) 24,25 (2014)annualŠKUC Association+386 / 1 430 3530Živa književnostStari trg 21SI-1000 Ljubljana
Ljubljana Documentary Film Festival1,99810.3.2015 - 17.3.2015, 9.3.2016 - 17.3.2016, 15.3.2017 - 22.3.2017, 14.3.2018 - 21.3.2018, 13.3.2019 - 20.3.2019, 9.6.2020 - 16.6.2020, 24.3.2021 - 31.3.2021, 9.3.2023 - 16.3.2023, 10.3.2023 - 17.3.2023, 13.3.2024 - 20.3.2024, 12.3.2025 - 19.3.202512,13 (2012) 9,10 (2013) 11,12 (2014) 11,12 (2015)annual dom, Film Programme+386 / 1 241 7147Festival dokumentarnega filma (FDF)Prešernova cesta 10SI-1000 Ljubljana
Ljubljana Festival1,95228.6.2015 - 28.9.2015, 17.6.2016 - 13.9.2016, 29.6.2017 - 31.8.2017, 10.2.2018 - 14.2.2018, 28.6.2018 - 3.9.2018, 2.7.2019 - 4.9.2019, 1.7.2020 - 30.8.2020, 1.7.2021 - 8.9.2021, 22.6.2022 - 7.9.2022, 20.6.2023 - 3.9.2023, 20.6.2024 - 3.9.202425,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37 (2012) 26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37 (2013) 27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37 (2014)annualhttp://www.ljubljanafestival.siFestival Ljubljana Public Institute+386 / 1 241 6000Festival LjubljanaTrg francoske revolucije 1SI-1000 Ljubljana
Ljubljana International Film Festival (LIFFe)1,99011.11.2015 - 22.11.2015, 9.11.2016 - 20.11.2016, 8.11.2017 - 19.11.2017, 7.11.2018 - 18.11.2018, 13.11.2019 - 24.11.2019, 11.11.2020 - 22.11.2020, 10.11.2021 - 21.11.2021, 9.11.2022 - 20.11.2022, 8.11.2023 - 19.11.202345,46 (2012) 45,46,47 (2013) 46,47 (2014)annualhttp://www.liffe.siCankarjev dom, Film Programme+386 / 1 241 7147Ljubljanski filmski festival (LIFFe)Prešernova 10SI-1000 Ljubljana
Ljubljana International Short Film Festival2,00930.3.2015 - 1.4.2015, 12.5.2017 - 14.5.2017, 15.1.2019 - 17.1.2019, 3.3.2020 - 6.3.2020, 6.6.2024 - 9.6.202410 (2012) 14 (2013) 11 (2014)annual Film BazaarLjubljanski mednarodni festival kratkih filmovMasarykova 24SI-1000 Ljubljana
Ljubljana Jazz Festival1,9601.7.2015 - 4.7.2015, 28.6.2016 - 2.7.2016, 28.6.2017 - 1.7.2017, 27.6.2018 - 30.6.2018, 18.6.2019 - 22.6.2019, 17.6.2020 - 20.6.2020, 28.7.2021 - 31.7.2021, 28.7.2021 - 31.7.2021, 15.6.2022 - 18.6.2022, 5.7.2023 - 8.7.2023, 10.7.2024 - 13.7.2024, 2.7.2025 - 5.7.2025annual dom, Cultural and Congress Centre
Cankarjev dom, Music Programme
+386 / 1 241 7147Jazz Festival LjubljanaPrešernova 10SI-1000 Ljubljana
Loka in the Snow Festival1.12.2024 - 31.12.2024annual of Škofja Loka
Zavod 973
Loka v snegu
Luksuz Cheap Film Festival2,0036.11.2015 - 7.11.2015, 4.11.2016 - 5.11.2016, 2.12.2017, 1.12.2018, 13.12.2019 - 14.12.2019, 6.11.2020 - 22.11.2020, 18.12.2021, 5.11.2022, 24.11.2023 - 25.11.202337 (2012) 41 (2013) 49 (2014)annual ProductionLuksuz Festival poceni filmaCesta 4. julija 58SI-8270 Krško
MENT Ljubljana2,0154.2.2015 - 6.2.2015, 3.2.2016 - 5.2.2016, 1.2.2017 - 3.2.2017, 31.1.2018 - 2.2.2018, 30.1.2019 - 1.2.2019, 5.2.2020 - 7.2.2020, 3.6.2021 – 11.6.2021, 8.6.2022 – 10.6.2022, 29.03.2023 - 31.03.2023, 21.02.2024 - 24.02.2024, 12.2.2025 - 15.2.2025 Šiška Centre for Urban Culture
SIGIC, Slovene Music Information Centre
MENT Ljubljana
Mardi Gras at Cerknica1,97512.2.2015 - 18.2.2015, 4.2.2016 - 10.2.2016, 23.2.2017 - 1.3.2017, 8.2.2018 - 14.2.2018, 28.2.2019 - 6.3.2019, 20.2.2020 - 26.2.2020, 11.2.2021 - 17.2.2021, 24.2.2022 - 2.3.2022, 14.2.2023 - 17.2.2023, 8.2.2024 - 14.2.2024, 25.2.2025 - 5.3.20257,8 (2012) 6,7 (2013) 9,10 (2014)annualhttp://pust.siPustno društvo Cerknica
Municipality of Cerknica
Pust v CerkniciTabor 1SI-1380 Cerknica
MareziJazz2,00429.6.2012 - 1.7.2012, 5.7.2013 - 6.7.2013, 4.7.2014 - 5.7.2014, 3.7.2015 – 4.7.2015, 1.7.2016 – 2.7.2016, 30.6.2017 - 1.7.2017, 29.6.2018 - 30.6.2018, 5.7.2019 - 6.7.2019, 5.9.2020, 6.8.2021 - 7.8.2021, 8.7.2022 - 9.7.2022, 7.7.2023 - 8.7.2023, 12.7.2024 - 13.7.2024annualhttp://www.marezijazz.siYouth Association of MarezigeMareziJazz
Maribor Theatre Festival1,96615.10.2015 - 25.10.2015, 14.10.2016 - 23.10.2016, 20.10.2017 - 29.10.2017, 19.10.2018 - 28.10.2018, 14.10.2019 - 27.10.2019, 12.10.2020 - 16.10.2020, 14.6.2021 - 27.6.2021, 30.5.2022 - 12.6.2022, 5.6.2023 - 18.6.2023, 3.6.2024 - 16.6.2024, 2.6.2025 - 15.6.202540,41,42 (2012) 42,43 (2013) 42,43 (2014)annual National Theatre Maribor+386 / 2 250 6148, 386 / 2 250 6100Festival Borštnikovo srečanjeSlovenska 27SI-2000 Maribor
Maribum Afriqui Festival2,01220.11.2013-23.11.2013, 4.7.2015 - 5.7.2015, 16.9.2016 - 17.9.2016, 2.9.2017 - 3.9.2017, 17.11.2017 - 18.11.2017, 14.7.2018, 7.9.2018, 24.8.2019 - 25.8.2019, 7.12.2019, 18.12.2019, 22.8.2020, 3.7.2021, 3.7.202435,36,37,38 (2012)annual afriqui festival.htmlPlesna izba - Maribor Dance Room+386 / 5 133 6145Festival Maribum AfriquiPobreška cesta 20SI-2000 Maribor
May Salon1,90915.5.2015 - 7.6.2015, 19.5.2016 - 2.10.2016, 14.11.2017 - 31.12.2017, 1.1.2018 - 25.2.2018, 11.10.2018 - 4.11.2018, 30.5.2019 - 15.8.2019, 26.5.2021 - 1.7.2021, 25.6.2021 - 1.9.2021, 13.5.2022 - 13.7.2022, 16.6.2023 - 17.8.2023, 8.3.2024 - 19.4.202421 (2012) 19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26 (2013) 20,21,22,23,24 (2014)annual Association of Fine Arts Societies (ZDSLU)+386 / 1 433 0464Majski salon – razstava ZDSLUKomenskega 8SI-1000 Ljubljana
Mediterranean International Folklore Festival (MIFF)2,0031.7.2015 - 5.7.2015, 6.7.2016 - 11.7.2016, 12.7.2017 - 16.7.2017, 4.7.2018 - 9.7.2018, 21.6.2019 - 25.6.2019, 29.6.2021 - 4.7.2021, 29.6.2022 - 2.7.2022, 27.6.2023 - 2.7.2023, 3.7.2024 - 6.7.202427 (2012) 27 (2013) 27 (2014)annual Piran Folkloric Dance Group+386 / 5 673 4573Folklorni festival MIFF PiranPrvomajski trg 2SI-6330 Piran-Pirano
Melodies of the Sea and Sun1,9787.7.2012, 6.7.2013, 6.7.2014, 4.7.2015, 9.7.2016, 8.7.2017, 14.7.2018, 6.7.2019, 10.7.2021, 9.7.2022, 8.7.2023, 7.7.2024annual (2020 cancelled due to the pandemic)ž Auditorium
Radio-Television Slovenia (RTV Slovenia)
Melodije morja in soncaSenčna pot 10SI-6320 Portorož/Portorose
Memefest - International Festival of Radical Communication and Art2,002annualhttp://www.memefest.orgMemefest Kolektiv
Memefest Network
+386 / 41 953 695Memefest - mednarodni festival družbeno odzivnega komuniciranja in umetnostiSlovenska cesta 55bSI-1000 Ljubljana
MetalDays2,01321.7.2013 - 28.7.2013, 20.7.2014 - 26.7.2014, 19.7.2015 - 25.7.2015, 24.7.2016 - 30.7.2016, 23.7.2017 - 29.7.2017, 22.7.2018 - 28.7.2018, 21.7.2019 - 27.7.2019, 29.7.2021 - 1.8.2021, 24.7.2022 - 30.7.2022, 30.7.2023 - 5.8.2023Annual Happy Turtle d.o.o.MetalDaysVista, Rudarska cestaSI-3320 Velenje
Mini Summer - International Festival for Children1,99919.7.2015 - 16.8.2015, 23.6.2016 - 28.8.2016, 24.6.2017 - 27.8.2017, 23.6.2018 - 2.9.2018, 26.6.2019 - 1.9.201926,27,28,29,30,31,32,34,35 (2012) 26,27,28,29,30,31,32,34,35 (2013) 25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,34,36 (2014)annual Theatre+386 / 1 425 6060, 386 / 41 314 414Mini poletje - Mednarodni festival za otrokeKriževniška 1SI-1000 Ljubljana
Minoriti Summer Open Air Cinema2,0178.7.2017 - 30.8.2017, 7.7.2018 - 25.8.2018, 6.7.2019 - 30.8.2019, 25.7.2020 - 19.8.2020, 10.7.2021 - 23.8.2021, 9.7.2022- 20.8.2022, 12.7.2023- 30.8.2023, 6.7.2024 - 24.8.2024Annual for Film Culture Development, Maribor
Maribor Puppet Theatre
Projektor, d.o.o.
+386 / 22 28 1970Letni kino MinoritiVojašniški trg 2ASI-2000 Maribor
Mladi levi Festival23.8.2015 - 30.8.2015, 20.8.2016 - 28.8.2016, 18.8.2017 - 27.8.2017, 24.8.2018 - 1.9.2018, 23.8.2019 - 30.9.2019, 22.8.2020 - 29.8.2020, 20.8.2021 - 29.8.2021, 19.8.2022 - 27.8.2022, 18.8.2023 - 26.8.2023, 22.8.2024 - 31.8.202434,35 (2012) 34,35 (2013) 34,35 (2014)annual Institute+386 / 5 231 4492, 386 / 51 269 906Festival Mladi leviSlomškova 11SI-1000 Ljubljana
Mladifest1,9954.7.2014 - 15.7.2014, 3.7.2015 - 18.7.2015, 3.7.2016 - 23.7.2016, 14.7.2017 - 23.7.2017, 13.7.2018 - 22.7.2018, 11.7.2019 - 21.7.2019, 8.7.2021 - 11.7.2021, 21.7.2022 - 30.7.2022, 20.7.2023 - 5.8.2023, 18.7.2024 - 3.8.2024, 10.7.2025 - 19.7.2025annualhttp://mladifest.orgKlub študentov Sežana+386 / 41 862 038MladifestKosovelova ulica 4aSI-6210 Sežana
Mladinsko Showcase2,00721.5.2015 - 29.5.2015, 23.3.2017 - 26.3.2017, 5.4.2018 - 8.4.2018, 4.4.2019 - 7.4.2019, 31.3.2022 - 3.4.2022, 5.4.2023 - 8.4.2023, 7.3.2024 – 10.3.202421,22 (2011) 21,22 (2012) 22,23 (2013) 21,22 (2014)annual Theatre+386 / 1 300 4900Mladinsko ShowcaseVilharjeva 11SI-1000 Ljubljana
Mountain Film Festival2,00723.2.2015 - 27.2.2015, 15.2.2016 - 19.2.2016, 20.2.2017 - 26.2.2017, 26.2.2018 – 4.3.2018, 18.2.2019 - 24.2.2019, 24.2.2020 - 28.2.2020, 28.6.2021 - 4.7.2021, 14.2.2022 - 18.2.2022, 13.2.2023 - 18.2.2023, 12.2.2024 - 17.2.2024, 17.2.2025 - 22.2.202513, 14 (2011) 14 (2012) 16 (2013) 9 (2014)annualhttp://www.gorniski.siDruštvo za gorsko kulturo (Mountain Culture Association)+386 / 41 575 570Festival gorniškega filmaBrdo 14SI-1230 Domžale
Music of the World Festival, Kromberk2,0127.8.2012 - 28.8.2012, 6.8.2013 - 27.8.2013, 5.8.2014 - 26.8.2014, 11.8.2015 - 25.8.2015, 9.8.2016 - 30.8.2016, 22.8.2017 - 5.9.2017, 6.8.2018 - 28.8.2018, 2.6.2019 - 6.8.2019, 29.7.2020 - 28.8.2020, 28.7.2021 - 6.8.2021, 25.7.2022 - 3.8.2022, 18.7.2023 - 28.7.2023, 25.7.2024 - 3.8.2024annualhttps://www.glasbesveta.siGoriška Museum
Morgan Cultural Association
+386 / 4 145 6754Festival Glasbe sveta na vrtu na gradu KromberkGrajska cesta 1SI-5000 Nova Gorica
Naked Stage International Improvisational Theatre Festival2,00219.11.2014 - 23.11.2014, 23.11.2016 - 27.11.2016, 20.11.2018 - 25.11.2018, 10.11.2021 - 14.11.2021, 26.10.2022 - 30.10.202239 (2012) 47 (2014)biennialhttp://www.goli-oder.orgKolektiv Narobov
Federacija Institute
Goli oder, mednarodni festival improviziranega gledališčaJarška cesta 14SI-1000 Ljubljana
Naša pesem Choir Competition1,98923.4.2016 – 24.4.2016, 20.4.2018 – 22.4.2018, 28.5.2022 - 29.5.2022, 20.4.2024 - 21.4.202416 (2012) 16 (2013) 15 (2014)biennial zborovska/uvod prireditve zborovska.htmMusic Programme, Public Fund for Cultural Activities
Maribor Branch
+386 / 2 234 2117Naša pesemPobreška cesta 202000 Maribor
Nights in Old Ljubljana Town1,98830.8.2012 - 1.9.2012, 30.8.2013 - 1.9.2013, 28.8.2014 - 30.8.2014, 27.8.2015 - 29.8.2015, 25.8.2016 - 27.8.2016, 24.8.2017 - 26.8.2017, 23.8.2018 - 25.8.2018, 29.8.2019 - 31.8.2019, 27.8.2020 - 29.8.2020, 26.8.2021 - 28.8.2021, 25.8.2023 - 27.8.2023, 24.8.2023 - 26.8.2023annual Sloveniae+386 / 1 241 6600Noči v stari LjubljaniGornji trg 16SI-1000 Ljubljana
October Jazz2,01515.10.2015 - 24.10.2015, 25.10.2016 - 29.10.2016, 25.10.2017 - 28.10.2017, 23.10.2018 - 27.10.2018, 23.10.2019 - 26.10.2019, 21.10.2020 - 24.10.2020, 20.10.2021 - 24.10.2021, 19.10.2022 - 23.10.2022, 19.10.2023 - 23.10.2023, 23.10.2024 - 25.10.2024annual Gorica Arts CentreOktober JazzBevkov trg 4SI-5000 Nova Gorica
Okarina Festival Bled1,99130.7.2015 - 9.8.2015, 26.7.2016 - 7.8.2016, 27.7.2017 - 6.8.2017, 24.7.2018 - 5.8.2018, 23.7.2019 - 3.8.2019, 27.7.2021 - 8.8.202131,32 (2012) 32 (2013) 31,32 (2014)annual Cultural Institute+386 / 4 574 1458Okarina festival BledRiklijeva cesta 9SI-4260 Bled
Open House Slovenia Festival6.10.2012 - 7.10.2012, 5.10.2013 - 6.10.2013, 3.10.2014 - 5.10.2014, 15.5.2015 - 17.5.2015, 15.4.2016 - 17.4.2016, 21.4.2017 - 23.4.2017, 13.4.2018 - 15.4.2018, 5.4.2019 - 7.4.2019, 25.9.2020, 17.9.2021 - 19.9.2021, 27.5.2022 - 29.5.2022, 14.4.2023 - 16.4.2023, 12.4.2024 - 14.4.2024, 11.4.2025 - 13.4.2025annual Odprte hiše SlovenijeBleiweisova cesta 30SI-1000 Ljubljana
Orto Fest1,99917.4.2015 - 30.4.2015, 1.4.2016 - 11.4.2016, 1.4.2017 - 29.4.2017, 29.3.2018 - 28.4.2018, 28.3.2019 - 27.4.2019, 3.9.2020 – 14.10.2020, 10.9.2021 – 24.9.2021, 31.3.2022 – 30.4.2022, 23.3.2023 – 24.4.2023, 28.3.2024 - 27.4.2024, 27.3.2025 - 27.4.202514,15,16,17 (2012) 14,15,16,17,18 (2013) 14,15,16,17,18 (2014)annual d.o.o.+386 / 1 232 1674Orto festOrto bar, Grablovičeva 1SI-1000 Ljubljana
Overjam Reggae Festival26.7.2012 - 28.7.2012, 14.8.2013 - 17.8.2013, 13.8.2014 - 16.8.2014, 12.8.2015 - 15.8.2015, 16.8.2016 - 19.8.2016, 15.8.2017 - 19.8.2017, 9.7.2018 - 15.7.2018, 15.8.2019 - 18.8.2019, 20.8.2020 - 23.8.2020, 5.8.2021 - 8.8.2021, 15.8.2022 - 20.8.2022, 16.8.2023 - 20.8.2023, 14.08.2024 - 18.08.2024annual
International consortium
Overjam Reggae FestivalSI-5220 Tolmin
O•zvočenje Festival2,00219.4.2011 - 21.4.2011, 17.4.2012 - 19.4.2012, 23.4.2013 - 25.4.2013, 22.4.2014 - 24.4.2014, 21.4.2015 - 23.4.2015, 19.4.2016 - 21.4.2016, 18.4.2017 – 20.4.2017, 17.4.2018 – 19.4.2018, 16.4.2019 – 18.4.2019, 21.12.2021 - 23.12.2021, 20.12.2022 - 21.12.2022, 24.10.2023 - 26.10.2023, 23.4.2024 - 25.4.2024annualžigrajska galerija+386 / 1 436 6957Glasbeni festival O•zvočenjeDunajska 31SI-1000 Ljubljana
PUF Festival2,00330.6.2015 - 27.8.2015, 9.6.2016 - 29.8.2016, 25.8.2017 - 28.8.2017, 7.7.2018 - 27.8.2018, 6.7.2019 - 26.8.2019, 2.7.2020 - 30.8.2020, 1.7.2021 - 22.8.2021, 11.6.2022 - 26.8.2022, 1.7.2023 - 27.8.2023, 2.7.2024 - 30.8.202426,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34 (2012) 27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35 (2013) 27 (2014)annual Center for Puppetry Arts Koper+386 / 5 627 1101PUF festivalLutkarnica, Prisoje 4SI-6000 Koper-Capodistria
Panč Festival2,0088.2.2012 - 9.2.2012, 21.8.2012 - 24.8.2012, 8.2.2013 - 9.2.2013, 21.8.2013 - 24.8.2013, 8.2.2014, 21.8.2014 - 24.8.2014, 13.2.2015, 22.8.2015 - 26.8.2015, 14.2.2016, 22.8.2016 - 26.8.2016, 24.3.2017, 22.8.2017 - 26.8.2017, 22.8.2018 - 26.8.2018, 20.8.2019 - 25.8.2019, 20.8.2020 - 23.8.2020, 20.8.2021 - 24.8.2021, 21.8.2022 - 25.8.2022, 21.8.2023 - 25.8.2023, 21.8.2024 - 25.8.2024annualhttp://festivalstandupkomedije.siCeh za smeh+386 / 40 665 576Panč festival stand-up komedijeMuljava 1ASI-1295 Ivančna Gorica
Performa Festival1,99348 (2011) 48 (2013) 39,40,41 (2014)annual Maribor Youth Culture Centre+386 / 2 300 2995Festival PerformaMKC Maribor, Ob železnici 16SI-2000 Maribor
Photonic Moments – Month of Photography2,00531.5.2016 - 30.6.2016, 29.5.2018 – 2.6.2018, 17.6.2019 - 22.6.201922,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31 (2012) 23,24,25,26 (2014)biennialhttp://www.photonicmoments.netPhoton Gallery+386 / 1 230 2071, 386 / 59 977 907Fotonični momenti - mesec fotografijeKriževniška 10SI-1000 Ljubljana
Pika's Festival1,99020.9.2015 - 26.9.2015, 18.9.2016 - 24.9.2016, 17.9.2017 - 23.9.2017, 23.9.2018 - 29.9.2018, 10.9.2019 - 15.9.2019, 21.9.2020 - 27.9.2020, 10.9.2021 - 15.9.2021, 10.9.2022 - 14.9.2022, 9.9.2023 - 15.9.2023, 7.9.2024 - 13.9.202437,38 (2012) 38,39 (2013) 39 (2014)annualhttp://www.pikinfestival.siVelenje Festival+386 / 3 898 2570Pikin festivalTitov trg 4SI-3320 Velenje
Piran Days of Architecture1,98321.11.2015, 19.11.2016, 17.11.2017 - 18.11.2017, 16.11.2018 - 18.11.2018, 23.11.2019, 20.11.2021, 25.11.2022 - 26.11.2022, 24.11.2023 - 25.11.2023, 22.11.2024 - 23.11.202446 (2012) 47 (2013) 47 (2014)annualhttp://www.pida.siObalne galerije - Coastal Galleries
DESSA Architecture Centre
+386 / 5 671 2080Piranski dnevi arhitektureTartinijev trg 3SI-6330 Piran-Pirano
Piran Musical Evenings1,97813.7.2012 - 3.8.2012, 12.7.2013 - 16.8.2013, 11.7.2014 - 8.8.2014, 7.8.2015, 14.8.2015, 21.8.2015, 7.7.2016 - 4.8.2016, 6.7.2017 - 27.7.2017, 5.7.2018 - 26.7.2018, 4.7.2019 - 25.7.2019, 2.7.2020 - 23.7.2020, 1.7.2021 - 29.7.2021, 23.6.2022 - 4.8.2022, 5.6.2023 - 27.6.2023, 11.7.2024 - 8.8.2024annualPortorož AuditoriumPiranski glasbeni večeriSI-6330 Piran-Pirano
Pisana Loka Festival17.8.2012 - 1.9.2012, 10.8.2013 - 25.8.2013, 21.8.2014 - 30.8.2014, 20.8.2015 – 29.8.2015, 18.8.2016 - 27.8.2016, 25.8.2017 - 2.9.2017, 24.8.2018 - 2.9.2018, 23.8.2019 - 1.9.2019, 21.8.2020 - 29.8.2020, 20.8.2021 - 29.8.2021, 19.8.2022 - 28.8.2022, 25.8.2023 - 3.9.2023, 23.8.2024 - 1.9.2024annual 973
Municipality of Škofja Loka
Pisana Loka
Pixxelpoint International Festival of Contemporary Art Practices2,00027.11.2015 - 4.12.2015, 2.12.2016 - 9.12.2016, 2.12.2017 – 9.12.2017, 16.11.2018 - 23.11.2018, 15.11.2019 - 22.11.2019, 10.12.2020 – 17.12.2020, 11.11.2021 - 18.11.2021, 10.11.2022 - 26.11.2022, 16.11.2023 - 30.11.2023, 7.11.2024 - 17.11.202448,49 (2012) 48,49 (2013) 49,50 (2014)annualhttp://www.pixxelpoint.orgNova Gorica Arts Centre+386 / 5 335 4015Pixxelpoint, mednarodni festival sodobnih umetniških praksBevkov trg 4SI-5000 Nova Gorica
Pomurje Summer Festival1,9962.8.2015 - 9.8.2015, 31.7.2016 - 7.8.2016, 30.7.2017 - 6.8.2017, 28.7.2018 - 4.8.2018, 3.8.2019 - 10.8.2019, 30.7.2022 - 6.8.2022, 29.7.2023 - 5.8.2023, 3.8.2024 - 10.8.202431, 32 (2012) 32 (2013) 31,32 (2014)annual (2020 edition cancelled due to Covid-19)http://www.strk.siAssociation for Sport, Tourism, Development and Culture of Slovenia Velika Polana (ŠTRK)+386 / 2 573 7327, 386 / 41 528 678Pomurski Poletni FestivalVelika Polana 217SI-9225 Velika Polana
Pranger Festival2,00430.6.2015 - 5.7.2015, 28.6.2016 - 3.7.2016, 27.6.2017 - 2.7.2017, 26.6.2018 - 1.7.2018, 11.11.2018 - 15.11.2018, 11.6.2019 - 16.6.2019, 7.7.2020 - 11.7.2020, 31.8.2021 - 6.9.2021, 6.7.2022 - 9.7.2022, 15.11.2022, 9.12.2022, 1.7.2023 - 27.7.2023, 2.7.2024 - 6.7.202426 (2012) 27 (2013) 27 (2014)annualhttp://www.pranger.siKUD Pranger Cultural Association+386 / 31 258 116Festival PrangerUlica heroja Tomšiča 9 ASI-2000 Maribor
Praznik glasbe21.06.2023, 21.6.2024annual, Slovene Music Information CentrePraznik glasbe
Primorska Summer Festival1,99322.6.2015 - 1.7.2015, 18.6.2016 - 26.6.2016, 17.6.2017 - 2.7.2017, 16.6.2018 - 7.7.2018, 15.5.2019 - 6.7.2019, 1.7.2020 - 31.8.2020, 24.6.2021 - 31.8.2021, 1.7.2023 - 23.7.2023, 2.7.2024 - 27.7.2024(2013) 25,26 (2014)http://www.primorskifestival.siPrimorski poletni festivalKampel 1kSI-6000 Koper-Capodistria
Ptuj Festival1,96924.8.2012, 30.8.2013, 22.8.2014, 28.8.2015, 2.9.2016, 1.9.2017, 31.8.2018, 9.8.2019 – 11.8.2019, 18.9.2020, 3.9.2021, 19.8.2022, 1.9.2023, 6.9.2024annualRadio Ptuj
Geržina Videoton
Festival PtujOsojnikova cesta 3SI-2250 Ptuj
Punk Rock Holiday2,0114.8.2015 - 7.8.2015, 9.8.2016 - 12.8.2016, 8.8.2017 - 11.8.2017, 7.8.2018 - 10.8.2018, 6.8.2019 - 9.8.2019, 9.8.2021 - 13.8.2021, 8.8.2022 - 12.8.2022, 8.8.2023 - 11.8.2023, 5.8.2024 - 9.8.202432 (2011) 33 (2012) 28 (2013) 33 (2014)annual (2020 edition cancelled due to Covid-19) d.o.o.Punk Rock HolidayArkova ulica 15SI-1000 Ljubljana
Rad bi bil normalen Festival1,99916.10.2015 - 17.10.2015, 21.10.2016 - 22.10.2016, 20.10.2017 - 21.10.2017, 19.10.2018 - 20.10.2018, 18.10.2019 - 20.10.2019, 1.6.2022 - 24.6.2022, 14.10.2022 - 15.10.2022, 13.10.2023 - 14.10.202340,41 (2011) 41,42 (2012) 42 (2013) 43 (2014)annual 'Zora' Ravne+386 / 5 377 9726Rad bi bil normalen festivalRavne pri Cerknem 8,SI-5282 Cerkno
Radovljica Festival1,9828.8.2015 - 23.8.2015, 6.8.2016 - 23.8.2016, 5.8.2017 - 23.8.2017, 4.8.2018 - 22.8.2018, 10.8.2019 - 25.8.2019, 7.8.2020 - 23.8.2020, 6.8.2021 - 22.8.2021, 5.8.2022 - 23.8.2022, 6.8.2023 - 31.8.2023, 10.08.2024 - 27.08.202431,32,33 (2012) 32,33,34 (2013) 32,33,34 (2014)annualhttp://www.festival-radovljica.siRadovljica Early Music Society+386 / 4 531 2291Festival RadovljicaLinhartov trg 1SI-4240 Radovljica
Rdeči revirji! - Red Beats! Festival2,00328.5.2015 - 6.6.2015, 26.5.2016 - 4.6.2016, 25.5.2017 - 3.6.2017, 25.5.2018 - 10.6.2018, 23.5.2019 - 2.6.2019, 22.7.2020 - 26.7.2020, 24.6.2021 - 31.8.2021, 1.6.2022 - 24.6.2022, 25.5.2023 - 3.6.2023, 23.5.2024 - 22.6.202421 (2012) 20,21,22 (2013) 21,22 (2014)annual (in 2020, the entire festival was realised as a streaming event)http://rdecirevirji.siVitkar InstituteFestival Rdeči revirji!SI-1430 Hrastnik
SAXGO International Saxophone Meeting1,99727.6.2015 - 4.7.2015, 29.6.2016 - 10.7.2016, 3.7.2017 - 8.7.2017, 29.6.2018 - 7.7.2018, 1.7.2019 - 6.7.2019, 25.6.2021 – 1.7.2021, 28.6.2022 – 8.7.2022, 26.6.2023 – 2.7.2023, 28.6.2024 - 5.7.202426 (2012) 26,27 (2013) 26,27 (2014)annual Gorica Arts Centre+386 / 5 335 4010Mednarodno srečanje saksofonistovBevkov trg 4SI-5000 Nova Gorica
Sajeta Creative Camp1,99829.7.2015 - 1.8.2015, 11.7.2016 - 17.7.2016, 3.7.2017 - 9.7.2017, 2.7.2018 - 8.7.2018, 1.7.2019 - 7.7.2019, 29.7.2020 - 6.9.2020, 6.7.2021 - 11.7.2021, 5.7.2022 - 10.7.2022, 5.7.2023 - 9.7.2023, 3.7.2024 - 7.7.202430 (2012) 31 (2013) 31 (2014)annualhttp://www.sajeta.orgTolmin Union of Youth Associations
MMC Mink Multimedia Centre
+386 / 59 014 087Kreativni tabor SajetaGregorčičeva 2SI-5220 Tolmin
Sanje ('Dreams') Festival2,00227.8.2015 - 29.8.2015, 30.6.2016 - 3.7.2016, 29.6.2017 - 1.7.2017, 29.6.2018 - 1.7.2018, 27.6.2019 - 30.6.2019, 28.8.2020 - 30.8.2020, 24.6.2021 - 27.6.2021, 28.8.2022 - 30.8.2022, 23.6.2023 -25.6.2023, 20.6.2024 - 23.6.202437,38,39 (2012) 34,35 (2013) 35,36,37,38,39 (2014)annual ('Dreams') Publishing House+386 / 1 514 1628, 386 / 1 514 1629Festival SanjeLeskoškova cesta 12SI-1000 Ljubljana
Seviqc22.6.2015 - 11.11.2015, 22.6.2016 - 29.10.2016, 21.3.2017, 10.7.2017 - 1.12.2017, 20.6.2018 - 25.8.2018, 14.8.2019 - 24.8.2019, 8.8.2020 - 22.8.2020, 7.8.2021 - 23.8.2021, 12.8.2022 - 17.8.2022, 12.8.2023 - 22.8.2023, 9.8.2024 - 23.8.202425,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35 (2012) 13,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,39,44 (2013) 25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36 (2014)annual Ramovš+386 / 1 242 0812, 386 / 51 303 040Seviqc Brežice FestivalSlovenska cesta 1SI-1000 Ljubljana
Shots International Short Film Festival2,0164.8.2016 - 6.8.2016, 3.8.2017 - 5.8.2017, 2.8.2018 - 4.8.2018, 1.8.2019 - 4.8.2019, 6.8.2020 - 8.8.2020, 5.8.2021 - 7.8.2021, 3.8.2022 - 6.8.2022, 3.8.2023 - 5.8.2023, 1.8.2024 - 3.8.2024, 26.7.2025 - 2.8.2025Annual Art Society SloveniaShots, mednarodni festival kratkega filmaRotenturn, Šolska ulica 5SI-2380 Slovenj Gradec
Slovene Book Days1,99620.4.2015 - 24.4.2015, 18.4.2016 - 23.4.2016, 19.4.2017 - 23.4.2017, 18.4.2018 - 22.4.2018, 15.5.2019 - 18.5.2019, 27.5.2020 - 31.5.2020, 16.6.2021 - 24.6.2021, 15.6.2022 - 19.6.2022, 14.6.2023 - 18.6.2023, 6.6.2024 - 9.6.202416,17 (2012) 16,17 (2013) 16 (2014)annual Writers’ Association+386 / 1 251 4144, 386 / 1 425 2340, 386 / 1 421 6430Slovenski dnevi knjigeTomšičeva ulica 12SI-1000 Ljubljana
Slovene Choirs Meeting in Šentvid, Stična1,97117.6.2012, 22.6.2013 - 23.6.2013, 21.6.2014 - 22.6.2014, 20.6.2015 - 21.6.2015, 18.6.2016 - 19.6.2016, 17.6.2017 - 18.6.2017, 16.6.2018 – 17.6.2018, 15.6.2019 – 16.6.2019, 18.6.2022 – 19.6.2022, 17.6.2023 – 18.6.2023, 15.6.2024 - 16.6.2024, 21.6.2025 - 22.6.2025 zborovska/tabor sentvid/sentvid 17/uvod tabor 17.htmCultural Association Slovene Choirs Meeting in Šentvid, Stična+386 / 1 788 7802Tabor slovenskih pevskih zborov v Šentvidu pri StičniŠentvid pri Stični 46SI-1295 Ivančna Gorica
Slovene Music Days1,98513.3.2015 - 17.3.2015, 15.4.2016 - 19.4.2016, 17.3.2017 - 21.3.2017, 12.4.2018 - 19.4.2018, 3.4.2019 - 17.4.2019, 14.4.2021 - 22.4.2021, 19.4.2022 - 24.4.2022, 21.3.2023 - 26.3.2023, 17.4.2024 - 23.4.2024, 7.4.2025 - 15.4.202511 (2012) 11 (2013) 11 (2014)annual (2020 edition cancelled due to Covid-19) Ljubljana Public Institute+386 / 1 241 6000Slovenski glasbeni dneviTrg francoske revolucije 1SI-1000 Ljubljana
Slovene Puppetry Biennial2,00110.9.2015 - 13.9.2015, 13.9.2017 - 16.9.2017, 11.9.2019 - 14.9.2019, 8.9.2021 - 11.9.2021, 6.9.2023 - 9.9.202340 (2011), 38 (2013)biennial Artists Institution of Slovenia
Maribor Puppet Theatre
Bienale slovenskih lutkarjevDraveljska 44SI-1000 Ljubljana
Slovenian Advertising Festival (SOF)1,99126.3.2015 - 27.3.2015, 7.4.2016 - 8.4.2016, 6.4.2017 - 7.4.2017, 12.4.2018 - 13.4.2018, 11.4.2019 - 12.4.2019, 10.9.2020, 9.9.2021 - 10.9.2021, 14.6.2022 - 15.6.2022, 14.6.2023 - 15.6.2023, 6.6.2024 - 7.6.2024, 15.5.2025 - 16.5.202513 (2012) 12 (2013) 13 (2014)annual Advertising Chamber+386 / 1 439 6050Slovenski oglaševalski festival (SOF)Letališka cesta 35SI-1000 Ljubljana
Slovenian Caricature Festival2,01222.9.2012 - 23.9.2012, 22.9.2013, 20.9.2014, 18.10.2015 - 18.11.2015, 22.10.2016annual / 31 720573, 386 / 59 250 549Festival karikaturePoljane nad Škofjo Loko 70SI-4223 Poljane nad Škofjo Loko
Slovenian Polka and Waltz Festival1,99523.4.2015 - 24.4.2015, 8.4.2016, 7.4.2017, 31.5.2019, 23.10.2020, 12.2.2021, 8.9.2022, 22.9.2023annualčekRadio-Television Slovenia (RTV Slovenia)Festival Slovenska polka in valček
Snowdrops and Primroses Festival23.2.2015, 23.2.2016, 7.3.2017, 27.2.2018, 5.3.2019, 25.2.2020, 9.2.2021, 8.2.2022, 14.2.2023, 13.2.2024 - 14.2.2024, 11.2.2025 Zvončki in trobentice, mini festival slovenske glasbene ustvarjalnosti
Sonica International Festival of Transitory Art2,0095.11.2015 - 7.11.2015, 27.9.2016 – 1.10.2016, 25.9.2017 – 30.9.2017, 24.9.2018 - 29.9.2018, 23.9.2019 - 28.9.2019, 22.9.2020 - 26.9.2020, 27.9.2021 - 2.10.2021, 20.09.2022 - 24.09.2022, 19.04.2023 - 22.04.2023, 18.4.2024 - 20.4.2024, 15.4.2025 - 18.4.202546 (2012) 24,25,48 (2013) 48 (2014)annualhttp://sonica.siMoTA Museum of Transitory Art+386 / 40 809 809Sonica International Festival of Transitory ArtRožna dolina cesta II/36SI-1000 Ljubljana
Sound Explicit Festival2,0038.9.2015 - 9.9.2015, 5.9.2016 - 6.9.2016, 4.9.2017 - 5.9.2017, 3.9.2018 - 4.9.2018, 2.9.2019 - 3.9.2019, 7.9.2020 - 8.9.2020, 6.9.2021 - 7.9.2021, 12.9.2022 - 14.9.2022, 4.9.2023 - 5.9.202337 (2011) 40 (2012) 37 (2013) 39 (2014)annual Institute+386 / 1 420 18 91Festival Sound ExplicitHruševska 66SI-1000 Ljubljana
Spectrum Festival2,0019.9.2015 - 11.9.2015, 20.7.2017, 27.7.2016, 10.9.2016, 12.7.2017 - 2.8.2017, 26.4.2018, 11.7.2018, 18.7.2018, 23.7.2018, 3.7.2019, 9.7.2019, 17.7.2019, 1.7.2020, 15.9.2020, 13.7.2022 - 27.7.2022, 3.7.2023 - 12.7.2023, 1.7.2024 - 8.7.202415 (2011) 15,16,17,18,39,40,41,42,43 (2012) 14 (2013) 42,43 (2014)annual for Promotion of Chamber Music Spektrum
Festival Ljubljana Public Institute
+386 / 1 231 6310Festival SpectrumTrubarjeva 10SI-1000 Ljubljana
Speculum Artium Festival2,00815.10.2015 - 17.10.2015, 13.10.2016 - 15.10.2016, 14.9.2017 - 16.9.2017, 13.9.2018 - 15.9.2018, 17.10.2019 - 19.10.2019, 15.10.2020 - 17.10.2020, 23.9.2021 - 25.9.2021, 22.9.2022 - 24.9.2022, 20.9.2023 - 23.9.2023, 18.9.2024 - 21.9.202416 (2012) 41 (2013) 40 (2014)annual dom Trbovlje Cultural Centre+386 / 3 563 3481Speculum Artium, festival novomedijske umetnostiTrg svobode 11aSI-1420 Trbovlje
Spider Festival2,01018.3.2011 - 21.3.2011, 25.3.2012 - 26.3.2012, 27.9.2013 - 28.9.2013, 28.5.2014, 13.6.2015 - 14.6.2015, 2.6.2016 - 3.6.2016, 14.9.2017 - 16.9.2017, 12.9.2018 - 16.9.2018, 11.9.2019 - 15.9.2019, 17.6.2020 - 20.6.2020, 16.6.2021 - 20.6.2021, 15.6.2022 - 19.6.2022, 14.6.2023 - 17.6.2023, 19.6.2024 - 23.6.2024, 18.6.2025 - 22.6.2025annual AssociationFestival Spider
Stiropor Festival2,01413.6.2014 - 27.6.2014, 24.6.2015, 26.10.2016 - 29.10.2016, 11.10.2017 - 14.10.2017, 18.10.2018 - 19.10.2018, 11.10.2019annual CollectiveFestival StiroporŽidovska steza 2SI-1000 Ljubljana
Stična Festival2,00020.11.2015 - 5.12.2015, 18.11.2016 - 3.12.2016, 17.11.2017 - 2.12.2017, 24.11.2018 - 8.12.2018, 15.11.2019 - 7.12.2019, 19.11.2021 - 4.12.2021, 18.11.2022 - 3.12.2022, 3.10.2023 - 28.10.2023, 22.11.2024 - 30.11.202446,47,48 (2011) 47,48,49 (2013) 47,48,49 (2014)annual (2020 edition cancelled, next one due in 2021) društvo StičnaFestival StičnaStična 11SI-1295 Ivančna Gorica
Stoptrik International Film Festival2,0111.10.2015 - 4.10.2015, 27.10.2016 - 30.10.2016, 5.10.2017 - 8.10.2017, 4.10.2018 - 7.10.2018, 3.10.2019 - 6.10.2019, 8.10.2020 - 11.10.2020, 29.9.2021 - 3.10.2021, 28.9.2021 - 2.10.2021, 14.11.2022 - 20.11.2022, 27.9.2023 - 1.10.2023, 25.9.2024 - 29.9.202424 (2011) 36 (2012) 39 (2013) 40 (2014)annual Magdalena Network+386 / 2 300 7870, 386 / 2 300 6850Mednarodni filmski festival StoptrikOb železnici 8SI-2000 Maribor
Stories Today Festival1,99819.3.2015 - 21.3.2015, 7.3.2016 - 11.3.2016, 15.3.2017 - 18.3.2017, 16.3.2018 - 24.3.2018, 21.3.2019 - 30.3.2019, 2.7.2021 - 4.7.2021, 19.3.2022 - 25.3.2022, 17.3.2023 - 25.3.2023, 15.3.2024 - 24.3.2024, 1.3.2025 - 9.3.202510,11,12 (2011) 12,13 (2012) 11,12,13,14,15,16,17 (2013) 12 (2014)annual (2020 cancelled due to COVID-19)https://pripovedovalskifestival.siCankarjev dom, Cultural and Congress Centre
Slovene Ethnographic Museum
Association of Slovene Museums
+386 / 1 241 7100Pripovedovalski festival Pravljice danesSI-1000 Ljubljana
SubArt Festival2,0096.7.2012 - 14.7.2012, 5.7.2013 - 13.7.2013, 4.7.2013 - 12.7.2013, 3.7.2015 – 11.7.2015, 1.7.2016 – 9.7.2016, 30.6.2017 - 9.7.2017, 28.6.2018 - 8.7.2018, 28.6.2019 - 8.7.2019, 25.6.2024 - 25.7.2024annualhttp://subart.siKUD SubArtSubArt FestivalKolodvorska 8SI-4000 Kranj
Summer Puppet Pier Festival1,9908.8.2015 - 31.8.2015, 6.8.2016 - 31.8.2016, 5.8.2017 - 28.8.2017, 3.8.2018 - 26.8.2018, 3.8.2019 - 31.8.2019, 1.8.2020 - 31.8.2020, 1.8.2021 - 31.8.2021, 6.8.2022 - 31.8.2022, 1.8.2023 - 31.8.2023, 17.8.2024 - 1.9.202431,32,33,34,35 (2012) 31,32,33,34,35,36 (2013) 31,32,33,34,35,36 (2014)annual Puppet Theatre+386 / 2 228 1979Poletni lutkovni pristan - mednarodni lutkovni festival, MariborVojašniški trg 2SI-2000 Maribor
Summer Stage Festival Ruše2,00023.8.2012 - 2.9.2012, 23.8.2013 - 1.9.2013, 21.8.2014 - 31.8.2014, 14.8.2015 - 30.8.2015, 19.8.2016 - 28.8.2016, 18.8.2017 - 27.8.2017, 24.8.2018 - 1.9.2018, 16.8.2019 - 23.8.2019, 13.8.2020 - 16.8.2020, 13.8.2021 - 22.8.2021, 11.8.2022 - 21.8.2022, 10.8.2023 - 20.8.2023, 10.8.2024 - 18.8.2024annual / 2 668 8446Festival Letni oder RušePod goroj 20SI-2342 Ruše
Summer in Velenje Festival1,98416.6.2012 - 2.9.2012, 27.6.2013 - 31.8.2013, 27.6.2014 - 31.8.2014, 24.6.2015 - 31.8.2015, 30.6.2016 - 31.8.2016, 24.6.2017 - 3.9.2017, 20.6.2018 - 31.8.2018, 25.6.2019 - 24.8.2019, 2.6.2020 - 31.8.2020, 1.6.2021 - 12.8.2021, 3.6.2022 - 31.8.2022, 1.6.2023 - 31.8.2023, 1.6.2024 - 31.8.2024annualhttp://www.festival-velenje.siFestival VelenjePoletje v VelenjuTitov trg 4SI-3320 Velenje
TRESK Festival19.3.2015 - 20.3.2015, 17.3.2016 - 18.3.2016, 9.3.2017 - 10.3.2017, 15.3.2018 - 16.3.2018, 12.4.2019 - 13.4.2019, 25.9.2020 - 3.10.2020, 16.9.2021 - 18.9.2021, 15.9.2022 - 17.9.2022, 31.8.2023 - 2.9.2023, 27.3.2024 - 29.3.2024, 2.4.2025 - 5.4.202510 (2012) 11 (2013) 12 (2014)annualhttp://tresk.siRadio Študent (RŠ)+386 / 1 242 8800TRESK festivalCesta 27. aprila 31SI-1000 Ljubljana
Tartini Festival2,00122.8.2015 - 12.9.2015, 19.8.2016 - 5.9.2016, 17.8.2017 - 3.9.2017, 2.8.2018 - 8.9.2018, 20.8.2019 - 8.9.2019, 20.8.2020 - 7.9.2020, 21.8.2021 - 11.9.2021, 27.8.2022 - 9.9.2022, 2.8.2023 - 2.9.2023, 24.8.2024 - 8.9.202434,35,36 (2012) 33,34,35,36 (2013) 34,35,36,37 (2014)Annual Lib-art+386 / 31 419 016, 386 / 40 187 803 .mobiles.Tartini festivalLevstikova 7SI-6330 Piran-Pirano
Tinta Festival2,01314.9.2013, 21.6.2014, 7.10.2015 – 10.10.2015, 5.10.2016 - 9.10.2016, 10.10.2017 - 14.10.2017, 2.10.2018 - 14.10.2018, 5.10.2019 - 13.10.2019, 7.10.2020 - 11.10.2020, 6.10.2021 - 10.10.2021, 5.10.2022 - 9.10.2022, 4.10.2023 - 7.10.2023, 9.10.2024 - 13.10.2024annual Institute
Kino Šiška Centre for Urban Culture
TINTA, Festival stripa LjubljanaSI-1000 Ljubljana
Tolminator Festival25.07.2023 - 29.07.2023, 24.07.2024 - 28.07.2024, 23.7.2025 - 27.7.2025 d.o.oTolminatorTomišelj 54SI-1292, Ig
Topographies of Sound Festival2,01730.9.2017 – 4.10.2017, 28.9.2018 – 4.10.2018, 16.9.2019 - 20.9.2019, 15.9.2020 - 19.9.2020, 4.8.2021 - 6.8.2021, 6.9.2022 - 8.9.2022, 17.11.2023 - 18.11.2023annualŠKUC AssociationTopografije zvoka festival zvočnih umetnostiStari trg 21SI-1000 Ljubljana
Translation Pranger Festival2,01930.9.2019 - 9.12.2019, 26.10.2020 - 7.12.2020, 11.1.2021, 27.9.2021, 30.9.2021, 24.10.2022, 5.12.2022, 19.12.2022, 18.1.2023, 11.10.2023, 13.11.2023, 21.11.2023, 17.1.2024, 11.11.2024, 4.12.2024, 22.1.2025annualhttp://www.pranger.siKUD Pranger Cultural Association+386 / 31 258 116Prevodni PrangerUlica heroja Tomšiča 9 ASI-2000 Maribor
Tribute to a Vision Film Festival1,99921.11.2012 - 28.11.2012, 27.2.2014 - 28.3.2014, 20.11.2014 - 25.11.2014, 24.11.2015 - 30.11.2015, 23.11.2016 - 29.11.2016, 24.11.2017 - 30.11.2017, 15.10.2018 - 22.10.2018, 13.10.2019 - 20.10.2019, 2.10.2020 - 11.10.2020, 18.10.2021 - 22.10.2021, 13.10.2022 - 21.10.2022, 16.10.2023 - 22.10.2023, 8.10.2024 - 13.10.2024 Institute
+39 / 4 813 3580Filmski festival Poklon vizijiKinoatelje, Piazza della Vittoria/Travnik 4134170 Gorizia-Gorica
Trnje Festival1,99810.7.2015 - 11.7.2015, 8.7.2016 - 9.7.2016, 6.7.2017 - 8.7.2017, 12.7.2018 - 13.7.2018, 12.7.2019, 9.7.2021 - 10.7.2021, 8.7.2022 - 9.7.2022, 7.7.2023 - 8.7.2023, 12.7.2024 - 13.7.2024, 11.7.2025 - 12.7.202527 (2012) 28 (2013) 28 (2014)annual Youth Centre
Pivka House of Culture
+386 / 5 726 1697, 386 / 31 510 826, 386 / 41 629 089Festival drugačne glasbe TrnjePrekomorskih brigad 6SI-6230 Postojna
Trnovfest Festival2,0191.8.2019 - 31.8.2019, 30.7.2020 - 29.8.2020, 2.8.2021 - 31.8.2021annualCentre of Slavic Cultures France PrešerenTrnovfestKarunova ulica 14SI-1000 Ljubljana
U3 Triennial of Contemporary Slovene Arts1,99420.6.2013 - 29.9. 2013, 3.6.2016 - 18.9.2016, 10.10.2019 - 31.12.2019, 1.1.2020 - 12.1.2020, 21.6.2024 - 17.11.202424,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39 (2013)triennially galerija / Museum of Modern Art, Ljubljana plus Museum of Contemporary Art Metelkova+386 / 1 241 6825U3 - trienale sodobne slovenske umetnostiMaistrova 3SI-1000 Ljubljana
Ukrep - Festival of Dance Perspectives2,00815.6.2014 - 17.6.2014, 16.6.2016 - 19.6.2016, 14.6.2018 - 17.6.2018, 12.6.2020 - 15.6.2020, 4.6.2021 - 12.6.2021, 1.6.2022 - 5.6.2022, 25.6.2023 - 2.7.202321,22,23 (2012) 25 (2014)biennial (2020) Theatre Ljubljana+386 / 1 430 8344Festival plesnih perspektiv UkrepMetelkova 6SI-1000 Ljubljana
Unicum Contemporary Music Festival1,99814.2.2017 - 22.2.2017, 6.10.2019 - 10.10.2019, 15.05.2023 - 30.09.202341,42 (2012)biennial (next 2021) of Slovene Composers+386 / 1 241 56 60Unicum - festival sodobne glasbeTrg francoske revolucije 6/ISI-1000 Ljubljana
Urbano Dejanje2,01510.8.2015 – 16.8.2015, 8.8.2016 – 14.8.2016, 7.8.2017 - 13.8.2017, 21.8.2018 - 25.8.2018, 25.6.2020, 20.8.2020 - 28.8.2020, 2.10.2020, 17.6.2021 - 25.6.2021, 30.7.2021 - 20.8.2021, 11.8.2022 - 22.8.2022annualLightboxUrbano Dejanje (UD)
V-F-X Ljubljana7.7.2021 - 9.7.2021, 19.5.2022 - 21.5.2022, 11.5.2023 - 14.5.2023, 15.5.2024 – 18.5.2024annual Ljubljana, Slovenian CinemathequeV-F-X Ljubljana
Video in Progress Festival2,00814.6.2016 - 15.6.201645,46,47 (2011) 23 (2014)Biennial Institute
Photon Gallery
Video in Progress FestivalTeslova 24SI-1000 Ljubljana
Videofestival Natures2,00211.4.2017 - 14.4.2017, 10.4.2018 - 13.4.2018, 9.4.2019 - 12.4.2019, 28.12.2020 – 31.12.2020, 3.1.2021, 30.12.2022, 4.1.2023, 2.4.2024 - 5.4.2024, 7.1.2025 - 10.1.2025Annualžigrajska galerija+386 / 1 436 6957Videofestival NaraveDunajska 31SI-1000 Ljubljana
Vilenica International Literary Festival1,9861.9.2015 - 6.9.2015, 6.9.2016 - 11.9.2016, 5.9.2017 - 10.9.2017, 4.9.2018 - 9.9.2018, 10.9.2019 - 15.9.2019, 8.9.2020 - 13.9.2020, 7.9.2021 - 12.9.2021, 5.9.2022 - 11.9.2022, 5.9.2023 - 10.9.2023, 2.9.2024 – 7.9.202436 (2012) 37 (2013) 36 (2014)annual Writers’ Association
KUD Vilenica Art Society
+386 / 1 251 4144Mednarodni literarni festival VilenicaVilenica International Literary Festival, Društvo slovenskih pisateljev, Tomšičeva 12SI-1000 Ljubljana
Vurberk Folk Pop Festival1,99216.6.2012, 15.6.2013, 21.6.2014, 27.6.2015, 18.6.2016, 17.6.2017, 22.6.2018, 21.6.2019, 25.6.2021, 16.6.2023, 16.6.2024 - 21.6.2024annual (2020 edition cancelled due to Covid-19) Tourist OfficeFestival narodnozabavne glasbe VurberkVurberk 85SI-2241 Spodnji Duplek
Winter Days of Metal Festival2,01719.3.2017 - 25.3.2017, 31.1.2018 - 4.2.2018, 29.11.2018 - 2.12.2018, 28.11.2019 - 30.11.2019Annual d.o.o.Zimski metal festivalTriglavska cesta 60SI-4264 Bohinjska Bistrica
World Literatures - Fabula Festival28.2.2015 - 8.3.2015, 27.2.2016 - 7.3.2016, 3.3.2017 - 11.3.2017, 2.3.2018 - 10.3.2018, 2.3.2019 - 9.3.2019, 26.2.2020 - 8.3.2020, 8.5.2021 - 6.6.2021, 4.3.2022 - 15.4.2022, 1.3.2023 - 30.3.2023, 1.3.2024 - 22.3.2024, 1.3.2025 - 21.3.20259,10 (2012) 9,10 (2013) 9,10 (2014) 9,10 (2015)annualhttps://festival-fabula.orgBeletrina Publishing Institute
Cankarjev dom, Cultural and Congress Centre
+386 / 1 200 3717Literature sveta - FabulaKersnikova ulica 4SI-1000 Ljubljana
Young Rhymes2,00818.6.2012 - 28.6.2012, 17.6.2013 – 1.7.2013, 16.6.2014 – 30.6.2014, 25.6.2015 - 26.6.2015, 20.6.2016 - 28.6.2016, 12.6.2017 - 16.6.2017, 24.4.2018, 28.5.2018, 25.6.2018 - 26.6.2018, 24.6.2019, 24.2.2020, 15.9.2021, 20.10.2021, 17.11.2021, 20.1.2022, 24.3.2022, 18.6.2022, 13.10.2022, 22.12.2022, 29.5.2023, 26.6.2023, 25.11.2024annual Kentaver+386 / 1 434 0345Mlade rimeMasarykova 24SI-1000 Ljubljana
ZEBRA Film Festival27. 7. 2024Annual International Short Film FestivalZEBRA, festival animiranega filmaRotenturn, Šolska ulica 5SI-2380 Slovenj Gradec
ZIZ Festival2,01918.4.2019 - 19.4.2019, 22.11.2020 - 27.11.2020, 6.9.2021 - 11.9.2021, 10.10.2022 - 16.10.2022, 16.10.2023 - 22.10.2023, 8.10.2024 - 12.10.2024annual ZIZPekarna-Magdalenske mreže, Ob železnici 8SI-2000 Maribor
Zasavje Noisefest International2,0146.6.2014 - 7.6.2014, 5.6.2015 - 7.6.2015, 3.6.2016 - 4.6.2016, 2.6.2017 - 3.6.2017, 8.6.2018 - 9.6.2018, 6.9.2019 - 7.9.2019annual - Association for Theory and Practice of Experimental/Noise Sound ArtZasavje Noisefest InternationalTrbovlje
Zmaj 'ma mlade Festival1,99718.8.2015 - 30.8.2015, 16.8.2016 - 28.8.2016, 21.8.2017 - 3.9.2017, 21.8.2018 - 2.9.2018, 21.8.2019 - 1.9.2019, 25.8.2020 - 6.9.2020, 24.8.2021 - 5.9.2021, 23.8.2022 - 4.9.2022, 29.8.2023 - 10.9.2023, 27.8.2024 - 8.9.202433,34,35 (2012) 34,35 (2013) 34,35 (2014)annualhttp://www.zmaj-ma-mlade.comPostojna Youth Centre+386 / 5 726 3286, 386 / 51 840 004Zmaj 'ma mlade festivalVilharjeva 14aSI-6230 Postojna
ČrnFest2,00815.8.2015 - 29.8.2015, 13.8.2016 - 27.8.2016, 12.8.2017 - 26.8.2017, 17.8.2018 - 1.9.2018, 17.8.2019 - 31.8.2019, 23.8.2020 - 28.8.2020, 21.8.2021 - 28.8.2021, 19.8.2022 - 3.9.2022, 17.8.2023 - 26.8.2023, 17.8.2024 - 26.8.202431,32,33,34 (2011) 31,32,33,34 (2012) 33,34,35 (2013) 33,34,35 (2014)annualhttp://crnfest.siKlub belokranjskih študentov
Bela krajina Youth Cultural Club (MKK Črnomelj)
ČrnFestTrg avobode 1SI-8340 Črnomelj
Škofja Loka Passion Play1,99921.3.2015 - 12.4.2015occasional (next in 2026)http://www.pasijon.siMunicipality of Škofja Loka+386 / 51 335 543Škofjeloški pasijonMestni trg 16SI-4220 Škofja Loka
Števerjan Festival1,9716.7.2012 - 8.7.2012, 5.7.2013 - 7.7.2013, 4.7.2014 - 6.7.2014, 3.7.2015 - 5.7.2015, 1.7.2016 - 3.7.2016, 7.7.2017 - 9.7.2017, 6.7.2018 - 8.7.2018, 5.7.2019 - 7.7.2019, 3.7.2020 - 5.7.2020, 1.7.2022 - 3.7.2022, 30.6.2023, 2.7.2023, 6.7.2024 - 7.7.2024, 4.7.2025 - 6.7.2025annual B. Sedej SocietyFestival ŠteverjanIT-34070 Števerjan